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And missing the knowledge that Nailing that monster with Garnet trapped above it with a Dyne attack that hits all available targets, INCLUDING Garnet, is a poor idea <_<

You'd have thought I'd have learned this lesson after that whole 'Attacking Adel with GFs will result in Rinoa being turned in to a charred corpse that her dog is going to eat' fiasco in VIII.

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I must admit, I've never got the allure of IX. Maybe I should play it again.

And V and VI are available for download on PS3, or only PSP? I'm not sure how that whole thing works.

PSOne Classics play on both, but I don't know if they're up in the American Store. They've been up on the Aus Store (and so I presume the UK Store as well) since the network came back online.

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Nice of you to join us in PSP heaven Tkz. (Y)

I have I, II, VII, VIII, IX on my PSPGo (H)

I'll probably pick up IX for my PSPGo when I get paid, but Metal Gear Solid has priority over all. Then... I dunno. I'm tempted by the older games, but I'm not sure how much I'm into the idea of playing what were mostly SNES or NES games on a PSP, which I wanted for the awesomeness of 'Oooh, PS1 games! On the go!'

Might also pick up Resident Evil and some Tomb Raider games.

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Nice of you to join us in PSP heaven Tkz. (Y)

I have I, II, VII, VIII, IX on my PSPGo (H)

I'll probably pick up IX for my PSPGo when I get paid, but Metal Gear Solid has priority over all. Then... I dunno. I'm tempted by the older games, but I'm not sure how much I'm into the idea of playing what were mostly SNES or NES games on a PSP, which I wanted for the awesomeness of 'Oooh, PS1 games! On the go!'

Might also pick up Resident Evil and some Tomb Raider games.

Someone else on EWB has a PSPGo?

({) :wub::w00t:

Also, I need to get Resident Evil

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To this day, I still have trouble getting past the (what feels like) twenty minute 'Promise' sequence in FFVII. I DO REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TIFA. I REMEMBER THE PROMISE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO MAKE ME RELIVE IT EVERY TIME I PLAY THE DAMN GAME!

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To this day, I still have trouble getting past the (what feels like) twenty minute 'Promise' sequence in FFVII. I DO REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED TIFA. I REMEMBER THE PROMISE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO MAKE ME RELIVE IT EVERY TIME I PLAY THE DAMN GAME!

Oh god, that same thing happens to me. If I can get past that, the Dollet mission (FFVIII), the Evil Forest (FFIX), then I know I'll get through most if not all of the game. If not... eh, I'll save over it next time I play.

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Weirdly enough I really like the Dollet Mission. I think it's because it's one of my first memories of Final Fantasy, I have this really strong image of me playing that part around a friends house and learning that you don't have to fight the big spider, you can completely avoid it if your timing is right.

For me, FFVII is actually the Don Corneo bit. If I can make it past the dressing up shit and the train graveyard, chances are I'll continue playing the game for a good while. FFVIII... it'd have to be the first bit with Laguna. I could never stand those bits. I know they tie into the story in the end, but once you know how, they just become a chore to get through. (Especially the second one in the crystal caves). And FFIX... eh. I don't think I've tried playing it enough to have a spot. I know I tend to slow down a lot when I reach the town with the Black Mages. Other than that, I'm lucky if I make it to the forest. >_>

And since this is a fun conversation... FFX is definitely the bits in Guadosulam. FFX-2... I can't remember, but I do love that game. And I've never played XII or XIII enough to warrant a spot. Whenever I do try and play XII I tend to stop in the first big city, so there's that... :P

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In all honesty, I've only played Final Fantasy VII the once. But the first time around, I felt like Midgar just dragged on and on and on. I couldn't wait to get out, and I imagine if I played again, I'd have to get through Midgar quickly.

Final Fantasy VIII, I'm fine until the start of Disc 2 in the Prison, and the ensuing missile base. Such a slow section, not helped by massive amounts of backtracking and running back and forth, and every single room looking the same.

Final Fantasy IX... just evil forest. I love most every other part of that game. Evil forest is OK too, but there's nothing there to really grip you and make you want to play the game some more.

Final Fantasy X. If I can get to Kilika Island, I'm good. Everything carries itself forward from there.

Final Fantasy X-2... yeah. I've never actually finished this one. Started playing it again yesterday as a break from XIII. I'm generally fine right up until Chapter 3 (I think that's where the concert happens), but after that I'm lost.

I've only got 2 files for Final Fantasy XII, and I've not really had a problem motivating myself to play until the end on either of them, but by that same token, it's not a game I want to revisit from the beginning for a long while.

I'm not sure I'll ever play Final Fantasy XIII again after I beat it. I loved it when I was down on Pulse, but seeing as how it sends you back to Cocoon by the end of the Chapter, it's a short lived freedom. I can see myself going back to my save file after I finish and just doing random questing though.

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FF4 ... The first time in the Underworld.

FF5 ... Everyone after the steamship, until the beginning of the second world.

FF6 ... The stretch between the 3 team battle for the Esper in Narshe and having control of the airship has gotten me twice on attempted replays.

FF7 ... Getting between the point where you leave Midgar to the point where Aeris dies slows me down. I've only ever beaten it once, and only made it to the death scene once.

FF8 ... Disc 2. At least until the battle of the Gardens at the end. Once I get there I'm in till the end.

FF9 ... The first half of Disc 3. I can barely remember it.

I've never replayed FFX, never played X2 or 12, and I actually am 2 for 2 on FF13 attempts somehow.

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If I can get past the New Game button I can pretty much play IX forever. :shifty:

You're not the worst on here though, Norris and Stok have to get their partners to turn on their PSPs when they want to play something other than IX. Otherwise they're four hours in before they realize 'wait... didn't I want to play FIFA today?' :shifty:

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