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exactly, and it's not that hard to upgrade weapons from lvl 1 to lvl 2, especially at the later stages in the game. So yeah, not too much trouble really.

Also, does anyone know what the enemy levels are all about? They don't really make much sense to me.

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Um, what? Even if you remove the final stage weapons, theres still a shit load of them. Six characters, each character has eight weapon sets, each set has three tiers. Even counting the final weapon as one, you've got 102 weapons to collect. You'd need 54 evolving catalysts, most of which are pretty rare to come by, and then you'd need enough money to buy components to upgrade each of them to the second tier. And you'd need enough money to buy the weapons, since I doubt most people would be foresighted enough to keep everyone they have come across. And there are over 120 different accessories as well.

No idea what the enemy levels have to do with anything, I haven't bothered with them in ages.

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So I beat the game just now. Massive end game spoilers:

What the fuck. I destroyed Barthandelus easily, five starred using a combo of Sab/Syn and Commando. Then One Winged AngelOrphan. Fucking Orphan. I took more than half of it's 6.8 million hp off with the same combo, but then he started spamming status ailments and I couldn't keep up. There was a minute or two where he had disabled all physical and magical attacks, so what the fuck are you supposed to do there? Eventually we managed to struggle through and he stopped spamming them, and almost instantly we killed him since we could keep on top of it. Three stars, but I'll take it.

Then weirdness happens. I'm not certain I follow at all. Barthandelus wanted us to kill Orphan so everyone on Cocoon would die, and the Maker would appear. Fine. So we kill Barthandelus and he morphs into Orphan...who we then proceed to attack instantly. Even though it is what keeps Cocoon going. So then we beat him but Fang decides to become Ragnarok anyway? And attacks Vanille? But Orphan turns the other party members to cieth, only not really, and Fangnarok, looking decidedly small for the ultimate weapon, fails to make a dent at all. So she turns back to Fang, and then the rest of the team appear, and destroy Orphan, spouting nonsense about doing the impossible.

And then Orphan Mk2 shows up. And again, we spring into combat, despite not wanting to kill Cocoon being the entire reason we are there. Easy fight, it can only take damage when staggered but apparently I took too long to kill it so I got 0 stars. Bullshit. If the enemy is right fucking there and is staggered, and Lightning goes to launch, it should fucking launch, not wait until the enemy has finished farting around. Otherwise whats the point? Lame. It's doable now I know the Doom cast has no bearing, I can do buffs and so on.

So yeah, as I thought, Cocoon is falling apart now. Did they not see this coming? So they wish for a mircale and Ragnarok I guess turns the world to crystal? And Leona Lewis! So they completed their focus by destroying Cocoon, but there are people kicking around on Gran Pulse as well. So they didn't kill billions of people? I am so confused now. Serah and Dajh are back but Fang and Vanille are turned to crystal inside the remains of Cocoon now so what happens to them postgame? >_>

It was an awesome game though. It'll take some time before I can put myself through the slog of playing through the beginning but it was fun. I still maintain that it didn't feel much like a FF until very near the end, since most of the time you are made very much aware of the threat to all existence in advance and it's not really as small as it appears here. It just didn't seem as epic to me. Some of the battles were definitely epic though. I never really used Snow much, and Fang seemed to have the weakest reasons for doing stuff but overall the characters were awesome. I ended up using him less, but Sazh is still my joint favourite, with Lightning. It turns out Lightning is voiced by Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect which I somehow managed to not realise. So yeah. Now to kill an adamantoise! >_>

I'm sure it's about the fact that after the game you'll have plenty of cash and access to stores with stocks of all the weapons/accessories. I'm sure it won't be all that hard.

And, no. You don't get any cash. You don't even get any CP for beating the final boss. So up yours >_>

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Just beat the game. What in the world is the spoiler tag code for these boards? I've tried spoiler, spoilers, spoiler tag, nothing seems to work.

Ok, so the ending was what everyone else has said, but is there no way for me to get back to Gran Pulse? I didn't take the time to really do any of the cieth stones for the simple fact after reading around about how everyone was getting all this cash and cp and such that the game was open ended after you "beat it" or whatever. Now I'm just getting stuck back in the hallway right before the big showdown.

I tried that in post preview but it didn't work, maybe I misspelled it or something. Thanks.

Edited by Trey
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Some of the CP costs for the Crystarium are fucking ridiculous. At least, when giving a character a new role they are.

42000 CP for some basic ability like Cura? Are you high? <_<

I think the idea is that it´s not your tallent so it´s harder to learn.

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