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Premiership 2007/08


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I can't understand why Arsenal fans get so precious about other teams being a bit rough with them, because these teams are just as rough against every other team they play. Just because you ping the ball around in some pretty triangles doesn't mean everyone else should just sit back and let you do it.

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By "let off", I mean how people are saying that he didn't mean it, so he shouldn't be punished further which seems like the universal response.

Those "ridiculous post match comments", would they happen to be the ones he retracted almost immediately afterwards?

"Almost immediately" meaning later on that evening, right? Those comments that were apparantly made in the heat of the moment and yet strangely repeated to two TV stations, radio and the written press?

Wenger only retracted them because he realised how big a hole he'd dug for himself, not because he thought he'd overreacted.

Same day though. But what was the papers and Sky and BBC's headlines? "Wenger calls for Taylor to be banned for life...oh, yeah and then he retracted them, but he still said he should be banned forever!" was how it was reported for the next week.

Straight away when I saw it (and I'd wager the majority of Arsenal fans) I wanted Taylor's head, but after consideration I changed my mind. Now picture Arsene Wenger who works with Eduardo day-in, day-out and on top of that has to do interview, after interview after the game. He was probably seething for a while after it. Also, what is more important; checking up on your player or apologising for a comment?

Arsenal fans (not all, but a lot I've been seeing/hearing/reading lately) need to realize they're dirty bastards too. All this "He should be banned!" If that's the case, your own team would lose a couple too.

And I love the "Villa fans are scum." for singing about Eduardo. Sure, because singing about murdering jews isn't scum like at all. Arsenal have gone down in my estimations lately, because of the fans.

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That honour would go to us.....I kid you not. Rovers are the most fouled team in the league this season, spurs second

Other way around, according to Martin Tyler. It's odd, because when the papers corrected Wenger they had United first and Everton second. :huh:

Arteta, Bentley and Young are the three most fouled players.

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