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So I've already seen some back pedaling on the Final Fantasy VII remake and how it's not going to be the same game, because who wants them to make the same game when they're already porting the original over? Who wants that is the question? The answer is me you fuckers! Me and thousands of fanboys who just want you to take the old game, give it some amazing graphics but leave everything else the way it was. Don't touch the damn game play or the story or anything else that made it awesome. Just give me HD Rendered Cloud, Barrett, Cait Sith, Tiffa, Aeris and mother fucking Sephiroth and leave everything else alone.

Yes, I realize that punctuation was horrible in that paragraph, but damn it, I was ranting!

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I'm hoping he just means that they're adding stuff in like they do with other remakes, I can't imagine they'd change too much about it, because they have to know what a furor that would cause. I'm keeping hope that they'll just be doing stuff like adding extra unexpected story battles and side quests.

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I'm expecting added on side quests and such, potentially an added on playable character that wouldn't infringe on the story as well. I don't think the market for "FFVII HD" is as big as we want to think, and in order to be worth the investment they need to find that balance between what a newer audience wants and the audience who played it back in 1997 wants. The original is by far Square's best-selling game ever so they know there's a big audience for it, and a big loss if it's poorly received.

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I'm expecting added on side quests and such, potentially an added on playable character that wouldn't infringe on the story as well. I don't think the market for "FFVII HD" is as big as we want to think, and in order to be worth the investment they need to find that balance between what a newer audience wants and the audience who played it back in 1997 wants. The original is by far Square's best-selling game ever so they know there's a big audience for it, and a big loss if it's poorly received.

I think it's actually bigger than a lot of people give it credit for. I know people who don't even play video games any longer but at the mention of the remake, they start talking about getting back into video games. I'm not as nostalgic with video games as much as I am about wrestling, but when it comes to the Final Fantasy series, I definitely am.

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Eh, it's not that easily broken. You can't get the forever Limit Break status until like, Disk 3 without some serious card game grinding. Nor can you get the Lionheart on Disk 1 unless you do some very specific shit. Drawing tons of magic and junctioning it doesn't really do shit for you until you junction 100 of the higher level spells.

Like, it definitely can be broken to pieces, but you have to put the effort in for it to happen.

Edited by TKzo Amore
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I still think my favourite thing about FF8 is such a stupidly small thing, but major spoiler for the three people who haven't played it...

Irvine not shooting Edea and you think it's because this cool and collected guy has just lost his nerve in the heat of the moment, until it's revealed later that Edea was the matron of their orphanage. There's something about that I love from a story telling perspective.

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I still think my favourite thing about FF8 is such a stupidly small thing, but major spoiler for the three people who haven't played it...

Irvine not shooting Edea and you think it's because this cool and collected guy has just lost his nerve in the heat of the moment, until it's revealed later that Edea was the matron of their orphanage. There's something about that I love from a story telling perspective.

he probably should've mentioned it at the time though. Would've saved a looooooot of time.

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In fairness he does as soon as he has the chance. He sees Edea is the Sorceress, panics, then they all get captured except him and Rinoa, then when they escape and get back to Balamb to warn everyone (if Irvine is in the party, if not he's involved in stopping missiles), everything goes to hell with NORG and Squall being promoted and shit. Trabia (where he tells them) is the first time they have actual down time to cover it.

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I don't recall ever having a problem with any of the FF8 bosses to be honest. The leveling system means there's never any huge spike in difficulty, and the draw system is basically broken anyway. Like Pizza said, you sort of have to set your own rules for it.

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I always find it baffling when FF8 gets brought up as having an amazing story. Aside from the Squall/Rinoa romance plot, which is fairly generic in itself, it all feels like they made it up as they went along. It's utterly insane and broken, and doesn't hold up to the slightest bit of scrutiny. It's all very silly.

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Out of interest, which FF games would you consider as having plots which do hold up to scrutiny? I certainly can't think of any - not from 7 through 10 anyway. I've always considered them all pretty 'out there', which has always been part of the charm for me.

I would actually consider the Squall/Rinoa plot to be one of the most well developed stories in the entire series, perhaps only behind the Tidus/Yuna romance in X and the heartbreaking way Vivi finds out about his origins in 9.

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I still think my favourite thing about FF8 is such a stupidly small thing, but major spoiler for the three people who haven't played it...

Irvine not shooting Edea and you think it's because this cool and collected guy has just lost his nerve in the heat of the moment, until it's revealed later that Edea was the matron of their orphanage. There's something about that I love from a story telling perspective.

And the card game.

Best mini game in the entire series.

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