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Heh...he never cast Doom on me. Take out his side things first though since it knocks off some of his HP and for fucks sake, USE YOUR SHROUDS!

I have no shrouds left. I haven't picked any up in a long while. Besides, I can't imagine they do anything to help as they'll run out fairly quickly & I usually have all/some of Protect/Shell/Viel on at most points in the battle. Yeah, the side thing is obvious. Do you remember what sort of stats you were/where you were on the Crystarium and if you used an Eidolon in the battle? I've got a feeling the reason he cast Doom was because I used Odin.

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Not really. I didn't realize I was coming up to a boss fight so I didn't have Haste or anything. I basically learned his patterns and switched to a Medic before any big attacks even happened. Only boss I've beaten first time and it was a miracle. But I need to go to bed to drink all day tomorrow so if you need help again for some reason I'll try to recall what I did.

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Eh, you're all right mate, cheers for the advice any way. I'm hoping that I can topple him tomorrow, as I had him down to like 15,000 HP, I just ran out of time due to the Doom attack. If the battle were to play out similar, I should be able to take him down this time around thanks to my higher Magic stats.

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Fuck the chapter seven boss.

The big fuckoff skytank thing. With over 400k fucking hp. Okay, so Librascope helped me figure out what the different parts are, and that they have less health than the big fucker, but even still. I have Fang as Commando, Lightning as Ravager and Hope as Medic. Except he doesn't fucking heal. So we die, and I continue at the game over screen. Only it puts me back in the fucking lobby with the fucking strike teams and all the items I had before from fighting them are gone! So I need to fight through them again and get to the boss, only after fighting three teams of soldiers I forget to add things like Sentinel/Saboteur etc to my paradigms, so I'm stuck the same as before only I have Hope going Ravager and Lightning on Medic duties. But because of her four bar ATB, she can't heal in time, and when I only use two bars and skip the others, she can't keep on top of the damage being dealt! Ended up with Fang and Hope both dead, I'd run out of phoenix downs and all I could do as Lightning was constantly heal herself, because if I switched back to Commando, she'd be almost insta-killed by the big fucking rockets. Grr.

Third time round, same deal, and I forget AGAIN to fix my paradigms. So I use Odin. He blasts away one of the turrets and does serious damage to the second one, so we scrape past those two and things get easier. I assume it might be easier taking out the hulls first since I think those are the ones firing the rockets that kill me, but eh. Whittled away after that easily enough, but it was a pain without being able to debuff or anything.

Still got five stars, and beat the time by 4 minutes. 'cos I rule.

Use your damn shrouds to get haste and protect.

And Behemoth Kings can ba-low me.

So you want me to use shrouds, fight two battles, go through a cutscene, and expect them to still be functioning by the time I hit the boss?

Yes, yes it is. It is also difficult to get enough items to level up your weapons, let alone accessories. All of this is hard to come by also.

Like Ruki said, the soldiers in palumpolum were only really useful for dropping incentive chips. I'd sell them, then buy as many turbo-jets from the garage shop as possible, since at the time they give the most base exp. After three or four fights, I'd upgraded everything bar Snows weapons to at least level ten.

Speaking of which, I know after a certain level, the weapons 'evolve' for lack of a better word. Anyone got a clue what level this happens at? I assumed ten but no such luck.

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I got Sahz's guns to level 26, and that is when they star. To make them evolve I think you need special crystals (I have 3), but I have not been able to use any of them yet. And I think I am still there....I may have to go do some grinding for more chips, so I can upgrade more shit.

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Fuck the chapter seven boss.

The big fuckoff skytank thing. With over 400k fucking hp. Okay, so Librascope helped me figure out what the different parts are, and that they have less health than the big fucker, but even still. I have Fang as Commando, Lightning as Ravager and Hope as Medic. Except he doesn't fucking heal. So we die, and I continue at the game over screen. Only it puts me back in the fucking lobby with the fucking strike teams and all the items I had before from fighting them are gone! So I need to fight through them again and get to the boss, only after fighting three teams of soldiers I forget to add things like Sentinel/Saboteur etc to my paradigms, so I'm stuck the same as before only I have Hope going Ravager and Lightning on Medic duties. But because of her four bar ATB, she can't heal in time, and when I only use two bars and skip the others, she can't keep on top of the damage being dealt! Ended up with Fang and Hope both dead, I'd run out of phoenix downs and all I could do as Lightning was constantly heal herself, because if I switched back to Commando, she'd be almost insta-killed by the big fucking rockets. Grr.

Third time round, same deal, and I forget AGAIN to fix my paradigms. So I use Odin. He blasts away one of the turrets and does serious damage to the second one, so we scrape past those two and things get easier. I assume it might be easier taking out the hulls first since I think those are the ones firing the rockets that kill me, but eh. Whittled away after that easily enough, but it was a pain without being able to debuff or anything.

Still got five stars, and beat the time by 4 minutes. 'cos I rule.

Use your damn shrouds to get haste and protect.

And Behemoth Kings can ba-low me.

So you want me to use shrouds, fight two battles, go through a cutscene, and expect them to still be functioning by the time I hit the boss?

Yes, yes it is. It is also difficult to get enough items to level up your weapons, let alone accessories. All of this is hard to come by also.

Like Ruki said, the soldiers in palumpolum were only really useful for dropping incentive chips. I'd sell them, then buy as many turbo-jets from the garage shop as possible, since at the time they give the most base exp. After three or four fights, I'd upgraded everything bar Snows weapons to at least level ten.

Speaking of which, I know after a certain level, the weapons 'evolve' for lack of a better word. Anyone got a clue what level this happens at? I assumed ten but no such luck.

Never mind, I didn't fully read the post. <_<

Edited by TenaciousG
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Beat the Chapter 9 Final Boss earlier tonight. It was a close one again, and I used pretty much the exact same method. To be honest, I think the only reason it even worked this time was because he seemed to cast Doom a fair bit later than he previously did.

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Woo! 20 hours in and I finally get to choose my own party. No spoilers, but just to be sure...

Went with Lightning, Sazh (for Haste, Bravery, faith, and level 26 guns that give like...+200 magic I think), and Vanille (For de-shell, de-protect, and the one that makes them weak to the elements) for my first ever party.

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Ruki, I have to think you're doing something very wrong if your guns are Lvl. 26 and only at 200+ Magic.

I'm at 300+ Magic and none of my current weapons are above Lvl. 12. And I'm pretty sure I'm either a tiny bit behind you or at the exact same point as you. >_>

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No work and nothing to do for three days except game. I was putting in like... ten to twelve hours a day.

Kinda sad when you think about it. Hell, I didn't even play it yesterday.

Combat is pretty easy once you get a nice little system. I go Relentless Assault to start, Diversity or. Solidarity to heal (rarely Tireless Charge or, if it is bad enough, Combat Clinic), and Aggression if only one enemy is left, and they are staggered. Fang, Lightning, and Vanille can fill all those roles, and sometimes I mix it up a bit.

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