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I felt they stopped Arlovski a little early, like maybe given him a chance to stand up, or see if Rogers could hit him again, but I can see why he did stop it, those shots were crisp.

McCarthy easily made the right call as the replay clearly showed him out cold. I am pretty sure if it wasn't stopped he'd have just taken unnecessary hits and get knocked out again.
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Great stoppage. Like Fitzy said, Rogers would have just followed up and made it into something devastating.

A pretty one sided card all around. Not a bad thing, Shields gets showcased, Rogers has his coming out party, Diaz hasn't missed a beat, and Baroni gets his mouth shut.

What does Arlovski do now? I can't be one of those who say that a weak jaw proves true again, I mean Rizzo, Sylvia, Fedor, even Rogers, these are heavy hitters, how can you fault a guy's jaw if he drop from a clean shot from them? I think it's only fair we chalk it up to a stylistic and technical deficiency. Flip camps maybe?

And finally, can we PLEEEEEEEEASE have Nick Diaz vs somebody on his level. Nick, Dana, UFC, whatever beef you guys have, settle it, and draw up a contract ASAP. You need each other. Nick, come home and fight the best, please. For fight fans everywhere.
Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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When you first see it, the Bret Rogers/Arlovski stoppage looks early. When you see the replay, Arlovski goes dead weight. Once that happens, the fight has to be ended.

My thoughts exactly. From the viewpoint where the KO was shown first, the stoppage did seem a bit rushed, but when I saw Arlovski's eyes turn around and knees buckle in the replay, I went "Yeah, definitely the right decision." However, he did recover pretty quickly from it.

It was a pretty sad sight to see Arlovski almost cry after the match... Where can he go next?

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I love Strikeforce. Every show, I come out pleased with the night. On the topic of Arlovski, he's got a long career ahead of him still... he just needs to be a smarter fighter. He has the skills, so I don't know why he insists on trading with people who have one punch knockout power... what he needs is to go to a camp that emphasizes escapability and his submission skills.

Diaz looked really good. I love that guy.

I don't think Baroni looked bad at all... in fact, I was pleasantly surprised by what he brought to the fight, especially in the first round. I think it was merely a case of Riggs catching him with some heavy shots and rocking him. After that one big knee and subsequent flurry of punches, it looked like Baroni was only half-there... so I'm going to chalk that one up to him battling through what should have knocked him out. The fact that he made it to a decision after that was amazing.
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Yeah, it's been known he would be on UFC99 fighting al Turk for quite some time now. The interesting thing I learned is that Cro Cop is actually fighting under a verbal agreement as he and Dana still haven't worked out specifics on his contract (ie. # of fights).

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I was reading a column by Meltzer about Faber/Brown and in it he says that Faber had to go to Mexico right after losing to Brown and pretend he was still the champion due to Mexico airing the fight on a one-day tape delay. This seems odd in this day and age. It just reminded me of the the days of marathon tv tapings and the champions who lost the belt had to act as champions until that show aired.

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I was reading a column by Meltzer about Faber/Brown and in it he says that Faber had to go to Mexico right after losing to Brown and pretend he was still the champion due to Mexico airing the fight on a one-day tape delay.

One day delay? Maybe a couple months delay.

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Yeah, that was last week and they played some of it on either MMA Live or Sherdog Radio --- can't remember which, maybe it was something else, but I heard it. :shifty:

Add that to Dan Hardy calling him a gimmick fighter and that his gimmick is that he revels in his Irish heritage *shrug*. Marcus then retorts that having a red mohawk and the bandana are more of a gimmick than someones heritage [/touche].

For the record, I'm on the Marcus Davis War Wagon for this fight. Hardy seems like a complete douche.

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