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Yeah, it's really just a nod to the earlier series.

In semi-related news, I wasn't aware that a lot of the team from FFVII are still working on the latest FF games. I think that makes me sad considering how XIII turned out. Looking forward to trying out XIII-2 though. I think I'll be grinding the shit out of it when I get it.

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The problem is that most of the ideas people left around/after the Enix merger. You can have as many ingredients for the recipe as you like, but without the right chef it can still wind up tasting less like Death By Chocolate and more Death By Burned Turd.

Having said that, XIII-2 is the most instant fun I've had since X (I did grow to like XII in it's own way), and barring the fact it's basically stolen from it's developer's own series' (general time change from Chrono Trigger, a lot of the concept from Chaos Rings, characters blatantly designed for Kingdom Hearts, and the battle style being mostly unchanged from XIII, despite the fact that even X-2 changed stuff around on the best battle system the series has ever had), it's actually very playable and could be fun to come back to.

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It isn't, but there's a lot of DLC supposedly coming for it. Though the chocobo racing is much more interesting and quite difficult without some time investing in it.

Secret Tip for anyone looking to do it...

When you are in Academia 4XXF, go to where Hope is, and throw Mog into the big green holographic Pulse/Cocoon (not sure if you need Advanced Moogling or not). After a couple of attempts, you should get a Silver Chocobo, which is basically the best chocobo you can get, and the only one in the game. Train it up well!

I'll likely finish the story tonight, then try and do some fragment clearing before moving on to Dragon Age, Enslaved, or White Knight Chronicles.

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My local GAME store just had no stock of this. Like, at all! As in, it's not that they ran out, but they just never even had any arrive. That's so fucking annoying it's unreal. Keep in mind the game came out on Friday and they would have known about this before hand! So annoyed.

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They had that too! Like, behind the counter, on show to everyone next to the guide! It was so infuriating. It's like... don't have the cases out and in the CHART section when you don't have any to sell, what's the point!?

Man. I was so looking forward to playing it today as well. :(

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I am on the second half of chapter 3, I think....

I found Hope and talked to him...and now I found Snow and helped him fight off the giant fucking Flan! YAY SNOW!!!


Also, is it possible to beat a Behemoth at this point and time? I have a quest to get a tooth....

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