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Don't know if you've played it but FF Tactics has a job/class system, although as the name suggests that's a tactical RPG, so that might not be what you're looking for. Still, Tactics remains one of my favorite FF titles to this day. It does indeed have Dragoons, though I think they call em Lancers in that game for whatever reason (I imagine that's just another part of the overall silly translation in the game).

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I'll second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth Tactics. Tactics Advance on the GBA has a job system as well, as do the other Tactics spinoffs (War of the Lions, Grimoire of the Rift)

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ARGH. Fuck Wakka, Fuck Blitzball and especially fuck the first game you play of it, where the odds are stupidly stacked. I go 1 up in the first half, great! Second half, they get the ball back and because you can't control fucking anything if they've got the ball, relying on the AI which is completely useless, they score. Then of course, as I'm about to go for a shot with Tidus, the fucking cutscene comes in and not only starts over giving the other team the ball, but Wakka comes out who's stupidly worse than Tidus. They score AGAIN and I lose the game. God I fucking hate Blitzball. I am NOT looking forward to trying to get Wakkas Celestial Weapon.

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ARGH. Fuck Wakka, Fuck Blitzball and especially fuck the first game you play of it, where the odds are stupidly stacked. I go 1 up in the first half, great! Second half, they get the ball back and because you can't control fucking anything if they've got the ball, relying on the AI which is completely useless, they score. Then of course, as I'm about to go for a shot with Tidus, the fucking cutscene comes in and not only starts over giving the other team the ball, but Wakka comes out who's stupidly worse than Tidus. They score AGAIN and I lose the game. God I fucking hate Blitzball. I am NOT looking forward to trying to get Wakkas Celestial Weapon.

If you can't win that match with ease then you are awful. I managed it first time even without Jecht Shot.

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  • 1 month later...

So, a few more things have been released about XIII-2. I guess that's a plus to XIII bombing, they're letting us know everything they're doing to try and make us buy it. >_>

Personally, I'm still not convinced. Sure, it's nice they've added towns and what looks like a lot of mini-games, but my biggest problem with XIII was that if I had trouble with a boss fight or a certain area was kicking my ass, I couldn't do anything about it, I just had to deal with it with my current characters levels and equipment and it doesn't look like the lack of being able to level on your own has been addressed. I know a lot of people don't LIKE grinding, but too a lot of us, it's part of the charm of the series that you could always take an hour or two fighting random encounters if you were having problems. In XIII, it was just... this is what you've got. If you can't beat it... just try again and again until you get lucky.

Edited by tkz
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Funny thing though, I used a Holy War during the Ultemicia fight and it lasted for like, 10 minutes. Do they even run out? I mean, do you need more than one?

Old-ass question answering ahoy!

Anyway, don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty sure that the length of Heroes and Holy Wars is tied to the item user's Luck stat, just like, I think, the probability of Odin/Gilgamesh appearing and how often Squall chains Renzokuken into a finishing move.

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So, a few more things have been released about XIII-2. I guess that's a plus to XIII bombing, they're letting us know everything they're doing to try and make us buy it. >_>

Personally, I'm still not convinced. Sure, it's nice they've added towns and what looks like a lot of mini-games, but my biggest problem with XIII was that if I had trouble with a boss fight or a certain area was kicking my ass, I couldn't do anything about it, I just had to deal with it with my current characters levels and equipment and it doesn't look like the lack of being able to level on your own has been addressed. I know a lot of people don't LIKE grinding, but too a lot of us, it's part of the charm of the series that you could always take an hour or two fighting random encounters if you were having problems. In XIII, it was just... this is what you've got. If you can't beat it... just try again and again until you get lucky.

I'd hope they have the option of grinding, but I'm probably in the minority as I actually really enjoyed the combat/leveling system through most of FF13. I never felt over or underpowered until after I had beaten the game and was trying to finish up the Stones on Gran Pulse. I liked that if I was having trouble with a particular battle, it meant that I needed to change my strategy, not that I needed to beat up 100 goblins to gain a couple levels. Of everything that was wrong with FF13, I have not being able to grind near the bottom of my list. I mean, I hope that it does become an option and I think the fact that you aren't going down a solitary corridor for the entire game this time gives them a lot of space to allow grinding, but I liked the balance in FF13 and hope this game maintains it for people who don't want to grind.

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Funny thing though, I used a Holy War during the Ultemicia fight and it lasted for like, 10 minutes. Do they even run out? I mean, do you need more than one?

Old-ass question answering ahoy!

Anyway, don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty sure that the length of Heroes and Holy Wars is tied to the item user's Luck stat, just like, I think, the probability of Odin/Gilgamesh appearing and how often Squall chains Renzokuken into a finishing move.

That might explain it, I think I had something junctioned to Luck (I had most things junctioned to everything, all my GFs had all their skills) so it was probably pretty high. Thinking about it I don't think Ultemicia ever got much of a chance to attack me thanks to constant Renzoukan and Aura, so it's entirely possible it DID run out, I just didn't notice.

And I don't disagree with you Pizza, I think the game was alright at making you change up your strategy, but it seems so silly to me that there was just no OPTION for it. It definitely shouldn't be NEEDED, but to take away the option entirely? I mean, that's been a core part of the series since the first one and it definitely hurt it for me at least to lose that option. Especially when it's not just a case of changing the strategy, it's also a case of fighting for a good half an hour against one boss only to then lose and have to spend another half an hour. That didn't feel challenging to me in a good way, I'd really have appreciated the chance to get myself more prepared for it, rather than have to just try and do it with what I've got.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

More on FFXIII-2, featuring some interesting stuff about the time travel aspect of the game. Could really open the game up and make for a much more free experience than the previous game.


If it's half as open as it sounds, it could be fantastic and one of the kicks in the butt this series has needed for a while. I like the idea of having a lot more freedom too, I hope I can actually level myself up some this time around instead of just having to deal with everything at whatever level I was already at.

I've gone from completely not interested to cautiously optimistic, which after XIII, is a pretty big leap for me. >_>

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