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Wait - if you defeat X-ATM, do you not get the awesome Quistis Rambo moment?

Anyway, I've never 'destroyed' it. My main concern is to get the higher SeeD rank by escaping faster. The only thing that's really a crap shoot is the bridge run where it jumps over to where you are, causing you to run back, and then run back AGAIN when it jumps again.

You don't get a higher SEED rank for escaping faster because by fighting it for such a length you end up not having a timer once it's dead, you do however get a shedload of SEED points for defeating it. But honestly, the only reason to fight it is for a sense of accomplishment. If you do insist on fighting it, never run away, just pound with attacks like holy hell until it goes down to about 50% recovery ability then smack the ever loving crap out of it with bolt and Qez summon. If you're going to run away from the battles then don't run away from it on the field screen, always run forward.

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I forgot some of the small things about IX, like how when Steiner clashes against the castle wall when he sees Garnet jump you actually see sparks fly. That was neat.

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so I'm playing VII again, just went through Mythril Mine and my characters are all about level 25+ so I think I am kinda overlevelled at this point, but I'm only that high because I decided to obtain all my Limit Breaks (except Level 4) before carrying on. Currently Cloud and Barret have all Limit's learned, Red XIII is on level 3, Tifa is on Level 2, and Aeris and Yuffie are still on level 1. :)

So yeah, I wanna get all Turtle's Paradise Flyers, but missed the one in Shinra HQ on my first trip there. I've completly forgot when, so can anyone tell me when I go there again? ;)

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During the attack on Midgar at the end of Disc 2, when you're on the train tracks head the opposite route of the exit that leads to the street where you fight Proud Clod.

Think I'll start FFVIII in a little bit, 100%'d FFVII yesterday and it's about time I had another blast on VIII.

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Thanks Benji. (Y)

Two more questions now.

One (Spoiler Tags incase anyone has never played VII):

Shall I remove all materia that Aeris has equipped before her death, or do I get it all back once she has died?


Where do I find all the Enemy Skill materia's? I have one, and IIRC there are four.


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The game removes materia and accesories before she leaves, so no worries.

The enemy skills are... at Shinra HQ (I assume this is the one you have), in Junon after the parade at the inn, there's one in the Forgotten City and the final one is in Chocobo Sage's House when you speak to the chocobo.

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Is it just me who finds the more they play FF the less they use summons? I really don't care to use them any more except abusing KOTR and Phoenix on FFVII and the summons on X, and the latter is only because they're useful as a barrier against strong attacks >_>

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I've played FF so much I hardly even use any non-buffing/curing magic either. Straight up physical damage.

I went the entirety of FFXII only using a summon once, and that was to open the gate to Giruvegan. The summons in that game absolutely sucked. At least in X they're useful, and you have summons battles.

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The only summon I ever really tended to use was Odin in Final Fantasy VII, but that's because he had SUCH a badass animation.

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The only summon I ever really tended to use was Odin in Final Fantasy VII, but that's because he had SUCH a badass animation.

Don't you kinda have to use him after you get him though? >_>

And in VIII, I use them for elemental attacks, and I also abuse Bahamut and Eden.

The fact that you don't abuse Doomtrain for power-leveling means that you lose.

Good day sir.

Pffft, the only true way to power-level is the fixed elnoyle encounter in Esthar disc 3. Make sure someone has LVL UP and everyone has ST-ATK Death 100. Every fight will give about 1500 exp. Simple, simple.

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