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Only just noticed that news, I love it. Forrest is easily my favourite fighter of all time and you just know this isn't going to be a fucking boring fight. Somebody is getting hurt in this one. Must say that's a great decision after Silva has had two average matches that some have shat on, cant see this one EVER getting a reaction like his last one, this should be fantastic.

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Only just noticed that news, I love it. Forrest is easily my favourite fighter of all time and you just know this isn't going to be a fucking boring fight. Somebody is getting hurt in this one. Must say that's a great decision after Silva has had two average matches that some have shat on, cant see this one EVER getting a reaction like his last one, this should be fantastic.

Ugh. Well first, let me state that no one knows if any fight will be boring or exciting. I can not recount the number of "great" fights that turned out boring or the number of "stupid" fights that turned out great.

But you make it seem like Forrest has a knack for dominating and killing people like Anderson, he doesn't. He's top level, but that sort of destruction isn't his motife. This could very easily be a methodical fight with excellent gameplans by Couture and Black House.

This is an interesting fight because of the gameplanning factor that Couture has instilled in Forrest, and that Forrest likes to pressure and bring the fight. The concern I have is that Forrest, while durable, hasn't exactly been known for stopping precision strikes or for having a granite chin. His chin is solid, but Jardine at 66 and Rashad at 92 should how easily this could turn in to a first round KO. I don't think it will, but if Anderson gets off one strike ala James Irvin that connects flush Forrest will drop. This is why I give the Forrest fight an extreme chance at being slow and methodical. I can see him coming in with a gameplan to stay back and try and force Anderson to move forward (which we have recently seen), and throw low leg kicks from the outside to avoid danger, and just be paitent. If that happens I think a lot of people will be disappointed overall, but this is just an assumption.

Either way, it's 50/50 if this will be exciting or boring just like every other fight is 50/50. I'm excited for the match-up because it's against two premier fighters. But I don't think that "Somebody is getting hurt in this one," like quoted above. That kind of statement just makes me shake my head honestly.

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I'm a bit dissappointed that this means Demian Maia isn't getting his title shot (yet). I suppose he's going to do a contenders match now? Probably against Nate Marquardt... (perhaps Okami).

But the match Anderson Vs Forrest should be great. Plus, we get a Thiago Silva Vs Keith Jardine-matchup which should be a great striking match.

And there's Evans Vs Machida, Penn Vs Florian, Wanderlei Vs Franklin, Mir Vs Lesnar, Nog Vs Couture, GSP vs Alves, Maia Vs Marquardt (hehe)... that's a lot of interesting matches coming up! Who said the UFC needed Liddell?

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I'm a bit dissappointed that this means Demian Maia isn't getting his title shot (yet). I suppose he's going to do a contenders match now? Probably against Nate Marquardt... (perhaps Okami).

Maia/Marquardt was in the works even before the Leites fight. And for good reason. There is a ton of hype behind Maia, which some is warranted, but how he got to "OMG He better fight Anderson soon" is beyond me. He's one dimensional, and only beaten a few guys none of whom were top contenders. His stand-up is improving, but if you watch how he tries to go for takedowns and force people against the cage Anderson would mess him up badly. He leaves a lot of openings to get that clinch/takedown, and in that opening he'd go to sleep. He doesn't deserve a title shot over Marquardt, Henderson, Bisping, or Okami at this point. If he beats Nate... I'll add him to that list, just not yet.

And after the Leites fight any chance of him being the next challenger (even though its almost in stone the winner of Hendo/Bisping is next) went out the window.

And there's Evans Vs Machida, Penn Vs Florian, Wanderlei Vs Franklin, Mir Vs Lesnar, Nog Vs Couture, GSP vs Alves, Maia Vs Marquardt (hehe)... that's a lot of interesting matches coming up! Who said the UFC needed Liddell?

Liddell has been overrated for a long time, and while he helped the sport and help sell PPV's --- as far as great fights, he's non-significant to that side. And I agree, after this layoff after 97, the UFC hits hard all the way to 100 --- and you even forgot the TUF9 Finale.

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If Maia got a shot before the ones Biggz said that would have been ridiculously. He would be really undeserving of a shot right now... then again, no one but Okami really deserves the next title shot, but I am sure that is bound to never happen at this point. :shifty:

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From UFC.com:

Alexander Breaks Hand, Forced to Withdraw from UFC 98 Bout against Gusmao

UFC light heavyweight Houston Alexander is the latest UFC 98 participant to fall victim to the injury bug, as a broken hand will keep him from his May 23rd bout against Andre Gusmao. A replacement opponent for Gusmao is expected to be announced shortly

Some days it must suck to be an MMA promoter. Thus far, the talent booked for 98 who have been forced to pull out: Mir, Okami, Koshcheck, Irvin and Alexander.

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