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I started FFXIII again the other day, this time using the guide to collect everything. Got to admit, it's less of a let down when you know what's coming, but it's still not the game it should be. Just about to go and face...

... the Shiva sisters...

... and I'm finding it more interesting seeing the nuances, particularly in the datalog.

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I caved and decided to get a big PSP memory stick so that I didn't have to swap games whenever I want to play FFVII, VIII or IX on it. Immediately started playing FFVII and I'm up to Rocket Town without getting even close to being bored. I know people have issues with it, but I don't think I'll ever tire of playing FFVII, it's got the perfect balance of battles, levelling and fun side stuff to keep my interest all the way through.

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I fucking hate that they're wasting another Final Fantasy on a MMO. They should have kept the series strictly offline.

It´s just a number, it´s not the same team working on the game and there is no storyline that continues from game to game. I´ed be much more concernt about games like FF13... because whatever went wrong with that one screwed you out of a better game.

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I've been playing FVII for the past week or two. I was loving it but now have hit something of a hump. I ended up grinding a bit inside Gaea's Cliff, which coupled with the mind fuck inside Whirlwind Maze has a put a little dampner on things.

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I think I stopped some time before going back in to Midgar. Or I'd just re-entered Midgar, I can't quite remember. Either way, I need to finish that game off I think since I wanted to do a run through with different characters (since I'd pretty much spammed Vincent + Red XIII the entire game along with Cloud)

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I liked XIII a lot. Though I don't think I'll ever be truly happy until we get another one that is like IX.

But the game basicly plays itself for you...

Basically? The only thing you get to choose is when to grind, and that takes until about hour 15 until you actually need to. I liked FFXIII's characters and the story was what it was, but the gameplay dynamic is more complex in a game of pong, and I'm barely using hyperbole there.

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I liked XIII a lot. Though I don't think I'll ever be truly happy until we get another one that is like IX.

But the game basicly plays itself for you...

Basically? The only thing you get to choose is when to grind, and that takes until about hour 15 until you actually need to. I liked FFXIII's characters and the story was what it was, but the gameplay dynamic is more complex in a game of pong, and I'm barely using hyperbole there.

I was trying to not get everyone into "zOMG i hate youz Matzarrrrt" mode. But yeah, there is no game, therefore they screwed you out of it. That was kind of the point i was trying to make.

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Well, I just dl'd FFVII for my PS3 last Thursday. If I'd known getting FFVII was an option, I likely would've never gotten a 360 <_<

Now to finally finish it. I once borrowed it off a mate and got back to Midgar, but that was it. This time I plan on finishing it :D

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