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Your movie guilty pleasures

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Right, loads of us see ourselves as movie buffs. If someone carts out a thread asking you to list your top ten movies, we're all diving into the thread like a pack of wolves.

Now the question is, which movie, or movie star do you really enjoy watching, one that completely goes against your own movie "ethic".

For example, people know I love my asian movies, Euro movies, English movies, some arty-farty stuff and the well-made quirky feel-good Gosford Park, Amelie and the like.

However what I'd imagine some people don't know is that I have a major movie hard-on over Jason Statham and most of all the movie Crank. Genius movie about Chev Chelios (Statham) who's a hitman and gets poisoned in his sleep leaving him with just an hour to live and exact his revenge, only able to stay alive by constantly upping his adrennaline levels. It's stupid but I love every minute.

Now your turn.

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Crank shouldn't be a guilty pleasure, especially since it seems tongue-in-cheek as hell and is just a laugh riot throughout. Especially with lines like this:

"Chev Chelios: I know what I'm going to have to do.

Orlando: What's that?

Chev Chelios: I'm going to have to kick some black ass."

"Chev Chelios: Does it look like I got cunt written on my head? Who do you think you are fucking with?"

That and the whole scene where he takes the Arab cab driver out of the car and yells "Al-quada"at him to get the old women to attack him. HAHAHA, so wrong and so funny.

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Any action movie with the Rock. They are so atrocious, but cheering for the Rock to kick ass is awesome.

I also like really bad horror movies you can laugh off in the vein of The Hills Have Eyes.

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The Wizard

That's not a guilty pleasure! The Wizard was awesome. "AHHHHHHHHHH, HE TOUCHED MY BREASTS!" Classic.

As far as guilty plesures....



Death Warrant

Street Fighter

Time Cop


Sudden Death

Yeah, I have a soft spot for Van Damme movies.

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