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So obviously it makes a big difference to actually sit down and apply myself to leveling up in a proper and organised way, using the best area for it rather than just running around in circles wherever I felt like it. :shifty: Over the last couple of hours I went from Lv 60 to Lv 79, whilst also harvesting enough Master All materia to get the 99,999,999 gil trophy along the way.

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9 hours ago, Benjrie Mode said:

Just finished the Platinum demo... this game is shit. Seriously, I don't think I'm even going to bother with XV based on this.

What makes it so shit? Give me a reason to save my money.

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4 hours ago, Forky said:

What makes it so shit? Give me a reason to save my money.

Two button combat with a dodge button that rarely works like it's supposed to, a tech demo that shows poor textures and really uninspiring weather and time changes and having more fun collecting stupid coins than anything else in the demo (seriously, it was like playing shit Mario). It felt like I was playing a ridiculously dumbed down Kingdom Hearts, and I don't like Kingdom Hearts, but I'd rather play that than this crap.

I was actually starting to get my hopes up about this, but between turning Hitman episodic, FFVII being announced as some variant of episodic, the mess that was the FFXIII trilogy, the apparent mess that was FFXIV on launch, and now this demo, I think Square Enix are going to be part of my recent self-imposed clear out of franchises that I was once fiercely loyal to but I've given up on.

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Hey! Don't knock the new Hitman. It may be lame that it's episodic (new episode coming in....2 weeks?), but it's a great game!

As for this...I've seen some gameplay of the first chapter, and it looks like it would be fun and light hearted (at least for a little bit). Gonna wait for reviews about the combat...

Edit: Also, starting to enjoy FFXIV. Dammit. Still on the fence about whether or not I will buy it.

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I really doubt that. A franchise that big can come back from nearly anything. Even if FFXV turns out be a messy, unplayable shitfest, give it five years and they'll announce another one where they've learned from their mistakes and it'll look good and sell plenty again. So what's happening with FFXV, basically.

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