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After all this bashing of the ending I'm just hoping I can find a way to take it as "Hey, sometimes no matter what you do or how hard you try, things don't always work out". You guys don't need to tell me otherwise, that way I don't go into even more jaded, I just thought I'd throw that idea out there.

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Beat the Long Gui today! But fuck, Yomi is a bitch. Aiming for 100% completion. Working on getting Rolling in CP so I can then grind and get everything to Level 99 before I take on Yomi again. Need to find a half decent Sab monster for it too...

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You actually felt motivation to keep playing after that ending? I don't know if you're blindly loyal, or enjoy self harm <_<

Oh I'm pissed at the ending, sure, but the actual game was so much fun outside of that, I actually wanted to play more. Assuming ME3 doesn't make me completely forget about it, I think I may 100% this game.

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So look's like there's going to be DLC detailing the game from Lightning's point of view. Or just her first battle with Caius.

Because that'll make up for the piss poor excuse for an ending! (Yes, I'm still bitter about it.)

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Flirting with Don Corneo is the greatest.

The entire Wall Garden section is absolutely bonkers, I love it. With all the off-shoots, sequels, prequels and spin-offs to Final Fantasy VII, it's amazing that not one of them realised that half the appeal of VII was that it never quite took itself seriously for too long, there was always something like Don Corneo to balance out the hard plot.

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