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Spider-Man 3 Discussion Thread


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145 million. 59 million on the opening day. Beats out Dead Man's Chest by about 9 million.

Betcha anything At World's End has a better opening

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145 million. 59 million on the opening day. Beats out Dead Man's Chest by about 9 million.

Betcha anything At World's End has a better opening

I do believe that is only the domestic take, and not international. Hell, the worldwide premiere of SM3 took in over $30 million, and that was before it opened in the US.

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145 million. 59 million on the opening day. Beats out Dead Man's Chest by about 9 million.

Betcha anything At World's End has a better opening

I doubt it. Spider-Man 3 last weekend, 28 Weeks Later this weekend, Shrek 3 next weekend, it'll burn out audiences and make a (small) dent in AWE's opening.

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I don't expect 28 Weeks Later to do much business around these much bigger films. That said, I am going on Saturday night to see it.

It won't do anything too extravagant, it won't even come close to what SM3 will make in its second week. All I'm saying is it has a similar demographic of Spider-Man and Pirates and combined with Shrek, I think they'll all have a small impact on Pirates 3 that will keep it from Spidey's big opening. Especially if recent news is true and the opening is even bigger than originally expected:

From slashfilm.com

We just got word from our Sony source that the final Spider-Man 3 opening weekend numbers are BIGGER than first reported.

$151 million Domestic

$231 million International

$382 million Worldwide

That’s $7 million more than originally reported. The film made $3 million more than Sony expected on Sunday in the states. There you have it.

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Wow and damn. Now that's a weekend opening. If Sony really wants to keep the band together, they take some of that money and start negotiating new contracts with the principles right about now.

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My thoughts on the film, as if they matter.

It was the best of all three, although there were somethings that irked me.

All the damn singing and dancing. I guess that is for the girls whose boyfriends made them see it though.

I can't lie though, there were some real tear jerking moments, like

when harry died, to me him learning the truth about his father should have made him befriend Spidey in this film only to fall to the darkness of his transformation in a later movie.

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Breaking more records and making it look easy...

from imdb:

Spider-Man 3 didn't set a new box-office record by taking in $373 million internationally and $148 million in North America as originally estimated. No, it set the record with $382 million internationally and $151 million in North America, according to final figures released by Media by Numbers on Monday. The total smashed the previous record of $303 million set by the final Star Wars episode, Revenge of the Sith, in 2005. The movie also set opening weekend records in 28 other countries including Canada, Japan, South Korea, China, Italy, Mexico and Brazil. In a statement, Sony distribution chief Jeff Blake said, "We couldn't be more overwhelmed or elated by the global reception to this movie. ... This was truly a massive achievement not only for Sony Pictures, but the film industry as a whole."
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145 million. 59 million on the opening day. Beats out Dead Man's Chest by about 9 million.

Betcha anything At World's End has a better opening

I doubt it. Spider-Man 3 last weekend, 28 Weeks Later this weekend, Shrek 3 next weekend, it'll burn out audiences and make a (small) dent in AWE's opening.

Young Jedi, you grossly underestimate the legions of POTC fanboys and fangirls. >_>

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145 million. 59 million on the opening day. Beats out Dead Man's Chest by about 9 million.

Betcha anything At World's End has a better opening

I doubt it. Spider-Man 3 last weekend, 28 Weeks Later this weekend, Shrek 3 next weekend, it'll burn out audiences and make a (small) dent in AWE's opening.

Young Jedi, you grossly underestimate the legions of POTC fanboys and fangirls. >_>

Oh I know, but you also have to consider a lot of these kids need money from their parents. The same parents that already took them to see Spider-Man and Shrek. I just can't see POTC raking in more than $150 million in a single weekend after those two mega blockbusters. It'll probably do something extremely ridiculous like $130 million, but I just can't see it toppling Spidey. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong - I like both franchises, so they both deserve to make a shitload of cash.

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If POTC3 beats the record set by Spidey 3 I will take a one week suspension from EWB. That is how certain I am that it won't.

And that's opening weekend grosses set in either America or all international and America combined by the way

Edited by Stone Cold TGC
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Guest Coowra

I'll probably get my head bitten off here as you all seem to of enjoyed this movie. But.

Spider-man 3 did not do it for me. The CGI and action sequences were good, very good. But the whole movie seem too jam packed as if Sam Raimi just through all he had into one movie. Some stories were started and neveer ended (what the heck happened to Sandmans duaghter in the end!?) The dance sequences were also i know there for a funny moment but it was just overdone and made me feel like i was watching a power ranger movie. Also Peter being evil, what he shouted at people who hassle him, dances with other girls at clubs and struts through streets. Apart from the strut part i think thats what most people do normally. Plus making Sandman the person who killed uncle Ben defeats the whole idea that Pete could of saved his Uncles life without knowing.

Sorry to piss on anyone parade or sound like a gnark. But i didnt enjoy this movie too much.

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