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Spider-Man 3 Discussion Thread


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I just finally watched it. There were some scenes that I loved. Actually, a lot. I liked Jameson, again, he's friggin' hilarious, though. Also, like everyone else, I was laughing my ass off at Maître d’. Not to mention Parker's strut down the street was great.

However, I, personally, felt like there wasn't enough character development. My brother joined me in seeing this movie, and argued with me profusely. I just felt like we didn't learn enough about Brock, would have liked to see more of Harry's amnesia stuff. I thought they could have done so much more with Harry's character.

When Goblin and Spidey were fighting at the end, I thought it was awesome. The two of them teaming up was great, and I was angry they killed Harry off so quickly after the fight.

Topher Grace was great as Venom, I thought, he just portrayed the cocky asshole so well. I just wish we would have seen more of him.

I'm iffy on the whole movie. I can't complain too much, because I was entertained for the entire 2 hours. However, it just seemed too rushed for me. It seemed like they needed another 2 hours to get all of their stories over. I...just...I don't know, 6 or 7 out of 10, it just left a sour taste in my mouth. Definitely preferred the other two to this one, although I really didn't want to.

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Yeah, so as it stands there's three more to be done at least.
I'm weary of them, but Raimi has said he'll stick around as long as the fans want him and if the scripts are good. The moment Raimi leaves is when you know we're heading into Superman III or Batman & Robin territory. I can live with Maguire and Dunst going, but once Raimi goes, so does any hope of quality films.

Doubt it, Pirates 3 actually looks shit hot, the 2nd one looked a bit bland to me.

I don't think Pirates 3 will do as well as Spider-Man, I don't even think it'll do as well as Pirates 2. As much as I loved Dead Man's Chest, a lot of people didn't. It'll still do well, but I don't think it will break this record.

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Is there any word yet on if there was much cut from the film to save time? If so, I can see this potentially being a much better movie on DVD if they add in all the stuff that was cut to condense the film.

No word on it, but knowing Sony, you'll get it all in four different DVD releases and finally the whole package in Spider-Man 3.1, released a month before Spider-Man 4 :shifty:

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Raimi is renowned for not having stuff left over. He's a director who has said time and time again only film what you need. The fact that Sony was able to release SM2.1 shocked a lot of people.

Also, I'd be happy if Raimi walked away as director as long as he remained as an Exec Producer and was involved in picking the next director. There are a tone of very talented directors who could handle this franchise just fine, but I'd want Raimi to stay involved, as he has nurtured these movies from day one.

Also, early word was that should Tobey leave, Joseph Gordon Levitt was the name being tossed around at Sony as a replacement.

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I finished watching it last night, I liked it better than the second one. The first one was the best so far, but this one defintely reached for it in my opinion. I will agree with people that they lacked some Venom goodness, but the way the movie was made, it didn't leave a lot for him. I don't believe he's dead at all, and I'd definitely welcome Topher Grace back for another movie. He played a very awesome bastard. I don't like Harry being dead though and I felt they completely rushed the hell out of that entire storyline. Yeah I know it was his ultimate redemption, but I just think they could have focused more on his feud with Spiderman/Peter Partker. I've never been a huge fan of either Tobey or Kirsten's acting, so them leaving wouldn't really bother me as long as the casting got better.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that if Raimi left as director, I'd love to see what Christopher Nolan could do with this franchise.

Edited by The Enforker
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So I saw it today. I have to say I thought it was pretty weak. Don't get me wrong, it was worth the ticket, but it seemed over-hyped to me. A question though: Did the Sandman ever actually fly? That made no sense at all. What, he just catches a breeze that happens to put him where he wants to go?

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Also, I'd be happy if Raimi walked away as director as long as he remained as an Exec Producer and was involved in picking the next director. There are a tone of very talented directors who could handle this franchise just fine, but I'd want Raimi to stay involved, as he has nurtured these movies from day one.

Also, early word was that should Tobey leave, Joseph Gordon Levitt was the name being tossed around at Sony as a replacement.

Agreed with that. But if Raimi flat out leaves after pretty much confirming he's on board for #4, then it's pretty likely the movie will blow. I would be optimistic if Raimi was an executive producer and/or came out and said, "I had a really good time doing these, but I'd like to try something new and I'll remain on as producer." Unless of course he followed that up with, "Now please welcome the new head of the Spider-Man franchise, McG!"

And wasn't Jake Gyllenhaal all but confirmed to replace Maguire after his back injury almost forced him out of Spider-Man 2?


I'd love to see what Christopher Nolan

Nolan should never leave the Batman franchise, ever. He fits it so perfectly.

Edited by Zero
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I went and saw it on Friday night. Well, sort of.

We smoked a blunt and 3 joints, and then got paranoid that we'd get caught, so we left the drive-in. But from the 30 minutes I saw, it looked good. :ohwell:

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Also, I'd be happy if Raimi walked away as director as long as he remained as an Exec Producer and was involved in picking the next director. There are a tone of very talented directors who could handle this franchise just fine, but I'd want Raimi to stay involved, as he has nurtured these movies from day one.

Also, early word was that should Tobey leave, Joseph Gordon Levitt was the name being tossed around at Sony as a replacement.

Agreed with that. But if Raimi flat out leaves after pretty much confirming he's on board for #4, then it's pretty likely the movie will blow. I would be optimistic if Raimi was an executive producer and/or came out and said, "I had a really good time doing these, but I'd like to try something new and I'll remain on as producer." Unless of course he followed that up with, "Now please welcome the new head of the Spider-Man franchise, McG!"

And wasn't Jake Gyllenhaal all but confirmed to replace Maguire after his back injury almost forced him out of Spider-Man 2?


I'd love to see what Christopher Nolan
Nolan should never leave the Batman franchise, ever. He fits it so perfectly.

He did good with the dark atmosphere which is something I think the Spiderman film would need with Venom as the main villian. I don't want him to leave the Batman franchise either but I'd also love to see him try something here.

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Also, I'd be happy if Raimi walked away as director as long as he remained as an Exec Producer and was involved in picking the next director. There are a tone of very talented directors who could handle this franchise just fine, but I'd want Raimi to stay involved, as he has nurtured these movies from day one.

Also, early word was that should Tobey leave, Joseph Gordon Levitt was the name being tossed around at Sony as a replacement.

Agreed with that. But if Raimi flat out leaves after pretty much confirming he's on board for #4, then it's pretty likely the movie will blow. I would be optimistic if Raimi was an executive producer and/or came out and said, "I had a really good time doing these, but I'd like to try something new and I'll remain on as producer." Unless of course he followed that up with, "Now please welcome the new head of the Spider-Man franchise, McG!"

And wasn't Jake Gyllenhaal all but confirmed to replace Maguire after his back injury almost forced him out of Spider-Man 2?


I'd love to see what Christopher Nolan
Nolan should never leave the Batman franchise, ever. He fits it so perfectly.
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Forgot to mention...Bruce Campbell is, as usual, a high point in this movie.

Agreed. If he doesn't get to play Mysterio in an upcoming installment, there is no God.

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First of all, Tobey wasn't hurt enough not to do the second movie, he was going for more money. Secondly, I think Jake looks too old nowadays. Third, with all due respect, Spidey is a character about hope and about fighting through it all to do what's right. While I am sure some people felt Raimi was wrong for the films when he was first announced, I know Nolan is wrong for it. Nolan on Batman is the greatest fit ever. He's about as wrong for Spider-Man as McG woulda been for Superman. And lastly, while I wasn't gaga for this movie, I am very glad it had such a huge fucking opening. This franchise is still the best of the super-hero movies, and it would truly suck if it started to die already.

Oh, and it was announced months and months ago that Topher Grace had signed a multi picture deal.

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If I remember correctly, Silver Surfer was created with no real, erm... emotions? So there's no way he was able to distinguish good from evil. Something like that.

Edit: Gaby beat me to it.

Edited by Sire LL
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I liked the movie but loved Spiderman 2 much more. The emo stuff while money felt forced and in the jazz club scene he is cocky and emo? Also the only other thing I didn't like was J. Johan at the end, the bit with kid was unnessacary and should have just been him looking up in amazement.

Some people have said the emeotions weren't quite right, as have I, but compared to the Spiderman 2 subway scene, what could top that.

As for Venom. not being evil enough, see Vader Esp. III, when he learns of Padme's death. He will get even more evil next time.

I may go see it again, which I have done with spiderman 2 and Sith.

Also they should have just called it Pirates of the Carribean: Fuck Yes and hace Pirates IV: Why the hell not!

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