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14 minutes ago, Ruki said:

Why am I still on the FF bandwagon? I haven't LOVED a Final Fantasy game since FFX. That came out in 2001....14 FREAKING YEARS AGO. There's no way I would put up with 14 years of mediocrity with anything else...

Have you heard of this company called World Wrestling Entertainment?

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Remember how I said a simple press release would likely resolve and assuage peoples fears?


It means instead of concluding in one entry, multiple entries are being considered in development. Each entry will have its own unique story. As a gaming experience, each entry will have the volume of content equal to a full-sized game.

- Source (Kotaku (I know, I hate myself for it too, but it's where I was linked to))


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I'm sure they think it's reassuring, but really the bold bit is a bit meaningless, since god knows what a "full-sized game" is these days. However, the sentence which says "Each entry will have its own unique story" really does worry me. It sounds like it's going to get the story arcs carved up into something weird like a Cait Sith chapter, or a Red XIII chapter, and so on.

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I bought the Final Fantasy VII port despite already owning it, mainly so that I could play it on the Vita via remote play. The triple speed modifier is something I really appreciate as the slow pace of some of the battles was what irritated me most about the original version, and I could well make use of the modifier that prevents random battles from occurring once I'm happy with my levels. All in all, this looks like the best way to enjoy the game.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they port it to Steam, Enix seems to have decided to try and get every Final Fantasy ever out on the PC. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a port of IX one day that's literally just an emulator running a PSXISO internally.

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I'm like the ultimate nostalgic in that I got the game, got to the first battle and all I could think is "Yes, this is what I've been waiting for!"

....then went and made a coffee, did a load of laundry, took a shower and read the dark tower series before coming back for my first battle selection.


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Does the 3x speed mode invalidate trophies or anything?

I shouldn't even be asking about this, given that I've already bought FF7 in PS1 and CD-ROM form and was quite happy to ignore this PS4 port...but the 3x thing has piqued my interest. If it counts as a 'cheat' that will deny my trophies, however, I can probably persuade myself out of it.

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Random thought on the remake front - I really hope Cissnei appears in it. She was such a likeable character in Crisis Core but she never really got any sort of closure with her and Zack's friendship, nor furthering of her character.

Also, I'm so excited for the idea of new WEAPON enemies.

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I have a related thought to your random thought. I'd like to see a Crisis Core remaster for the new consoles (or Vita, preferably). I never played the original because of both time constraints and not really getting on with the PSP's general control interface, but I'd be interested in giving it a go with the benefit of dual thumbsticks. Square seems to be in the habit of re-releasing everything at the moment, so I don't see why this couldn't be added to the pile.

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