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Definitely Aerith, have Cloud be an absolute brute tank, and Aerith needs to be had just for her lvl 4 limit break.

Then, if you've already got second/third level spells, you'll want Red XIII, as with the right materia, there is nothing better than Red/Black Mage Red XIII. If your materia isn't all that up-to-scratch yet, throw in either Barett or Cid, have them be the tank and give Cloud all your best Yellow materia.

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Definitely Aerith, have Cloud be an absolute brute tank, and Aerith needs to be had just for her lvl 4 limit break.

Then, if you've already got second/third level spells, you'll want Red XIII, as with the right materia, there is nothing better than Red/Black Mage Red XIII. If your materia isn't all that up-to-scratch yet, throw in either Barett or Cid, have them be the tank and give Cloud all your best Yellow materia.

... no... Aeris is dying, she can fuck off, I've seen her limits before and don't care about her. You don't need to decide my materia, just my party :P

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Tifa's limit break is the balls, as with the right timing, leveling and equipment, it'll be almost as powerful as Omnislash. Cait Sith is completely useless, he is Fran, Amarant, Selphie and Kimahri all rolled into one big tub of double crossing shit.

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Tifa's limit break is the balls, as with the right timing, leveling and equipment, it'll be almost as powerful as Omnislash. Cait Sith is completely useless, he is Fran, Amarant, Selphie and Kimahri all rolled into one big tub of double crossing shit.

Amarant is sodding immense! If you were going to name someone at least choose Quina. Blue mages seem to suffer in FF.

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Shame too because I liked Quina's character, it was so outright bizarre. Couldn't ever find any reason to keep it in my party though.

As far as FF7 parties go I always go Cloud - Vincent - Barrett - Aeris prior to her death, then I load all my healing materia onto Tifa and go Cloud - Vincent - Barrett - Tifa. Sometimes I change Barrett or Vincent out for Red, Cid or Yuffie but that's only if I need them for any certain reason.

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Cait Sith is completely useless, he is Fran, Amarant, Selphie and Kimahri all rolled into one big tub of double crossing shit.
Boo-urns. These are people that are always in my main parties in their respective games...

Take Cid and Cait Sith. Not sure why, just because...

Edited by Kryptonite3d
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I'll accept Amarant and Selphie, they have their uses - but Fran is a useless sack of shit, everything she does is so decidedly average, and Kimahri is without a doubt the most pathetic excuse for a party member ever, which is a shame, because he's a fantastic character. He's just useless, he's weaker than Wakka and Auron, he's slower than Tidus and Rikku and his magic compared to Yuna and Lulu is just piss poor. There's nothing outstanding about him, and there's nothing to use him for other than a quick overdrive boost.

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I'll accept Amarant and Selphie, they have their uses - but Fran is a useless sack of shit, everything she does is so decidedly average, and Kimahri is without a doubt the most pathetic excuse for a party member ever, which is a shame, because he's a fantastic character. He's just useless, he's weaker than Wakka and Auron, he's slower than Tidus and Rikku and his magic compared to Yuna and Lulu is just piss poor. There's nothing outstanding about him, and there's nothing to use him for other than a quick overdrive boost.

Agreed, Kimhari should've been the character 'outside' of the sphere grid, in that it was his Dragoon/Blue Magic abilities that should've been his major battling point, instead they put him in the center of the grid and left his stats dedicedly mediocre.

Fran has the worst overall stats of all the FFXII characters and those of hers which are higher than others, other people do far better, for my team she's just an all-round filler, not as good as someone, but easy to call into battle to replace if it's not worth reviving someone.

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