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StarCraft II officially announced


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This stream was megumixbear, who is hanging with day9 on her stream. At 1:09:00, she sets up a 2v2 and puts day9 and Cella on a team together and hillarity ensues. Cella cheeses with a proxy void ray, and their opponent cheese day9 with cloaked banshees. Cella decides to go Mothership rush because "it's mommys day!", and when day9 is getting his mineral line savaged by Banshees, Cella tells him "my mother is coming! My mother is coming!", which eventually leads to day9 laughing so hard he has to pause the stream. The other Protoss player also goes Mothership, no doubt out of the same logic, and eventually one Mothership vortexes the other.

Cella's broken english and James Bond villian accent are adorable as well.

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Worker rushes tend to be incredibly effective because the opponent will usually badly overreact and commit his entire mining force to force firing a single worker. If you in the meantime have workers mining you can take a huge economic lead.

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That, coincidentally, led me to this:

Holy fuck Ultras are so good. That Zerg player looked dead.

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