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Why do you unequip it? :shifty:

And in VIII, I usually spend the first 20-30 minutes running up and down the beach, fighting the fish until I can get 100 Water to junction onto Squall.

I don't, but every time I get a Laguna flashback I end up having to re-do my Junctions. Luckily I'm now done with those parts of the game and being OCD all over it and trying to get and do everything. I've gotten all the GF's and most of their abilities (Shiva is my highest levelled and she's LVL 77 0_0), done all the optional side quests other than Shumi Village and the UFO stuff, which I'll do today. I'm on Disk 3 at the moment.

Ultima Weapon was mostly easy as fuck. I think I had Squall die like, twice and I killed him in a few minutes with Meltdown + Aura + Renzouken / Spamming Duel and Gatling Gun.

Jumbo Cacutar and Master Tornberry were easy as fuck! I've always avoided those two but with 9999 HP and 255 STR for everyone, it was so easy! Now I'm just trying to draw Ultimas from Islands Closest to Heaven/Hell and levelling up my GF's on Cacutar Island. It's pretty quick as it is, but if I could just stop the little bastards from escaping or raise the HIT of Quistis and Zell, then I'd be getting like 60 AP a fight.

All that's really left for me is Quistis' Ultimate Weapon (which means I need a few Energy Crystals), Shumi, UFO/PuPu and everything from Lunatic Pandora onwards, which I'm quite looking forward too with my super powered team! After that I plan on finally doing the stuff in FF7 that I've put off like Battle Arena for W-Summon and OmniSlash and maybe even finally give Ruby and Emerald another shot. Anyone got any tips for quick Materia levelling?

This is usually the part where I'd put LOL I SHOULD GET A LIFE, but I realised that I've had more fun doing stuff like this in FF8 than I have in most modern games in ages.

My only regret is that I fucking suck at Triple Triad and that stops me from getting a lot of cards that would be useful. (Like, Gilgamesh which can be changed into 100 Holy Wars)

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Auuuuuugh I hate when I get caught up in the game and forget to save before battles. I'm playing Tactics Advance and I finished one mission and went directly to the next one, without even remembering to save in-between. Paaaaaain. Now I'm stuck in a battle where Fight is forbidden and one of my two black mages on the map can't use black magic because I forgot to have him learn any spells. Siiiiiigh.

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Replace suck at it with I didn't even bother this time because I remember sucking at it. >_>

With the exception of painfully-stupid rules like Plus, Same/S. Wall, or Random, at its core, Triple Triad is just about having more higher-number cards than your opponent. I remember sucking at it too my first go-around, but then I suddenly realized how to play the game, and became fairly good at it. I still lose, especially when the before-mentioned rules are in effect, but I usually stand a fighting chance.

(And honestly, given how ridiculous the rules in the Lunar Base are, fuck Ellone.)

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Replace suck at it with I didn't even bother this time because I remember sucking at it. >_>

With the exception of painfully-stupid rules like Plus, Same/S. Wall, or Random, at its core, Triple Triad is just about having more higher-number cards than your opponent. I remember sucking at it too my first go-around, but then I suddenly realized how to play the game, and became fairly good at it. I still lose, especially when the before-mentioned rules are in effect, but I usually stand a fighting chance.

(And honestly, given how ridiculous the rules in the Lunar Base are, fuck Ellone.)

Ellone is supposed to be like, impossible anyway, isn't she? I know because the Laguna card you get from her is like the only way to get 100 Heroes (I think?) which I wanted if I was going to take on Omega Weapon. In the end I didn't bother because I was level 100, which meant Omega had 1,161,000 HP. >_>

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Replace suck at it with I didn't even bother this time because I remember sucking at it. >_>

With the exception of painfully-stupid rules like Plus, Same/S. Wall, or Random, at its core, Triple Triad is just about having more higher-number cards than your opponent. I remember sucking at it too my first go-around, but then I suddenly realized how to play the game, and became fairly good at it. I still lose, especially when the before-mentioned rules are in effect, but I usually stand a fighting chance.

(And honestly, given how ridiculous the rules in the Lunar Base are, fuck Ellone.)

Ellone is supposed to be like, impossible anyway, isn't she? I know because the Laguna card you get from her is like the only way to get 100 Heroes (I think?) which I wanted if I was going to take on Omega Weapon. In the end I didn't bother because I was level 100, which meant Omega had 1,161,000 HP. >_>

If you're gonna face Omega, the Gilgamesh card is a much better refine since it creates ten Holy Wars.

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Maybe the time limit resets for each form, which wouldn't apply to any other bosses? I have no idea really. Maybe it just seemed like it lasted longer because of the animations that probably didn't count as time spent in the battle. I loaded up my FFVII save after beating it as I planned on doing stuff like Battle Arena, which I planned to do by Morphing Power Sources and AP levelling in Northern Crater with the Pot enemies you can feed Elixers too, but man it seems like it'll take a while.

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Augh I hate some of the laws in Tactics Advance. Law preventing the use of holy magic during battles? OK, fine, I'll just use potions.

-- wait, what, potions count as holy magic? Get the fuck out.

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The way to defeat Emerald is to exploit the fact that he's one of the "bosses" not immune to Gravity magic - cast Reflect-All on your party, and on Emerald, then Quadra-Magic Demi on him - it'll reflect off him, onto all of your party, and bounce back and forth until by the time his Reflect breaks and it hits him, it'll hit him a ton of times, each one doing 9999 damage - have someone else use Mimic and just repeat that ad nauseum, until the attacks start doing less than 9999, then just pummel him. It's worth having Phoenix hooked up to Final Attack, though, just in case he busts out Aire Tam Storm on you.

I realise you just said you've already beaten Emerald, so that's not much use to you now >_<

As for Ruby, I always found him an absolute bitch to beat - mostly because of the claw/tentacle things and that cheap as fuck whirlwind attack. The best advice is to accessory/armour everyone up to boost their defences against negative statuses - Equip Ribbons to everyone if you can - and use Hades to cast negative status effects on Ruby's claw things, then just keep yourself healed up and blitz him with your strongest attacks - Knights Of The Round on him, then again to the claws, repeat until dead.

It amazes me that practically every walkthrough I've ever read says that Emerald is harder than Ruby - I've always fared better against Emerald, and generally enjoyed the battle a lot more too. Ruby is an absolute chore.

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Ruby is easy - Ribbon your characters, kill two before the fight, revive them with Phoenix as soon as Ruby puts his filthy tentacles in the ground. Then KOTR-HP Absorb and use Mimes. You might need a reviving or two, but nothing major.

Easy grinding is the W-Item trick on Elixirs, then go to the only room within the Northern Crater where Movers and Magic Pots are. Movers die easy. Magic Pots need an Elixir (thus, W-Item trick) and then they'll drop an ass-ton of AP and EXP between them. Both are in the same room too, making it even easier.

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Ruby wouldn't have gotten me if it weren't for the single fire attack she managed to get in shortly after an Ultima where I hadn't Mimed in time. I think it's probably worth me getting Final Attack Materia and linking it to Phoenix. The only problem is that Final Attack is going to be a bitch to level up and I'm not sure I feel like going back to Northern Crater to level up one Materia that'll take forever to go up a few levels.

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Thanks to Cloudy's facebook status, I remembered how much I love the job system in the FF games.

V and X-2 are the only real places I remember playing it (I think III had it? But I only played that for a short while). V was great, because I could have a team of fucking Dragoons!

Are there any other games (not even FF games) that have a similar job system?

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