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Premiership 2007/08


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Fuck everyone.

Especially Harewood.

Lost it for ourselves. Completely and utterly gutted. Spurs always can get back into matches, we took our foot off, Harewood put his foot on :| and we fell apart. I feel bad for people like Laursen, who played like kings today.

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Guest Ringmaster

I knew Marlon Harewood was a good signing for Villa :wub:.

This sort of game typifies why I've come to both love and hate Spurs under Jol, we're like the new Werder Bremen, our tactic seems to be to win by outscoring people, which is shit but oh so entertaining. I thought this season would be different seeing as we signed a defender and left-back who aren't shit but apparently we're entitled to more of the same, especially if we don't dump Robinson soon. This was by no means a great result, but it felt great and hopefully we build on it much like we did on the draw with Boro last season.

Not sure if Jol will last though, bottom three may still not please the board.

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Martin Laursen is God.

Nah not really. But he doenst give the opposition goals like Michael Gravgaard of FC Copenhagen does. Which justifies his place on the national team :) . I hope Sorensen sorts things out though. Jesper Christiansen is a disaster as national goalie :ohwell:

Unless of course he's playing against Liverpool.

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Guest Ringmaster

Henk Ten Cate seems like a shitty manager anyways. He'd do a much better job as a coach, much like at Barca.

Now let's see if Jol runs off to Ajax to avoid the sack.

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C'mon United - If all goes well we'll be top by 2.30pm. Something of note though...Pique starting at Right Back. I knew Neville was injured but it seems we're without Brown as well. Would have probably made more sense to play O'Shea there and bring Nani in on the left and play Giggs alongside Scholes (even though neither are defensive minded) Taking a risk playing with no defensive midfielder I know, but Pique at RB is also taking a chance. Hope he does better than he did against Coventry.

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Is anyone else kind of annoyed that there are only two Premiership games being played today and only one of which is a 3pm kick-off? What's up with that? I can understand the UEFA Cup teams playing Sunday or Monday, but why is Reading/Derby, Arsenal/Sunderland and Fulham/Pompey tomorrow? I'm rather confused.

Anyway, I can't see anything but a win for Man Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal, but Chelski might have an interesting time against Bolton. Bolton might finally wake up and park the team bus in front of the goal...that or Chelski might wake up and thrash little Sammy's white-men.

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Not sure about Reading-Derby, but the Arsenal and Fulham games are live on Setanta and Sky respectively, so probably would have been Sunday games anyway.

As far as Utd goes...haven't been able to get started. Vidic and O'Shea both off injured in the 1st half. Two stone-wall penalties turned down. Apologies to those related to Riley, but he is indeed a wanker.

EDIT: Oh, and he booked Rooney for fuck all.

Edited by Baddar D
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