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Spider-Man 3 Discussion Thread


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I wasn't a fan of Venom talking while the mask was on either, but I am almost for sure he wasn't dead at the end of it. With all of the hype of OMFG Venom for the film, it would be a letdown if he isn't in any of the next three that are rumored to be filmed with or without Dunst/McGuire.

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I didn't like it. I cringed everytime Aunt May came on the screen because any scene with her just dragged and dragged and dragged. The Venom stuff seemed really tacked on which pissed me off because I love Venom. Plus they screwed up his weakness.

Your gonna tell me that Venom isn't affected by the sound of huge explosions and a jet engine propelled surf board but some metal pipes banging together hurts him?

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I'm going to say I really enjoyed the movie. I can't say it was a perfect blend because as TGC said, it wasn't great, it was good. Emo Parker was hilarious, but then again so was his crying. Honestly, the emotion was there, but his mannerisms need some work.

As for the death of James Franco. That just felt sort of.. unnecessary. It's going to be weird coming into Spider-Man 4 without him in a bigger role. (I figure he's going to be doing what Willem Dafoe has done in these last 2 movies)

Finally, the big argument over Venom. I, for one, have never loved Topher Grace more. He really brought the cocky, yet troubled, Eddie Brock to life IMO. I had my doubts about him at first considering his movie track record is nothing to really brag about, but I felt he really delivered. The whole talking normally while wearing the mask and such didn't bother me, really. He'll be back, and when he does come back, we'll finally get the amount of Venom we all wish he would've had in this film.

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Yeah, my only gripe about Venom is he didn't refer to himself as two beings. "We are Venom" would have made me mark the fuck out.

Harry dying was necessary, if you ask me. It was his atonement for his own actions, as well as his father's. And would I be alone in saying that painting of Willem Dafoe was the scariest thing I've ever seen?

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Harry dying was necessary, if you ask me. It was his atonement for his own actions, as well as his father's. And would I be alone in saying that painting of Willem Dafoe was the scariest thing I've ever seen?

It IS downright scary. And I mean, atonement for what? Harry didn't really do anything to justify his death. He kept attacking Spidey, and failing. He didn't really kill anybody... Probably the worst thing he did to Pete was the whole Mary-Jane thing, which, really, come on... Girl trouble?

The fact that half his face was marred by the explosion was justification enough for what he did.

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That was supposed to be happening but got canned, I think. Unless you were being sarcastic. I dunno :shifty:

I saw it earlier and loved it. The only thing I didn't like was the use of Venom, but the build-up was good. They did really well to juggle all three villains. And yeah, Tobey's crying was hilarious. It just didn't seem right. I'll add to the emo Peter love, he was awesome.

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He tried to kill Peter!

Who hasn't? :P

Edit: And that argument is also flawed due to Sandman getting off easy. And he actually DID kill someone.

Edited by Sire LL
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Except that Venom always sucked as a "hero". Lethal Protector? No thanks. Crazy fucking psycho who hates Peter and Spidey? Yes please.

Who said anything about making Venom the hero? Have a villain centric film with a small Spiderman cameo or something.

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I enjoyed it, around the 8 mark for me. I think Spidey 2 is a better film overall, and that Spidey 3 was a VERY enjoyable movie but not great movie. Disco Spidey was tremendously funny if a little too much, and Bruce Campbell is a legend. Goblin was used badly, he could have been so much more and the use of all the villains could have been tonnes better. Topher Grace was great as Eddie Brock, and J. Jonah Jameson was great.

Hell, I'll just past my 'review' in here:

Spider-man three lacks the same sort of exhileration in it's action scenes that Spidey 2 had, and generally doesn't flow as well as Spider-Man 2 did. The worst aspect of the film however is how much it rushes some of the characters and doesn't give ample screen time to others.

Sandman is always treated greatly, but doesn't get as much screen time as you'd like. Topher Grace is FANTASTIC as Eddie Brock, but by the time he actually becomes Venom, its more-orl-ess the end of the film! After building up James Franco' Goblin 2 for two films now, Goblins ultimate role in the film is something of a let down. There was also little to no point in bringing in Bryce Dallas Howard's Gwen Stacey to do THAT little, and a lot more could have been made of MJ/Gwen/Peter as a love triangle.

There is however much to praise. The action is by no means bad at all, and in many aspects better than the first Spider-Man outing. James Franco is really good, Topher Grace as said is fantastic, J. Jonah Jameson is as funny as ever, and Bruce Campbell is absolutley histerical as a french waitor. Generally 'disco spidey~!!!' and later 'jazz-spidey~!!!' are a bit too much, but are still hilarious.

The darker side of Spidey is explored well too.

Overall Spider-Man is enjoyable, just very enjoyable with PLENTY of humour, making it a good film overall. With a little more screen time for the villains and some of the other characters, a little less rushing through some of the plot, a few of the little touches that REALLY added to the previous films and maybe a better outing for the Goblin character and this could have been exceptional (looking back it was if there were TWO films here potentially). As it is, it's just a very enjoyable cinema experience with some hilarious, if occasionally a little it too daft humour.

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He tried to kill Peter!

Who hasn't? :P

Edit: And that argument is also flawed due to Sandman getting off easy. And he actually DID kill someone.

Fair enough, but Sandman's intentions were always virtuous, his methods were not, but he was. Harry was obsessed with revenge, and that was essentially the entire theme of the movie - revenge will consume you. Peter forgiving Sandman was his way of letting go, Harry letting himself die was his way of letting go.

Oh and if we do get a Spider-Man 4, I really could care less if Maguire or Dunst are in it. I can't take Maguire seriously due to all that weight he keeps putting on and losing that has given him that turkey neck. And Dunst's premie-teeth are frightening in IMAX.

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Meh, I was expecting a lot more from this one. It's more of the same and it isn't definately a bad movie but it added nothing to the franchise. Spiderman 4 needs to be based around John C. McGinley as Carnage.

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