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Screw FFVII, I found FFIV, V and VI today. I've never played any of them and completely forgot I ever even had them. Which one do I play first?
You could go in order, or you can go to the game with the most awesome job class system (That would be V)

You, sir, are a liar and a scoundrel. I don't like V's class system, not got the decent mix like Tactics does, not the cool set system like FFIX or FFVI, it's not even an inbetween. IV I find has a the best characters and is generally fun to play, V is an oddity, it's fun but I can never put my finger on why, and VI is probably the best all-round, though it doesn't really excel above any other FF in anything.

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Correct. Judgement points. If you finish with like...only a few seconds remaining (somewhere between 1-10 I think), you will get 100 points.

You also lose 20 points if you don't save the dog when you're running away.

You lose points for each person you talk to that isn't a forced conversation.

You lose points for trying to leave the area without being given orders to.

....that's all I remember.

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I recommend VIII, the Materia System gets old.


"Oh dear, the Materia system has got a bit repetitive and tedious. I know - to liven things up, I'll switch to a system which will have me clawing out my own eyes in frustration instead."

Right? :shifty:

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