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So I'm planning on starting my FFXIII game over again and trying it a bit differently this time around. Seeing as most of you have beaten it, what're things I should remember to do this time around.

I'm mostly thinking stocking up on datachips from soldiers at the start of the game, making sure to keep a fair amount of L1 items in stock and keeping with Lightnings first weapon, because from the stats I'm pretty sure it ends up being the most rounded at the end of the game anyway. Apart from like, one other weapon which I think has a limit on it.

Don't sell any of the materials you get in battle...I made this mistake :(

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Oh god, I just to the orphanage scene in VIII again. Not only is a HUGE plot hole:

'Why don't we remember being together as children?'


'What about Irvine?'

'Galbadian Garden Seeds don't use GF's DUH!'

'So why does Selphie not remember?'

'Umm... oh I junctioned a GF when I was a kid in Trabia, even though when I came to Balamb I didn't have it any more so it's effects should have worn off. But I was really Happy at Trabia so that helped too'

'When has Seifer ever used a GF?!'

'You gave him one on the Dollet mission'

'For only a hour or two!'

'Quick effects'

'If they work that quickly none of us would remember more than the last ten minutes'


'Why doesn't Cid say a damn thing to us about the fact we reformed, or give Selphie a greeting befitting a former orphan he helped raise when she arrived at Garden'


'Why didn't Irvine greet us as childhood friends when we met him at his Garden?'

'The thing is...'

'IN FACT! Why did Irvine procceed to hit on both Selphie and Quistis within minutes of meeting them if he remembers growing up with them?'

'HEY! I was bummed about you guys forgetting me!'

'So you figured that trying to fuck one of them would jog their memories?!'

'It might of worked!'

'What sort of upbringing did we have that Irvine trying to fuck either Selphie or Quistis would bring back childhood memories?'

'You know I always wondered why Cid keeps a Garden Psychologist on retainer'

'Why didn't Irvine mention the fact that the Sorceress we're trying to kill was to women who raised us all? Or bring this up when he hesitated in shooting her in Deling City, which I might add, is a much better excuse that 'I'm a spineless coward who somehow made it through Sniper trainer''

'Now you're just being mean'

'Why did nobody feel the need to question the HUGE several year size gaps in our memoires until now?!'

It also makes me think Irvine was originally a one shot NPC character for the Sorceress mission and only after then did they decide to keep him one as a main party member and had to flesh him out past 'arrogant, horny jackass who cracks under pressure' because after the first mission he become a hell of a lot more likeable and caring to Selphie (instead of just hitting on her time after time). It would have made a whole lot more sense to re-write his first appearence than to just completly change his character after that point.

It's stuff like this that makes the 'Squall's Dead' theory seem halfway credible

Edited by HugoAbs
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So, to follow on from the Domecast last night, I have a pertinent question: Yuffie, whore or not?

As annoyed as I was getting with trying to level her back up/morph stuff with the Conformer, I actually think she's probably one of the better members of the game right now (I'm around the Gelnika). I enjoy using her a lot more than characters like Cait and Tifa, particularly when she hits All Creation, which kicks all sorts of ass.

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I don't care for Final Fantasy VII, but god damn man, Cid. Fucking awesome.

That said, I hate what they did to him in Kingdom Hearts. Especially Kingdom Hearts 2, where they stuffed him full of cornpone and then kept on stuffing.

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I'm too lazy to play Kingdom Hearts, what'd they do to cid?

In the first game they put him in charge of the Gummi Ship, widely recognized as the worst fucking part of the game. In the second one they gave your neighbor in Arkansas the job of performing his voice.

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My team was... fuck, what was it? I want to say it was Cloud, Barrett, Yuffie too. Definitely wasn't Cait Sith or Cid, I don't think it was Red or Tifa, and I think I got Vincent too late to really want to use him a ton. I'm sure I still have the memory card somewhere.

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I hate overleveling, so my team is generally whoever the 3/4 lowest leveled members of the party are. Keeps the game challenging without having to avoid fights. And if there's any sections where I'm forced to use a certain person, I'm always prepared.

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FF 7: Cloud, Cid, Yuffie (I got her Ultimate Weapon and gave her double strike so had 2x 9999 attacks)

FF 8: Squall, Rinoa, Selphie

FF9: Zidane, Vivi, Dagger, and Freya/Amarant

FF 10: Auron and two other people who use their Overdrives before Yuna calls Aeons to nuke the shit out of stuff

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