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Any quest that's collect/find these 5 things in a small circle can suck my balls. Spending 30 minutes running in circles in a small area being punished because I can't find see what amounts to a fleck on the ground can fuck right off.

Also I am loving this game. Unless shit goes terribly south it's the best AAA game I've played in years. 

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Yeah, this game is just so enjoyable.  I'm surprised by how well its all come together.  It reminds me of why I liked older Final Fantasy games while playing almost completely differently than all of them.  If this is the direction the series will be moving in, sign me up.

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So what do you guys think about the combat system? My cousin got this from GameFly and that's his main issue with 15. Said combat feels awful and he doesn't like it at all.

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The combat is a lot of fun. But like Maxx said, the camera can be a bit of a bitch sometimes.

Overall? This is probably the best FF game in years, and I would not be terribly upset if FF moved towards an action RPG style if they are all like this.


But, like Quom said, they need to do away with those shitty little quests. I spent far too long trying to find red little frogs (doesn't help I was kind of busy looking at the dinosaur looking thing in the freaking lake).

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I'm getting used to the combat. It felt really meh and confusing to begin with, but now I'm pretty much sorted. It can get really busy and you'll be focusing down one enemy and get hit by something you hadn't even seen coming, but that's probably more realistic than a lot of games. My only real complaint is when there's a patch of open land and instead they decide you should fight in the bushes next to it where you can't see a fucking thing.

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New complaint. I am currently being cucked by the game. 'Go fight this enemy but it needs to be raining' and 'whoops you just did this entire mission for this but it's now night-time and needs to be daylight'. I'm not gonna camp when I will miss out on the EXP bonus (again why not sell better camping gear at a high price?) 

So I spent an entire day hoping it would rain for the hunt (it did not). I now need to spend an entire night with my guy just standing still so I can complete this mission. 

Right now I'd like a way to rest without it counting as camping. I'd also like a way to change the weather.

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Can we all agree that the shameless advertising of 'cup noodles' is actually amazing the best instance of product placement probably ever? Right down to the quest where


Gladiolus wants you to help him create the greatest ever cup noodle flavour.


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6 hours ago, Avenged said:

Can we all agree that the shameless advertising of 'cup noodles' is actually amazing the best instance of product placement probably ever? Right down to the quest where

  Reveal hidden contents

Gladiolus wants you to help him create the greatest ever cup noodle flavour.



Christ, even the plates are Coleman.

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6 hours ago, Benji said:

There's a rumour flying about regarding a 30th anniversary collected edition of every FF from I to IX, plus maybe Chrono Trigger and FFT for PS Vita and PS4 will be coming out. BIG pinch of salt, but exciting if true.

....I would have to buy that.

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51 minutes ago, apsham said:

Easy enough to do, though I assume FF VII to FF X-2 at the very least and then some of the others would be digital downloads.

The set is just 1-9, with I think 1-6 having both the original and ported versions. VII-IX are gonna be the PS4/PC versions we've had recently.

They're also releasing XII HD, VII remake and XIII trilogy for PS4 in 2017. This is all NA info though, hopefully the same applies to UK.

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31 minutes ago, Avenged said:

The set is just 1-9, with I think 1-6 having both the original and ported versions. VII-IX are gonna be the PS4/PC versions we've had recently.

They're also releasing XII HD, VII remake and XIII trilogy for PS4 in 2017. This is all NA info though, hopefully the same applies to UK.

There goes my 2017 budget :( 

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55 minutes ago, Avenged said:

The greatest implied news from that was FF XII possibly going on Steam next year. (Also, Chrono Trigger and FF XV)


Somebody hold me I might finally finish that game :w00t:

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Whoever decided adding stealth/jump scare horror game elements and taking all your weapons away for a bit needs to find a new job. It feels so out of place, especially as someone that hates both those types of games. 

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