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Level up in Oerba for awhile then start with SYN/SAB/RAV against Caius to give you a boost to win. Then go through all the gates in Sunleth Paradise to weaken the flan through paradoxes.

Yeah, I just went grinding for a bit, and then killed Caius. Cheers anyway.

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Level up in Oerba for awhile then start with SYN/SAB/RAV against Caius to give you a boost to win. Then go through all the gates in Sunleth Paradise to weaken the flan through paradoxes.

Yeah, I just went grinding for a bit, and then killed Caius. Cheers anyway.

I'm honestly shocked you needed a Syn/Sab combo to fight him. I levelled a little after failing the first time and ended up staggering and defeating him in like, a minute and a half.

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Edit: I have a chocobo and I am now happy :)

Edit 2: "Oh, I wish that just once I could munch on some grass, without a man coming to pull a tuft from my.............side." :D

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That's quite a deal. Definitely worth it...although, I have been slacking on my play recently...I just got to Acamedia or whatever it's called...in the year 400.

That's where I am. Haven't had much of a chance to play, but when I've had a brief chance I haven't bothered seeing as there's no grinding to be done there and my guide says the Historia Crux will be disabled if I go any further for a while.

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I am sad, some of my classes won't be learning any more abilities :( I am at that point for Noel's commando and Serah's medic I think.

You still get stat boosts to go with it.

Anyone tackle the Lightning DLC yet? I want it, but, I mean... is she even any good? What is she, Commando? My current Commando (Dragoon, fucking love it) has 500 attack and pretty much kills everything in a few shots. Is it worth getting Lightning?

Also, what's the deal with post game stuff to do? Without spoilers, if possible? I'm guessing the Long Gui is one of them, but is there much else? For as much as XIII-2 is an improvement and still has a lot of extra stuff to do, it almost still feels like there's not much in the way of side quests. Most of them are either "Kill this." or "Find this in this timeline and bring it back here" FF needs more Dark Aeon style boss fights and optional dungeons.

Other things I really miss? Ultimate Weapons that require like, doing a mission, killing some tough enemy or doing SOMETHING challenging to get. Summons/GFs/Aeons that are actually worth using! I mean, surely the old school Animation + Large Damage approach would work great in the XIII's battle system? Throw in some QTE if you must, just make it worth it. Same with Limit Breaks/Overdrive. If it weren't for the trophy, I'd barely bother using the Feral Link, because it's not really worth it. XIII-2 fixed a lot of the problems, definitely, but it almost feels like they didn't really see a problem. "What, the fans want this? Why? Fine..."

Still a good game and an improvement on XIII, I just wish the fixes they made were ones that they wanted to and not just because of the fan outcry over the problems.

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Also, what's the deal with post game stuff to do? Without spoilers, if possible? I'm guessing the Long Gui is one of them, but is there much else? For as much as XIII-2 is an improvement and still has a lot of extra stuff to do, it almost still feels like there's not much in the way of side quests. Most of them are either "Kill this." or "Find this in this timeline and bring it back here" FF needs more Dark Aeon style boss fights and optional dungeons.

after you complete the game you get some extra missions (you have to activate and kill all the cactuars) you get 3 extra missions to kill 3 strong monsters, the long gui you can kill it whenever you want. also you can see the other endings (need the paradox scope). also some monsters appear after you beat the game and you need them to complete the bestiary to get a fragment.

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Man, sometimes FF can really put things in the wrong order.

So I want the final weapons for XIII-2. To do that, you need to get a Chaos Crystal for 75,000 coins at Serendipty. Best way to get coins? Race Chocobos. But Chocobos are monsters that need to be a high level to really earn any decent money. Best way to level Chocobo's? Farm materials. For the Gold Chocobo I have, that's Level 4 Materials from Archetype Steppe. The best way to Farm Materials is to get the Catalouge Collecter, which improves enemy drops. But to get the Catalouge Collecter, you need to have a good enough Chocobo to win it... which, is pretty much max level. So I was grinding for materials, so that I could win a race to get me a Catalouge Collecter... so that I could grind for materials that I'd no longer need.

In the end I realized I haven't spend any money for like the second half of the game and just purchased the coins I needed for the Chaos Crystal. And I still had like 10,000 gil left afterwards.

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It's "you need a Gold Chocobo to get Knights Of The Round, and you can get a Gold Chocobo by beating Ruby Weapon, but if you've beaten Ruby Weapon you either already have or don't need Knights Of The Round" all over again!

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Nah, KOTR was for Emerald, Ruby was easy enough to beat with the fallen party trick and Omnislash/Mime combo.

Don't think I ever used KOTR on Emerald - it was all about W-Magic, Mime, Barrier/All, Demi/All for him. Ruby was always just a clusterfuck for me - summon Hades at the start, and then pretty much throw strategy out of the window and just hope against hope. I think one time I just kept restarting the console and trying out Cait Sith's limit break, hoping to get the instant death one >_>

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