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Oh, we're going through all of our teams now?

I'd switch out a lot in 8 because I generally liked 8 aside from the crazy gaping plot holes ("I WILL MAKE ALL ERAS HAPPEN AT ONCE, AND THIS WILL HELP ME RULE THE UNIVERSE BECAUSE _________________!"), but Squall, Rinoa, and Selphie was my money party.

For 9, I couldn't think of a good reason to use any party besides Zidane, Dagger, Steiner, and Vivi, primarily because I fucking hated every other character in the game.

10 was Auron, Yuna, and Lulu. Every time. All day.

Going back one further, 6 was Locke, Terra, Celes, and usually either Edgar or Gogo, but I could cut a bloody swath across continents with any party that didn't contain Strago or Relm.

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7: Cloud, Tifa, Cait Sith. Yeah, fuck you, I don't care about damage, I want to be amused!

8: Squall, Zell, Rinoa. Again, amusement, and punching. Lots and lots of punching. Sometimes Quistis, if you're kinky.

9: Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, Steiner.

10: Lulu, Auron, Wakka. Amusement for the lulz.

12: Basch, Balthier, Ashe. Not that it matter, since they were all pretty interchangeable.

13: Lightning, Hope, Fang. Anything else is meh.

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I, four black mages. Not a wise choice, but they rule dagnabbit.

IV, Cecil, Kain, Rydia, Palom and Porom. The GBA version. Not sure if you can switch your people on the DS, pretty sure you can't. Dunno.

VI, I used Shadow, Terra, Locke and Mog. Gogo was pretty neat as well. I mean, sure, I used all of them at different points, that was my main party though.

VII, Cloud, Vincent, Yuffie. Always.

VIII... I can't remember. I want to say Squall, Zell and Rinoa though. Most certainly had Zell. Can't remember the other person.

IX, Zidane and Vivi forever and always. The others changed from time to time, but I usually rocked with Dagger and Steiner, but I still randomly used Eiko, Quina and Freya. Amarant... eh.

X, Tidus, Wakka and Lulu. Certain that's right. Not played in years.

I have XII, but didn't actually put many hours into it, I can't even remember any of the characters, bar the fact you had Viera on your team. Not played XIII yet.

Edited by Black Majik
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My team in FF7 is Cloud, Red and Vincent. Managed to pretty easily destroy Diamond within a couple of turns and before he could do any real damage, now I'm whaling on Ultimate any time I meet him. I've not played this far in to FF7 in yeaaaars and I'm really enjoying it, although the fact it's on the PSP so I can pick it up whenever I want is very handy.

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Just got round to finishing FF13.

There was one split-second moment in the ending where I burst out "SO VERY 'END OF EVANGELION', YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE!"

Ironically, that was one of the few bits that made sense to me. :shifty:

To demonstrate, here is a paraphrased actual conversation had with Stokerina at some point during the cut scenes in and around the end of the final boss fight:

"Oh. Everyone's back."

..."Weren't they just dead? Or...undead, or...something..."

"I thought they were."

"Well, one of them seems to have managed to set the Thing-We-Killed-Five-Times-Already-Without-Any-Lasting-Consequence on fire with what seemed a couple of grenades. If so, they should have done that earlier."

"I though the explosions were caused when she wouldn't do what he wanted...like, Explosions of Defiance, or something equally metaphysical."

"But she was doing what he wanted... It just didn't work. Or he stopped her, because she apparently needed to be slapped about a bit before she could invoke Armageddon."

"I have no idea, but everything's better now. Maybe."

"Because of......love?"

"Sure. Let's go with that for now and see whether it helps."

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Substitute 'love' for 'fighting spirit' and you pretty much got what I got from it. 'We're gonna win because we'll never stop fighting, and fuck you, we won't do what you tell us', then 'hey, we'll sacrifice ourselves to save everyone else'.

I dunno, the story made no fucking sense, but I enjoyed the game. Does anyone have any suggestions for a Final Fantasy style RPG that's more traditional for PS3? I have Oblivion, and it's awesome, but I want something with parties and shit.

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What's everyone here getting FFXIV for? PS3 or PC? I'm contemplating getting it on PC because it's about seven months earlier, but I'd much prefer to play on PS3.

I was selected as a beta tester and like many, many testers for the PC we have had compatibility issues preventing us from playing the beta. It's been that way for a few months now and SE has not acknowledged that a problem exists so... I have a computer that is 9 days old... The PC version don't look like a September release if you ask me and if it does it won't be 100% ready.

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As my computer is rather old, I'm guessing I'll be waiting and getting it for PS3. It'll be the first MMORPG I've ever played so I won't know any better if the experience itself is somewhat lacking compared to the PC version. I just hope it won't be to hard to chat with other players on it as it looks like it should really be a lot of fun.

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Substitute 'love' for 'fighting spirit' and you pretty much got what I got from it. 'We're gonna win because we'll never stop fighting, and fuck you, we won't do what you tell us', then 'hey, we'll sacrifice ourselves to save everyone else'.

I dunno, the story made no fucking sense, but I enjoyed the game. Does anyone have any suggestions for a Final Fantasy style RPG that's more traditional for PS3? I have Oblivion, and it's awesome, but I want something with parties and shit.

Dragon Age is awesome, but it's not really FF like at all. The battle system is kind of like FFXII's done well.

And I was planning on getting FFXIV on PS3... until I heard you have to pay monthly installments? What the fuck is that about?

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Substitute 'love' for 'fighting spirit' and you pretty much got what I got from it. 'We're gonna win because we'll never stop fighting, and fuck you, we won't do what you tell us', then 'hey, we'll sacrifice ourselves to save everyone else'.

I dunno, the story made no fucking sense, but I enjoyed the game. Does anyone have any suggestions for a Final Fantasy style RPG that's more traditional for PS3? I have Oblivion, and it's awesome, but I want something with parties and shit.

Dragon Age is awesome, but it's not really FF like at all. The battle system is kind of like FFXII's done well.

And I was planning on getting FFXIV on PS3... until I heard you have to pay monthly installments? What the fuck is that about?

It's an MMO, what were you expecting? It to be free?

I will likely try the trial, and never touch it again.

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Stokerina's been trying to hog the PS3 as much as possible this week, since she's just got Assassin's Creed 2. This is slightly annoying.

How can I counteract this?

By downloading Final Fantasy IX from PSN and starting a new game.


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I've probably mentioned it somewhere else in this thread, but IX is the only Final Fantasy game to ever make me cry, and all because of those bloody Black Mages. In their village, when one of them's just staring at the sky and says something about the sun hurts his eyes. Really moved me.

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