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John Rambo


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Did I just see the entire movie in 3 minutes?

Fuck it, it's Rambo! After all the hesitation behind Rocky Balboa, that turned out to be one of the most fun movies of 2006, I have no doubts Rambo will turn out the same way. Although, let's just hope these two successes don't convince Stallone to resurrect Demolition Man, The Specialist, or Driven.

Although I wouldn't argue a reunion with Estelle Getty for "Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot Too!" But maybe that's because I miss the usage of "Too" for sequels. "Teen Wolf Too" just looked way cooler than "Teen Wolf Two."

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Fuck it, it's Rambo! After all the hesitation behind Rocky Balboa, that turned out to be one of the most fun movies of 2006, I have no doubts Rambo will turn out the same way. Although, let's just hope these two successes don't convince Stallone to resurrect Demolition Man, The Specialist, or Driven.

Demolition Man kicked ass.

John Rambo looks fucking rad. I endorse any movie with a decapitation, and this movie seems to capture the grit and brutality of the book "First Blood".

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I'll never hear a bad word said against Demolition Man, damn it! Although the throwaway "President Schwarzanegger" conversation has got all a bit sinister, in retrospect.

That trailer's actually fantastic. When I first heard they were planning a new Rambo film, and that the original proposed plot was Rambo vs. Afghan terrorists, I thought it would be more of the gung-ho Americana bullshit of Rambo III, which couldn't be further from the original feel of First Blood (which remains one of my favourite films), but this does look damn good, and has set a lot of my worries aside for the time being.

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Demolition Man is awesome.

The effects on the kills make it look like it's trying to compensate for having nothing else. Straight-to-DVD stuff does that all the time. The grainy quality of the trailer doesn't help it look high budget either.
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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I got back from seeing Rambo a little while ago and the only thing I can say is.....FUCKING SPECTACULAR!!!!

They pulled no punches what so ever.

Every bit of violence was intact, women, children, animals...no one was spared. Bullet wounds, knife wounds, severed limbs, people blown apart, rape, torture.....

I am not condoning any of the above, but normally these things don't end up getting shown in movies, where they instead make war look like a fun little adventure for you and your buddies.

This movie showed that war is hell, and I have a feeling that there are going to be some pissed off soccer moms and overly religious people boycotting the movie in the next day or two.

I on the other hand thought it was absolutely spectactular, and I am willing to say it is the best pure action movie since the original Die Hard.

I will be seeing it again sometime this week.

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I saw it last night and freakin' loved it. I was really surprised by the amount of violence and gore, and I even expected it to be pretty violent and gory. You could argue that the success of the Saw films and other "gore porn" movies dubbed by critics (even though they still don't compare to those of 70's Italian horror movies and the like) made the amount of violence OK to pass through the censors but I think it has to do with the setting. Like the last post said "War is hell". But still, I was surprised to see body limbs explode off and bullets literally shredding through bodies (the way they do in real life). Nevertheless, I thought it was a laugh riot. Not as much as my friend who was uproariously laughing when the village was getting shot up and all the innocents were dying, since I, you know, have a soul and such. But when the bad guys finally get their comeuppance at the end, I was probably laughing the loudest in the entire theater.

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Saw it Friday. AWESOME, AWESOME fucking movie. I too, also thought it was unintentionally hilarious in spots, but thats kinda the point. You don't go see this shit to see character development and plot, you go to see people get fucked up. It was an amazing visceral experience in terms of visual gore, and I'm actually looking forward to seeing it again, even if the main villan was a bitch.

Oh, and the asian mercenary, I know he's been in other movies, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. It seems he's always playing a cop, what's he been in?

Edited by DMN
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