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Final Fantasy


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Favourite Bosses:

FF6 - Ghost Train, if only for the sight of Sabin giving it a suplex.

FF7 - Bizzaro Sephiroth, though Palmer gets an honourable mention for running in from of a truck.

FF8 - Biggs And Wedge

FF9 - Ozma, because nothing says "RAWR! BIG, BAD, ENTIRELY OPTIONAL BOSS" like a floating beach ball.

FFX - Braska's Final Aeon

Overall, I'd have to give it to Braska's Final Aeon.

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Can't remember his name, but it was in Final Fantasy II/IV and it is right before Cecil becomes a paladin. This was before I learned about online game guides and had so much trouble beating him. Took me forever, in fact I had many games end right there as I just got tired of losing all of the time.

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FF7 - though Palmer gets an honourable mention for running in from of a truck.

That was freakin' awesome. I'll also third Demon's Gate and throw out any battle with The Turks in FFVII. The Turks are badasses.

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I can't really say I have any favourite boss battles, most of them don't really stick out in my mind anymore to be honest. The only one I can remember is fighting Seymour from FFX on that bloody mountain as I lost that fight continually and wanted to cry about it!

Also the early battles in FF8 like the one with that big electric spider thing stick out in my head! Along with the second battle against it at the Missle base. I still love that game and am so tempted to pick it up and play it again but I'm determined to get through FF12 first!

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I'm going to go game by game too now :P

Final Fantasy: Chaos, by a mile, he's just visually the best boss of the game quite frankly, in a game that had several visually striking bosses, he's number one.

Final Fantasy II: Emperor Palamecia, continuing the trend of end bosses being badass, FFII didn't exactly have the pick of the crop in terms of bosses, several beasts that would later return as regular enemies and the occasional boss appearance once more, but Palamecia is one of few that retains its cool.

Final Fantasy III: Doga and Unne, whilst not one single boss battle (rather, a consecutive battle), I always found them great characters and bosses, come on, Doga had moogle guardians, introducing the little fellas and ladies into the Final Fantasy universe for the very first time!

Final Fantasy IV: THIS is where it gets tough, a game full of wonderful heroes and villains, it's a tough pick, I could have chosen Caignazzo (a very annoying boss if you haven't levelled up much at all), Golbez was pretty damned close, and I've always had a soft spot for the Magus Sisters, but unfortunately they are all trounced, once again, by the final boss; Zeromus. Hatred incarnate, one of few bosses or beats I've ever actually shouted "WHAT THE FUCK?!" at before fighting it. Heck, it takes almost every party character met in the game to take it down technically (and as I said, there were a lot of heroes), how could I NOT choose it?

Final Fantasy V: ExDeath and Neo ExDeath are cool, Omega was great too, the technical boss Gogo was original, but there is absolutely no doubt who'd get the prize in this one, and if you don't know, you NEED to play this game just for him. I of course refer to the legendary Gilgamesh! The first major recurring boss, a wonderful theme, an odd companion (in this particular game it's actually a little dragon with the usual name) and some good dialogue.

Final Fantasy VI: There were four (technically five) choices for me here, Ultros is the newest recurring boss with his ally, the bizzare Chupon, Atma/Atma Weapon are both beastly, but the Final Fantasy series' reputation for final bosses is well founded, and Kefka beats off any and all competition. There's something inherently odd about a quasi-clown/army general/psychotic world destroyer being so awesome, maybe it's the AMAZING final battle theme, perhaps it's all in the twisted laugh, which even without 'real' voice acting is somehow disturbing, perhaps it's something else entirely, but I am 100% sure that Kefka is the fucking man of FFVI.

Final Fantasy VII: Whilst I already mentioned Demon's Gate being the best, I'm just going to list off how many badass bosses this game has... Ruby Weapon, Emerald Weapon, Ultimate Weapon, Diamond Weapon, Safer-Sephiroth, Bizzaro-Sephiroth, all forms of Jenova, Dyne, Rufus, Gi Natak, Guard Scorpion, Hojo's forms, Lost Number, Materia Keeper, Palmer, The Turks and probably more still that I shouldn't be missing but am. You want badass bosses? You take FFVII and shut the hell up.

Final Fantasy VIII: A game with unusually average bosses, even the recurring ones seem a little lacking to me, I still think that it's an under rated game, but the bosses don't help its cause. Barring Adel, Ultimecia/Griever (the combo fight only), Abaddon, Biggs & Wedge and Seifer, this game is unusually lacking any really hardcore to beat bosses and only has two visually striking (Adel and the Ultimecia/Griever combo). Still a fun game, but for a modern FF it really lacks that "oomph" with bosses IMO. If I'm choosing one it's the final stage of the final boss.

Final Fantasy IX: Except Ozma, none of the bosses of IX are that hard either if you do the levelling up you should do, but FFIX's bosses were very much the visual pleasure, the return of the Four Fiends, the Antlion battle is always a fun one, the Black Waltzes are a ditto, Deathguise, Kuja (both trance and regular), Gizamaluke, Hades, Meltigemini, Necron and Soulcage are all wonderful for one reason or another, but the winner is already stated. Ozma is visually quite weird, but there's no denying that it's hardcore, especially if you go in unprepared and without the friendly fiends all found.

Final Fantasy X: Final Aeon, Chocobo Eater, Evrae Altana, Geosgaeno, Penance, the series of Seymour battles, the series of Sin battles and the Dark Aeon battles, but my personal favourite is Yunalesca, three battles, all visually EXTREMELY cool, and so soon after a revelation that changes the games dynamic heavilly, she feels genuinely twisted and evil, and is probably the best non-final boss and non-optional boss there is besides Demon's Gate.

Final Fantasy X-2: Vegnagun, that's it really, a game that I liked more than I should have, but lacks any potent bosses, it felt more like an adventure game than anything, but Vegnagun was an awesome finalé to an over slammed game.

Final Fantasy XII: Having STILL not completed it, I can't give full opinions but I'm willing to put money on that it will end up being Yiazmat just for the fact it's so hardcore that you're allowed to leave the battle and return with its HP down at any point, it's just that fucking hard :P

If you think I'm going to do spin-offs (barring FFX-2), you're mistaken :shifty:

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A moogle just said "Oh Noes", which means this may well be the best game ever.

Incidentally, this is the first Final Fantasy game in which I can remember actually enjoying battling...as much as I like the random battles and turn-based system in the older games, most of the time it became a chore to get through every dungeon, whereas in this it's more HAHA HACK SLASH KILL EVERYTHING, HAHA....OH SH-- because there's the occassional monster far more powerful than I am. FUCK IT'S A T-REX. Love it.

So, yeah, I know I'm way behind, having only just used the Aerodrome for the first time, but fuck it, I've only had this a weekend.

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I myself don't know enough French to be sure, but this website, which I'm told is pretty damn accurate, says mar-kee.

You'll also note that the [uK English] people say mar-kwiss, though the [uS English] people say mar-kee. But then, they also say 'ah-loo-min-um', so who trusts them on anything? :shifty:

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I'd always thought UK English said Mar-Kee? As in, Mar-Kee De Sade, Mar-Kwiss De Sade just sounds absurd.

Oh, and back to FFXII if we may, I was in the Estersands or one of the similar desert bits around there, and randomly came across one of those lizardmen things killing some monsters...I couldn't interact with him or anything he was just there, killing stuff. What's that all about?

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