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I took a look at this contract signing on YouTube about his fight with Coleman and it says 205 maximum and Ortiz still thinks that means you cannot weigh in at 206? I remembered his horrible display getting all worked up when Shamrock weighed in at 206 and then Ortiz weighed in at 206 1/2. Good times. He really doesn't understand that you can get a one pound allowance, even after that mess? Unless he really did get that written into his contract, who knows.

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The California State Athletic Commission made a decision to change the result of the Billy Evangelista Vs Mike Aina fight at Strikeforce Challengers to a No Contest.

Originally, Aina was awarded the fight by Disqualification when Herb Dean ruled that Evangelista (undefeated at the time with a record of 9-0) struck the Hawaiian with an illegal knee to the head. The fans in the arena were upset, but didn't have a second chance to look at the end of the fight, as there was no big screen up for the event. Fans at home, however, were privy to several replays, all of which clearly showed that the knee strike was to the shoulder.

The black mark on Evangelista's record has been removed, and he remains undefeated with a record of 9-0 with 1 No Contest.

This brings up the question of instant replays though. Nevada has instituted the use of Instant Replays for fight ending discrepancies. Should California follow suit? Had instant replay been available, Evangelista may very well be standing at 10-0 right now. Aina clearly could not continue the fight, and the strike was a legal one. Should this situation prompt the CSAC to take a long, hard look at implementing instant replay?

Edited by Gabriel
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Las Vegas, NV (USA) – World Extreme Cagefighting® announced today the postponement of its Sept. 2 card. An injury to main event fighter Ben Henderson forced the postponement of the event.

The entire card has been rescheduled for Saturday, Oct. 10 at a venue to be announced at a later date. The event will be broadcast live on VERSUS.

Also, Jason Mayhem Miller says he will be facing Jake Shields for the Strikeforce Interim Middleweight title.

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Best opponent they have. Brett loses nothing from this fight and it is at least one of the more popular/credible HW's in Strikeforce's stable. Werdum/Overeem waiting in the wings for after this fight.

That's exactly it. Rogers stands to lose absolutely nothing, but the potential reward is astronomical. This is a guy who's had opportunity dangled in front of him and then given to someone else. He's hungry, he's dangerous, and he's got nothing to lose. This should be an exciting fight.

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I don't think anyone is really expecting Rogers to win, good shot or not...

If I'm stating a prediction, it's Fedor by Submission in Round 1.

That said, out of all the Heavyweights right now in American MMA, I see two with the ability to really test Fedor. Brock Lesnar and Brett Rogers. I'm not saying that Rogers is a top 3 Heavyweight in the world. What I'm saying is that he matches up well enough with Fedor that he could give him some serious problems. Rogers cuts weight to make 265, and he's 6'5". He'll have a significant size advantage. Also, I'll probably get laughed at, but Andrei Arlovski was clearly winning his fight with Emelianenko before he tried that crazy ass jumping knee that left his chin out in the open.

I think if Rogers comes at Fedor hard and uses his striking, and uses his size advantage to control where he wants the fight... push him up against the cage and use his Muay Thai skills... I think he has a legitimate shot at putting Fedor out.

Now, this is made all the better for Rogers and Strikeforce both, in that he's such a young fighter, and this is Fedor. If he loses, oh well. He stepped in there with The Last Emperor and gave it a shot. If he wins though, the rewards are great for both him and the promotion. I've been saying this since EliteXC, but Brett Rogers is THE GUY to market around. He's the future of the Heavyweight division outside of the UFC.

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I don't think anyone is really expecting Rogers to win, good shot or not...

If I'm stating a prediction, it's Fedor by Submission in Round 1.

That said, out of all the Heavyweights right now in American MMA, I see two with the ability to really test Fedor. Brock Lesnar and Brett Rogers. I'm not saying that Rogers is a top 3 Heavyweight in the world. What I'm saying is that he matches up well enough with Fedor that he could give him some serious problems. Rogers cuts weight to make 265, and he's 6'5". He'll have a significant size advantage. Also, I'll probably get laughed at, but Andrei Arlovski was clearly winning his fight with Emelianenko before he tried that crazy ass jumping knee that left his chin out in the open.

I think if Rogers comes at Fedor hard and uses his striking, and uses his size advantage to control where he wants the fight... push him up against the cage and use his Muay Thai skills... I think he has a legitimate shot at putting Fedor out.

Now, this is made all the better for Rogers and Strikeforce both, in that he's such a young fighter, and this is Fedor. If he loses, oh well. He stepped in there with The Last Emperor and gave it a shot. If he wins though, the rewards are great for both him and the promotion. I've been saying this since EliteXC, but Brett Rogers is THE GUY to market around. He's the future of the Heavyweight division outside of the UFC.

I'm not laughing at you, but I will correct you. He may have been winning the fight on points due to being more aggressive to that point, but it has been proven through slow motion replay many times over that Arlovski did not land any punches on Fedor. Although it looked like it at normal speed, slow-mo reveals that Fedor was dodging all of them. The man's reflexes are not human, it was Matrix-esque.

Brett Rogers is not a well-rounded enough fighter, at this point, to market around. If he improves his skills, then he could be your guy, but right now it'd be foolish. The best result for Strikeforce is Fedor winning this fight decisively. If Fedor lost for whatever reason, Rogers isn't going to be the next unstoppable force. A top guy? Yeah, maybe someday; but he'll lose more frequently than Fedor will. You don't wanna sacrifice the top fighter in the world to someone like that.

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Fair enough point, but at the same time, there's absolutely no proof that Rogers is or isn't well rounded. Just because you haven't seen him do something doesn't mean he can't. He has a submission to his name... we haven't seen his ground game because he doesn't allow himself to be taken down, and stops his fights before he gets tired. His striking has always been good, but over the last year or so his Muay Thai has really developed into a very dangerous facet of his game.

I'm not saying he's going to light the world on fire right now, but he's got the tools. If Fedor can get him down, we'll see what kind of ground game he has... but it's definitely not out of the question for Rogers to hold him against the cage and beat him up.

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Fair enough point, but at the same time, there's absolutely no proof that Rogers is or isn't well rounded. Just because you haven't seen him do something doesn't mean he can't. He has a submission to his name... we haven't seen his ground game because he doesn't allow himself to be taken down, and stops his fights before he gets tired. His striking has always been good, but over the last year or so his Muay Thai has really developed into a very dangerous facet of his game.

I'm not saying he's going to light the world on fire right now, but he's got the tools. If Fedor can get him down, we'll see what kind of ground game he has... but it's definitely not out of the question for Rogers to hold him against the cage and beat him up.

I don't disagree that Rogers has ways to win, I just think the likelihood of Rogers being able to execute these game plans against a fighter who adapts as well as Fedor is very slim.

While it is true that Rogers could have a better ground game than we've seen, it would be silly for a promoter to try and build around him based on that. When it comes to fights, you have to go by what you've seen in the ring/cage. Every guy is a NCAA Div 1 caliber wrestler with a BJJ black belt, fast hands, and a brutal thai clinch in the gym and when training for a fight. Even guys that do have undeniably great skills sometimes elect not to use them properly when it comes time to fight, look at Jorge Gurgel for example.

Like I said, i'm not saying it's not a possibility, but until I see proof, it's a moot point.

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