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Argh. My head kills and I'm tired, I am angered that this is stopping me from doing anything on XIII.

In other news, I've decided to buy a PSP because the idea of taking FFVII & VIII with me anywhere I wish to go is awesome. (mainly thinking long, boring breaks at work.)

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Guess who has two thumbs and Sazh as their PS3 Theme? This guy. :w00t:

Chapter 10 Spoilers

Fuck Cid Raines. Took me 5 tries to beat him as he kept getting lucky and killing my party leader when he was below 25k health. That gameplay mechanic is fucking stupid.

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Just finished Chapter 9.


I love all the characters, but it was so awesome seeing Dysley completely punk Snow out after the boss fight.

I thought I was gonna get slaughtered against Barthandelus, but aside from a few close calls, I actually did fairly well. I took five minutes longer than the target time, but at least I won the fight and got the same CP regardless. Hopefully I'll have some free time tomorrow to start my way through the Fifth Ark.

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Guess who has two thumbs and Sazh as their PS3 Theme? This guy. :w00t:

Chapter 10 Spoilers

Fuck Cid Raines. Took me 5 tries to beat him as he kept getting lucky and killing my party leader when he was below 25k health. That gameplay mechanic is fucking stupid.

Ahaha, somebody finally got there, I HATE that boss so much, I struggled because the boss kept killing my leader, said boss is a douchebag, but it was the most fun I've had against a boss in any game for a looooong time too.

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I'm clearly well behind everyone else, only had two chances to play the game and I'm just coming into Chapter 4 I think

Sazh looking after Vanille and Hope, just after you get Odin

. So my random thoughts which you've probably all discussed a thousand times over but I daren't look in any unmarked spoilers:

- I didn't like Hope at the start. Really didn't like him on Penelo levels of dislike. He was such a pathetic character but it's amazing how the game changes your perceptions. A few movements in the storyline and I start warming to him, then his awesome Crystarium too (While everyone else is needing 380 CP to get HP+10, he's rattling off Fira for 130 CP) just brought me round on him. Now he's pretty badass as either a ravager, a medic or a saboteur, providing you give him a bangle (at least +100) to get around the lack of HP.

- The battle system is excellent once you finally crack the nuances of it (it took me far too long to realise that RAV/RAV/RAV is the best to use before switching to COM/RAV/RAV or whatever). The only thing I don't like is the rate it's throwing new roles at the characters. It's probably necessary but I was just settling into Lightning as the COM, Snow as the Sentinel and so on, then it all gets switched up on me.

- Really, really liking the five-star battle system. It adds a sense of urgency to the regular battles.

- As everyone's said, the characters are all good and there's a lot of intrigue as to how they're going to progress. While Sazh seems to have the implicit comic relief aspect, he's actually got some really funny lines - "RUN! ...I meant away!" being a personal favourite. The only one I can't comment on is Snow as he pissed off before I could get to know his character. Lightning is badass. Not because of her character, but for the numerous +15 strength crystals she gets to activate every five minutes.

- The linearity problem has been fine in my eyes so far, not a problem, except perhaps the lack of enemies. I openly admit to loving a little bit of grinding especially in FFX, which had a similar levelling up method.

- The Eidolons are kind of 'eh'. They're pretty much obsolete in all FF's since the early PS1 games, the only real reason I use them this time is to watch the cool visuals and heal my party.

- Oh yeah, too much jumping. "We're all so tired and defeated..." *Scales 100ft cliff in three seconds*

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OK, so I've just beaten chapter 7 (I think) which

was frankly fucking amazing. Or, more accurately, had a fucking amazing ending. Admittedly if I'd had to jump around the bloody rooftops one more time I think I would have begged PSICOM to blow the fucking place up.

This, so far, has been one of my favourite FF games. In fact, in terms of story, it's pretty neck and neck with X at the moment (what can I say, I'm a sucker for linearity). The characters are all absolutely brilliant and are really engaging. What I particularly like is the plot, especially

the way that they've started with 5 apparently disparate stories and characters and have slowly begun to tie them up together. The revelations about how each of them are actually all tied up together have been superbly paced and have even managed to make Vanille have a fucking point in the game, which I was beginning to think was utterly impossible.

The battle system, whilst, taking some getting used to, has some great little nuances and I've now gotten over the initial frustration of not being able to directly control all three characters in battle. The Eidolon system, to be honest, hasn't quite met my expectations but I'm prepared to entertain the idea that there might be something I'm missing with it, given that I usually summon them in a panic and exhibit appropriate levels of rationality when directing them to do stuff.

All in all, I have been so impressed by this so far. The story, in particular, is a real return to form after the confused mess which was XII and, given the much-discussed linearity, this was something which they absolutely had to get 100% right.

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Chapter 6 talk about Sazh:

Okay, Sazh definitely is the best character so far. His son is a Sanctum L'Cie, tasked with finding Pulse L'Cie. One of which is now his father. Only because his father tried to help his son. And now either Sazh kills himself and lets his son become crystal, or he doesn't, and his son becomes a monster. That is a fucking brilliant reason for Sazh to be so moody all the time. What a dilemma.

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Chapter 6 talk about Sazh:

Okay, Sazh definitely is the best character so far. His son is a Sanctum L'Cie, tasked with finding Pulse L'Cie. One of which is now his father. Only because his father tried to help his son. And now either Sazh kills himself and lets his son become crystal, or he doesn't, and his son becomes a monster. That is a fucking brilliant reason for Sazh to be so moody all the time. What a dilemma.

Yeah, considering Sazh looked like the comic relief in the first few hours, and now he's become this absolute barrel of awesome is just wonderful. The whole Dajh thing is terrific.

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Guess who has two thumbs and Sazh as their PS3 Theme? This guy. :w00t:

Chapter 10 Spoilers

Fuck Cid Raines. Took me 5 tries to beat him as he kept getting lucky and killing my party leader when he was below 25k health. That gameplay mechanic is fucking stupid.

Ahaha, somebody finally got there, I HATE that boss so much, I struggled because the boss kept killing my leader, said boss is a douchebag, but it was the most fun I've had against a boss in any game for a looooong time too.

It was more frustration than hate but I did punch some things after one loss. But it was fun for sure.

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VIII is awesome, and you should feel bad for not liking it. XIII has a lot of VIII feel to it with some of the weapons, which is awesome, as long as no one like Irvine shows up.

Status reports upcoming, I just took the X and will be playing some FF after I eat and watch some Survivor Series 87. Team Savage (I'm sure the had some gimmick name, but fuck if I know what it is) is the awesome. Savage, Steamboat, Snake, and Hacksaw? It's worth putting up with Beefcake for!

You take a pill to watch wrestling and play games?


Ehhh, I had some left over from plans that fell through, I don't have work or class, and I felt like doing it. Think what you want.

I meant to comment on this but it passed me by, you sir are an idiot, and thats what I think... You must be the coolest cat i know for supposedly doing class A drugs and staying in and playing video games sir, bravo, BRA-FUCKING-VO <_<

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After not playing the game for a couple days due to work, I've come to realise that while I don't agree with how much the reviewers seem to think the linearity hurts the game, I do think that it make it a little harder to just sit back and enjoy. FFXIII lacks the ability to sit back and wander around without having to worry about battles or where to go. Obviously it's necessary for the story (the removal of towns and NPC's that you can talk to makes you feel a lot more alone in the game, which ties in brilliantly with the story.) but I do sometimes wish there were more maps were you needn't worry about getting into a battle.

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