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2 minutes ago, stokeriño said:

Nope, I've done 4 or 5 dungeons so far in the main story and have always used NPCs.

Oh that's great. I definitely think that's more accessible for people who don't want to engage with people (even if they just use those once in awhile). I've heard people make the argument of "Why play an MMO then" which I've always hated because some MMO's like Final Fantasy, I simply want to enjoy the story arcs that continue. A single player game generally ends. Most MMO's will go on for years with so many different arcing storylines and FF is one of those.

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I'll get to FFXIV one day. It looks like it's such a breadwinner for Square Enix that it'll continue to be supported for a very long time.

The fact they've largely worked to make it an MMO you can play without people is pretty smart since everyone raving about the story is what has drawn me to the idea of playing it. I typically don't play MMOs just because what I want from gaming differs from what most people I play online with want (I want to die a hundred times in increasingly hilarious ways before finally winning).

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55 minutes ago, damhausen said:

I'll get to FFXIV one day. It looks like it's such a breadwinner for Square Enix that it'll continue to be supported for a very long time.

The fact they've largely worked to make it an MMO you can play without people is pretty smart since everyone raving about the story is what has drawn me to the idea of playing it. I typically don't play MMOs just because what I want from gaming differs from what most people I play online with want (I want to die a hundred times in increasingly hilarious ways before finally winning).

I really want to find some people who want to do Savage content but want to have fun while doing it, much the same way as you mentioned. People who don't get tilted over dying, but still want to eventually clear the content. What I've seen from watching people who do Savage content online is that the fights are super scripted (though they're starting to incorporate a bit more RNG than they previously did) so once you learn the mechanics, it's really just a matter of repeat until you get it down.

Add in the fact that there is often about 3 months between raids, if you only care about clearing and not clearing quickly, I think there's lots of time between each cycle to get it done.

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It probably doesn't matter to a lot of people since most that I've seen discussing it are just starting but 6.3 dropped today. These are your bigger patches .1/.2/.3's where they generally release new Raids, dungeons and such. So today there is a new dungeon, a new 24 man raid which are pretty chill in FF, new story content, etc.

This is the lead in to the new Ultimate which is FF's hardest difficulty raid level which comes out in 2 weeks. 

I really need to speed run my way to Endwalker because I am my own worst enemy in some cases. I tend to play a lot of "Alts" which you really don't need to do in FF unless you're a hardcore raider (which I'm not), and I've also gotten characters almost leveled and then deleted them for stupid reasons. If I'd just have put the time in to one character, I'd actually be caught up and ready to try some of the end game stuff....but alas, I really need to work on that.

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3 minutes ago, stokeriño said:

I am disproportionately delighted to have finally obtained the classic FF white/red White Mage outfit in FF14 today. No longer shall I wander the lands looking like I found my robe in a TK Maxx discount rack.

I loved getting the white mage outfit! Looked so good. 

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1 hour ago, stokeriño said:

I am disproportionately delighted to have finally obtained the classic FF white/red White Mage outfit in FF14 today. No longer shall I wander the lands looking like I found my robe in a TK Maxx discount rack.

Oh man, the start up gear is so bad. It's not until you get out of ARR that I find gear starts looking nice. My black mage I'm leveling right now looks like he's wearing a fucking potato sack with a hood.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The world first race for the new Ultimate in FFXIV ended in controversy yesterday when a member of their team (who somebody pissed off apparently) released a screen shot of their kill which used illegal mods to allow the player to zoom out further than intended, making a lot of the mechanics in the fight much easier than they should have been.

Mods have always been a part of MMO's but Yoshi P has hard a hard stance against them and they are very much bannable offences. 

But who cares about that right? We're just here for the Memes.


This was the original screenshot



And here are some of the memes


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8 minutes ago, Benji said:

I don't understand any of that and I feel old :(

Full disclosure, I wasn't sure anyone here would actually get the memes because most people are casual gamers more than they follow or participate in this type of gaming. But the memes were so good to me, that I felt like I had to share in case one person who does understand finds them funny.

I'm all about that one guy :shifty: 

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On 13/01/2023 at 10:07, stokeriño said:

I am disproportionately delighted to have finally obtained the classic FF white/red White Mage outfit in FF14 today. No longer shall I wander the lands looking like I found my robe in a TK Maxx discount rack.

@TKz he's bad mouthing our store.

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Yoshi P has released a statement on the controversy


I'm always of two minds when it comes to third party tools. I use a lot of them in WoW but the game is built for them. FF isn't really a game that I feel you need add ons to play, except I do like my DPS meter that I totally don't have. (Please don't tell Yoshi)

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