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Well in that case, play the game more and earn the open world. It's awesome out here in the wilds.

I am now. I'm about a 1/3 through Chapter 9, which I don't think is that bad considering it's a fucking long chapter.

Just got to the bit with Sazh & Vanille being free. I love Sazh and I'm glad he didn't stay all emo.

Though this chapter so far is getting a little bit annoying. sad.gif I'm getting a little sick of the 'battle through corridor full of enemies to reach save point... then do the same again.' formula that's in place on most of these levels so far. I have a boss fight coming up that I know off and then another one a little later on, but still, it irritates me that it's become so formulaic in the later levels. This is why I prefer getting Random Encounters to being able to see the enemies, if it's still the same amount of battles, it feels less like a chore to get through them. When you can see the enemies, I end up going 'ffs, more of those? i'll take a breather now.', where as if I couldn't, then I'd be trying to get to the end of the map quickly and deal with whatever enemies I face when they show up.

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So i watched the gametrailers review and they were cmplaining about the game being more linear than other FF games, but the maps they showed on screen looked a lot like FFX. :wacko: Is this just FFX Linear or evenmore? If i remember it corectly the only "open" area in FFX was the great plains.

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I can't beat Sazh's Eidolon. It's fucking impossible. Either I die, or I run out of time because I have to spend half the fight healing myself so I don't die.

I actually beat that one in one try. Duelcast to build up the gauge, and when you need to heal medic/synergist (that way, you can still build it with buffs).

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Chapter 7 Spoilers

holy shit, wow. The confrontation between Snow and Hope is glorious. The huge battle at the end outside Hope's house was awesome, and I'm really starting to wonder who our bad guy is. At first I thought we'd found a pretty damn good baddie in the PSICOM leader (whose name escapes me right now), but he's been mowed down by the Cavalry in an awesome cutscene. Basically, chapter 7 is the best chapter. And this game is the best game.

Also, I've really warmed to the battle system when you're using three people. Much, much better than two.

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Finally got to Chapter 10 or 11 today.

I'm actually fairly surprised. I'm playing through the game at the same time my cousin is, and he's nearing the endgame. However, he died multiple times against Barthandelus' first battle, Cid Raines, and Bahamut. I got through all three in one try. I feel severely underpowered at the point of the game I'm at, but then again, I've got the advantage of watching him play and reading others' strategies beforehand.


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