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Guest strongarm85

Note: "::" denotes back row.

My team:

Paladin Cecil (Final Fantasy IV) Main tank who can help heal and cover the weaker party members.

::Yuna (Final Fantasy X) White magic and Summoning.

Sabin (Final Fantasy VI) Sabin's Blitz moves can cover every a wide range elemental, Holy, Nonelmental damage, and Healing. He's probably the strongest final Fantasy character ever made. And the guy can supplex a train.

::Rydia (Final Fantasy VI) Powerful offensive magic and can also summon.

Vincent (Final Fantasy VII) If I'm allowed to use Dirge of Cerberus feats than Vincent is by far the fastest final Fantasy Character ever. Plus I like to have at least one ranged attacker in case I have to deal with flying enemies.

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Dibs out of being the girl who gets a giant sword through her chest.

Okay but you're still wearing a dress.

Also, imagine if Tifa had been stabbed, do you think ol' Sephy's sword would have managed to break through those sweater cows?

Of course I'm still wearing a dress! +5 Def, +3 M. Def, +10 sexy....plus, makes my legs look great.

Lawl, sweater cows. I think there just would have been a loud pop.

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Guest strongarm85

It would have been better as a movie... In fact someone actually uploaded the a series of 12 clips from the game arranged as a movie and it he actually didn't leave anything out. He kind of rushed through the starges and beat it in about 3 hours.

Thing about Dirge is its short. Its a renter. I wouldn't buy it. Its short enough that you can probably beat if you check it out for a weekend and beat it pretty easy. Vincent gets a huge powerup in this game though. If Vincent where that strong in VII he probably could have soloed Sephiroth.

Storywise it pretty much explains everything with Vincent including a few details on the actual sources of his transformations. Hojo has a big role in things also.

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There's a lot I didn't like about Dirge Of Cerberus, the only good thing is the backstory it puts in to Chaos. Vincent's backstory gets a bit muddled, and HOW FUCKING OLD IS LUCRECIA, AND IS SHE ALIVE ANY MORE OR NOT?! Oh, and Grimoire Valentine is the most pointless addition to Final Fantasy canon ever, he just kind of ruined everything.

Basically, the overlying message of Dirge Of Cerberus, story-wise, is "Lucrecia's a cow".

Also, I hate Vincent's voice, he sounds too much like a bad Solid Snake impression which is handy, as the game's a bad Metal Gear rip-off in more than one place. Also, I dislike how Vincent both acts as, and is perceived as, a conventional "good guy" hero, just there to save the day...he was never a conventional hero, he was just out for revenge. While, yeah, at some point he began fighting for more than just himself, he's still not the "save the day in the nick of time" kind of guy. Plus, he's an evil looking motherfucker, people wouldn't be so open to helping him along the way.

Anyway, dream party....let's say it's a party of five...would have been four, but fuck it:

1) Cloud

2) Vivi

3) Balthier

4) Terra

5) Cid Highwind

Likely to change at any given time, but there you've got one of the least irritating protagonists, Vivi to bring the black magic while still being adorable, Balthier to bring some humour and pathos to proceedings, and to be a motherfucking god with a polearm, Terra as token female, also delivering some white magic and Espers along the way, and the special guest Cid Highwind, as what's a Final Fantasy party when you don't have someone bringing an airship along? Plus, he's basically a dragoon. Can't go wrong there. And he's bad-ass.

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No you first see Yuffie a bit beyond Junon, I'm pretty sure it's after the Golden Saucer and you go around the forest near where Zacks parents live.

No, it's as soon as you can enter forests, I always go get her because she's useful against Jenova on the boat. Amusingly J once left it til the end of the game and used a gold chocobo to go find her in the forest around the crater.

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Yeah, its Steal. I have Balthier doing it, and I am Vaan. As it stands, I've got some Gambit which is something like Foe HP = 100%, which is fine for when you fight against one baddie, but when you have a group come at you and are fighting one of them, Balthier has a habit of wandering off and trying to steal five times from one of the others.

Meh, its no big deal.

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Yeah, its Steal. I have Balthier doing it, and I am Vaan. As it stands, I've got some Gambit which is something like Foe HP = 100%, which is fine for when you fight against one baddie, but when you have a group come at you and are fighting one of them, Balthier has a habit of wandering off and trying to steal five times from one of the others.

Meh, its no big deal.

Best to have your main character steal with that gambit, then you can choose whether to wander off or keep attacking.

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