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Final Fantasy IX Confirmed for PSN

US, April 2, 2010 - In Japan today, Square Enix confirmed that Final Fantasy IX will be released as a PlayStation Network download. With the previously released FFVII and FFVIII, PS3 and PSP owners will have access to the original PlayStation's trio of numbered FF games.

The announcement wasn't made via press release, or even via Square Enix's official site. Actually, the announcement came from Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada in a brief video message posted to the Square Enix Members Twitter account. In the six second video clip, shot using a cell phone, Wada simply said that the game would be released as a download title.

Release information -- hopefully for North America as well as Japan -- will presumably come with a more formal announcement.

Me, I don't really care all that much (I've still yet to buy MGS...) but I'm sure this will be pleasant news for some of you. smile.gif

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Barely an announcement, annoyingly, we all knew it would happen, I need dates :(

Also, I've maxed out my initial weapons but I don't really know how to create the ultimate weapons and what harm is caused by dismantling? Can anyone help me or point me to a crash course on how to create them?

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Nope. As long as it's gotten it's second star, all you need is a trapezohedron, which as said are a bitch. I have everyone ready to upgrade, and theres no chance in hell I'm ever getting six of the fucking things >_>

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Have you already upgraded it from it's first weapon stage? I wish I had stuck with the default weapon, as in terms of Magic & Strength it's the best for someone that uses Lightning as both a Ravenger and a Commando. But of course at this point, I've sold the damn thing and it'd take forever to upgrade it to the level I'd need it at.

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If you're at Gran Pulse it really won't take long to upgrade it at all. I bought a brand new rod for Vanille after having fully maxed her first one since the new one increases the chance of her Death spell landing, and I had it maxed to it's second star in about an hour. Orphans Cradle is ridiculously awesome for making money quickly.

And Benji, you pile EXP into a weapon to star it, roughly around level 25/26. You use an ore, like uraninite, or scarletite or whatever it requires to evolve it to the second stage, which you can then pump more EXP into. The max level this time is in the 60s, after it is starred again you need a trapezohedron to evolve it to it's final, ultimate form.

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Ah, I didn't know you needed another item to unlock its second stage, I've just entered Eden and I'm not struggling at all, I just want to be sure I'm not going to get hit with anything tough. I've kept everyone with their default weapons just because I couldn't be bothered upgrading other weapons, but I may have to look into switching since, as I understand, they all upgrade to the same ultimate weapon but each comes with different benefits.

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I've got second-stage weapons for Lightning, Fang and Hope, but I haven't had the chance to do much more to them since I did so, so they're still around Lv10 or 12 or 16 or whatever.

I presume there's not much of a decent way to get Gil and/or big EXP items on Gran Pulse, short of that money-laden side mission thing that was mentioned a little while ago?

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Taken from the guide:

Eden - Leviathan Plaza, beat the Adamantoise, it drops the Platinum Ingot normally (150,000g) and the Trapezohedron as its rare drop (which only sells for 10,000g but, as stated, is key to getting ultimate weapons). From what the guide says, the best thing to do is farm the hell out of gil and buy the components since they can't be earned easily.

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I'm not even going to attempt it. You have to have owned every weapon, and every upgrade for each, each character has I think six different weapons, each of which have three permutations, so thats eighteen weapons per character, so thats 108 weapons that need to be upgraded, trapezohedrons and all, and THEN you have every type of bangle, status, sheild accessory to get, THEN fully upgrade them. Yeah, fuck that.

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I think all "third stage" permutations are the same per character (e.g. all of Lightning's weapons turn into Omega Weapon at the end, all of Vanille's are Nirvana, etc.), so you only have to make one ultimate weapon per character. They have different stats depending on what weapon they originated from, though.

But still, I would never be arsed. I don't bother with trophies generally in any case.

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