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My biggest issue with the first part of the remaster wasn;t hugely on the fact that it was just one segment of the game or that they tried to add a lot - it was thay my explortation was almost never rewarded in anything but a potion or other simple item. Vast, big areas with nothing all that much happening in them.

Reading bits and bobs of reviews here makes that seem like not an issue this time, but the fact that almost everything (including mushroom picking) is a mini-game also feeling a tad bit worrying. Probably not something that I'm going to pick-up on release as I still need to go back and finish Remaster but it'll be interesting to see how things end up shaking out, I guess. I don't have high hopes so maybe that'll help - but there's still all the "I want to see how this looks" making me want to at least experience it first hand instead of through videos or someone streaming it.

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I went back to the remake because I'll eventually get curious about the second part and figured I should give this a shot to the end. The first bit was fine, but I'm starting to get into the very extra stuff and am hoping it keeps up with my knowledge and expecations now - maybe I'll see it different. But there's one thing I still find unforgiveable.


Well two, actually. I really really really like Biggs, Wedge and Jessie as well - but also, I fucking hate how many cats are in Sector 7 knowing what's eventually going to happen.


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A tiny detail I liked... (spoilers for original)


On the truck, the car sick soldier, you could see the blonde hair. HI REAL CLOUD.


And then real Cloud crawling to his moms house 😞


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52 minutes ago, Ruki said:

Oh no.... Queen's Blood is good.

Shut up, Ruki and let me know if, since I kind of fucked up in part 1 and set myself up for failure against the final boss and never finished, my stuff will still transfer to this new one?

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No, it's the same as the game, but you get bonus content for completing it (just a summon materia IIRC). You also skip the scenes from the demo in the game so it's not a total waste and you won't replay the same section.

It's mostly just the completionist in me :lol:

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12 minutes ago, Benji said:

No, it's the same as the game, but you get bonus content for completing it (just a summon materia IIRC). You also skip the scenes from the demo in the game so it's not a total waste and you won't replay the same section.

It's mostly just the completionist in me :lol:

The summon is carried over from Remake I think and then the demo nets you some useful early game equipment and items.

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