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Slice gets knocked out in 45 seconds again you still think people will pay to see Rampage beat him? If Dana is getting into that shit he may as well have his own monsters tournie.

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I think they'll baby Kimbo enough to make it interesting. But if they jaw all season, I would expect that fight in all honesty. It'll make them a nice coin and Rampage should destroy Kimbo in the process. However, if Kimbo is taken out on the show, Dana will get the desired results there too.

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So basically... Dana is using him to attract viewers and improve the ratings of the show, hopefully to bring in new fans to the UFC... and he's doing this, with the sole intention of destroying Kimbo Slice. Either he loses in the house, and Dana gets the last laugh... or he somehow makes his way through the house and to the finale, which means more UFC fights, and Dana gets to feed him to Rampage for what would quite possibly be the most brutal mauling ever on American television...

Dana White, ladies and gentlemen... is an evil genius.

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I have a feeling here is a great reason:

Rampage's last tweet:

Just got done with a long first day on the job. I liked everybody but one!

I'm putting 50 on Page/Slice in 2010.

I'm betting exactly 8 cents that this man is NOT KIMBO SLICE.

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Just the possibility (no matter how small) that we could see Kimbo/Brock is awesome. Or Kimbo/Cro Cop.

But seriously, I think whether he wins or not, he might get a short deal. If the Ultimate Fighter draws huuuge ratings with him on, will they see the $ signs and put him PPV? There's no doubt if marketed properly it'd get a good to great buy rate, but they also don't need the money so I'd like to think they'd see past that.

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LAS VEGAS – Kimbo Slice, the controversial heavyweight who in 2008 headlined the most-viewed mixed martial arts card in history, will be one of 16 contestants on the forthcoming season of “The Ultimate Fighter,” the Ultimate Fighting Championship’s reality TV series.

Dana White, the UFC’s outspoken president, has repeatedly mocked Slice for his lack of fighting ability. Slice, whose real name is Kevin Ferguson, became a cult figure by competing in street fights that were posted on YouTube. Slice’s “bouts” drew tens of millions of views and led him to turn professional.

He fought for the now defunct Elite XC, garnering massive media attention but getting mocked by White and others affiliated with the UFC for a lack of ability.

White has called him a “joke,” a “bum” and “not a real fighter,” among other less than kind descriptions. He said that Slice would “get murdered if he fought in the UFC” and suggested that his lightweight champion, 155-pound B.J. Penn, would “annihilate” the 230-pound Slice.

The UFC president has repeatedly insisted he would not allow Slice to compete in the UFC unless he won his way onto the show by competing on “The Ultimate Fighter.”

Slice has called White’s bluff and will appear on Season 10 of the highly rated Spike TV series, White has confirmed. Fighters live in the same house and train together, and then fight during the show in a bid to earn a UFC contract.

His appearance, along with that of former UFC light heavyweight champions Quinton “Rampage” Jackson and Rashad Evans as coaches, should guarantee massive ratings.

“It should be interesting, given some of the things I’ve said about him,” White said.

Slice, who has a 3-1 professional record, appeared in the main event of the first MMA card shown on network television in the U.S. when he fought James Thompson on May 31, 2008, on CBS.

Slice won by third-round stoppage in a bout that attracted a record 6.5 million viewers and remains the most-viewed MMA bout in history.

But Slice hasn’t fought since Oct. 4, when he was knocked out by a jab from late replacement Seth Petruzelli, a light heavyweight, just 14 seconds into another fight broadcast on CBS. The plug was pulled on Elite XC, which reportedly lost millions of dollars, in the aftermath of the fight.

White promised “some major surprises” as he announced on a Thursday conference call that Jackson and Evans, each of whom is a former light heavyweight champion, would serve as coaches on Season 10.

He declined to say anything further but urged reporters on the call not to miss media day, which is Tuesday at the UFC Training Center in Las Vegas.

White worked hard to keep Slice’s appearance on the show a secret, hoping to have unveiled him Tuesday. Season 10, which is being called “The Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights,” was originally slated to feature a cast of eight heavyweights and eight middleweights, but the UFC quietly informed the middleweights who tried out that it was going with an all-heavyweight show.

And unlike in recent seasons, where the competitors had to win a fight to earn their way into the house, there will be no such arrangement this time. All 16 fighters – Spike and the UFC are keeping names of the others a closely guarded secret – will automatically move into the house.

Though White goes to great lengths to insist that nothing on the show is scripted, it’s virtually guaranteed that Slice won’t fight early in the competition. Having him around and alive in the competition is going to keep ratings elevated.

If Slice is able to advance to the live Dec. 5 finale, with a chance to earn a UFC contract with a win, ratings would likely be the largest in Spike history.

There you have it.

That's just made my day.

People are quick to shit on him and stuff, but hopefully he's improved and worked on his game. It's true that I'm a mark for him, because he's exciting to watch and that's a huge part in the reason why I watch MMA. He may not be the most talented, but I know something exciting is going to happen 9 times out of 10 when I watch this guy. I'd love to see him make the final, although I'm expecting he wont in all honesty. When the heck does this start airing? Aren't they still in the process of the other TUF UK vs US or whatever? I still need to watch that all over, because I've seen none of it so far. Either way, I'd laugh if Slice had somehow improved majorly and shocked everyone and went on a rampage of his own :pervert:

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Urgh, Kimbo Slice. I hope Dana White, Evil Genius Extraordinaire, has beforementioned evil mastermind plan to ground Slice and feed him to Rampage. Please.

Edited by SRN O)))
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I don't have an issue with Kimbo doing this. My only problem is that I don't think it's a fit. It devalues Kimbo unless he does really well. Either Dana is throwing money away or Kimbo has been suckered, unless Dana spent enough to pop a rating but not the amount Kimbo probably should have got to make it worth it for him.

I'd be pissed if I had been fighting on the undercard for $5000 if Kimbo has signed a substantial deal. Plus it makes Dana look like a hypocrite if this is the case.

Like I said, personally have no issue and will watch, but if someone was writing a diary would claim it unrealistic.

Edited by QuomQuat
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I for one hope Kimbo does well on the show. People are always quick to hate guys who don't train MMA their whole life and decide to jump on. People hated Brock at first and now look. Besides everyone gets fed cans every once and a while. Not even Fedor has fought the best of the best every fight in his career.

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I think people are overrating how much Kimbo is worth (Quom). He'll bring in ratings, but no one's going to buy a PPV to see him beat up cans anymore. This is basically his only chance to be taken seriously. He either comes into the house, works his ass off, and makes it through, or he's done. No one else will touch him, except Japan. Where he can go afterwards anyway.

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it devalues Kimbo unless he does really well.

Umm, Seth Petruzelli devalued Kimbo (and EXC).

Either Dana is throwing money away or Kimbo has been suckered

How is Dana throwing money away? With Kimbo on the show you know automatically to expect a bit higher rating for the show, and most likely he'll fight on the TUF10 Finale bumping that rating as well. Even if he loses the ratings bump will put eyes on the other more qualified heavyweights that are the show.

And I'll say this, if Kimbo wants to learn (as reports were when he was with Bas) this could be beneficial to him. TUF helps devolopment of fighters ten-fold.

UFC released Professor X today.

Yesterday. :shifty: Come on Fitzy, keep up. But I agree, figured he would have gotten one more fight possibly on a UFN or TUF Finale.

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I would not be suprised if Kimbo is coming in to this, not for the money, but to try and prove to people that he is more then just the simple street fighter we saw when he first started.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Yeah, exactly. I love this move on all parts - I'm sure Kimbo honestly believes he can compete at a TUF/UFC level, and is willing to put in the work to make it happen. UFC gets a guaranteed ratings boost, which if Kimbo bombs (as I expect) can still be used to make a new star to a HUGE audience.

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Not to start the least of a 'racial' debate, because we all know how they end. But a lot of those fans watching in EXC were black people (given the location, not surprising) but they were making up a lot of this guys fan base and what made him what he was, hence the hooting and hollering for him, that amongst interested fans. I can say for myself that I tuned in to his first fight for the interesting factor, even though I knew he was going to win with ease, has all that hype for him gone, can he get it back? He was seen as nothing more than a guy who was just there to pummel people put in front of him, and he got exposed. He hasn't fought anyone he wasn't expected to beat, and he actually managed ot lose one of them and we saw how quickly it all fell apart. He was hot commodity to a casual fan, lost that fight and that was that. No one cared anymore, his gimmick as it were was torn apart.

So part of me thinks he's doing this to validate himself and get himself back in the money making business. The problem with this is kind of, he's gonna have to go through quite a few guys to get anything close to his reputation back - and for a show thats produced Forrest Griffin amongst many, many other very talented fighters - I don't see him winning. Maybe he has thought to improve himself for the sake of improving himself and becoming a better all round fighter, but I find that hard to believe.

There's a point in there somewhere. No doubt Dana has an idea, whether its to make money, humiliate a gimmicked fighter or whatever Dana knows exactly what hes doing. But I'd rather not see Kimbo on my TV screen, don't see people taking him seriously but it will probably drag in casual fans and ratings. I love MMA, I love the UFC, and for it to grown it needs to bring in more fans - but for so long I've enjoyed the intelligent conversation between generally knowledgable people. I sometimes fear that as UFC and MMA as a whole grows, we're just going to get hundreds upon hundreds of more sherdog-level-of-knowledge 'fans' :(

Kinda turned into a rant there. :P

Edited by IAceI
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