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FIFA '08

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Just beat some geezer online 2-0. I was England, he was Portugal. Go me.

If anyone still plays regularly, add me (Badd-um-tsch) so that we can play a few games. I'm quite new to the game, hence the happiness at my 2-0 online victory...especially given the rating of the guy I played.

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I'm extremely proud of my Liverpool 4-0 ManU victory online this morning. Especially my perfect hat-trick with Torres. I've found Liverpool to be the best team to play with, at least for me.

What is it with these losers who just shoot straight from the kickoff? I've done some research and apparently it does go in once in a while, but most of the time the keeper saves it or rarely it hits the bar (has happened to me once). Everyone I play seems to attempt it though. Pretty cheap way to get a goal I think, I know I wouldn't wanna win like that.

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I'm extremely proud of my Liverpool 4-0 ManU victory online this morning. Especially my perfect hat-trick with Torres. I've found Liverpool to be the best team to play with, at least for me.

What is it with these losers who just shoot straight from the kickoff? I've done some research and apparently it does go in once in a while, but most of the time the keeper saves it or rarely it hits the bar (has happened to me once). Everyone I play seems to attempt it though. Pretty cheap way to get a goal I think, I know I wouldn't wanna win like that.

Oh that's annoying.

A lot of people try it against me. I didn't think it'd be possible for somebody to score from it, but thought it was more to just boost their shooting stats up a bit, to show (or attempt to show) that they were in the game more. But yeah, it is really cheap if you can score from it. Gladly, nobody has against me yet from kick-off.

I was reading the Fifa forums the other day and there was one guy talking about these shit players who go online and brag about their ranking, when all they do is take advantage of whatever glitches the game might have. Fucking hate people like that. I hate people who can't play a fair game.

That said, I haven't had it long, so I'm at Level 2 I think. Still, add me if you want (PSN: Badd-um-tsch) and we'll play sometime.

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Way ahead of you. =) I added you and the other 3 guys who had fifa that weren't already on my friends list. (Y)

I play Manager mode a lot (nearly at the end of my second season with Darlington) but not much online (I'm level 2 aswell, just). Then when I do it's mainly unranked matches for a quick bit of fun.

I always do quick matches cause you get paired up with someone of your level. I've been in lobbies just to have a look around at people's stats. I noticed a level 20 player this morning proclaiming he was the new god =\ I hate cheats and I hate players with huge egos.

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I tend to not play Fifa much lately. I stopped playing it for a few weeks to get further on Burnout. It was more to do with the fact that I was something like 8 games unbeaten online, and for some reason decided to turn shit after that, losing the next 5, albeit by the odd goal.

Won the last two I played online though, so that'll do nicely. I'll probably go on later tonight.

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I've never actually played online, might give it a go even though I would be trashed. I'm just fucking around with Manager Mode right now playing at Semi-Pro with Man City to get the perfect season and running another one with Toronto FC where I allow about 2-4 goals a game. Tis a shame.

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I always thought I'd be getting hammered every game, but the fact you can choose to play people around your skill level, who are also quite new to the game/online helps a lot.

And for some reason I've found Fifa to be a game where you'd have to be REALLY bad at it to take a hammering over 5mins per half, which most of the online games are based over.

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Um yeah, so are there ps2 roster updates, or only the PC updates ?


Roster updates from when? The January transfers? I know they brought one out for the PS2, but it just wasn't as in depth as the PS3. All major transfers (Anelka to Chelsea for example) during the window were done on the PS2 version, as opposed to every single transfer being made on the PS3 version.

You should be able to download it by going to "My Fifa 08" (I think that's what it's called) and then "Download Squad File". Or alternatively, try and play a match online, and it'll automatically download the updated file so that you can play online. Once you've played your game online/got to the screen before you play, just exit, go into Team Management and save your squad settings. You should have the updated rosters then.

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These "score in under 10 minutes" challenges are horrible. No way to get the "Beat an entire region without failing a challenge" card...currently on challenge 4 for region 1 (score in under 10 minutes with a midfielder), and tried it 18 times without success.

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Anyone else tried playing with all the assists off? Or is there anyone who does that anyway?

Been playing with no assists against my brother the last couple of days and although it's harder, especially passing and close range shooting, it's a lot funner and can lead to more awesome plays when everything clicks. Although, it does seem a lot easier to score long range goals now.

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