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MMA News and Discussion Thread

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Seriously, I can see why he did that, but you - just go away, please.

And still you had to be a smart-ass? Just go away, please.

I just said that I understand why you did that after, to include the source. I wasn't thinking about the source as I normally only post legit news, not rumors. The lack of source was on me. I had said "three post above" because you had only Copied and Pasted what seemed like a random news story with nothing else (such was "More details", "further information", etc.) so I read it as you just throwing up a C+P story at random during the discussion already taking place. Much like happens often in The Ring News Threads. Nothing 'smart ass' was meant about "three post above", nor am I sure how it came off smart ass, either way, nothing was meant by it.

Stop trying to shy away you came across as a bit of an asshole posting an incomplete story with no source and then sitting on your high horse when someone does post it with a source. But sorry maybe we should have all known you only post legit news :mellow:

Anyways I don't mind Mir and Kongo. If Kongo wins he should be next up. If Mir wins then he's on the road to recovery and back to another shot.

Edited by rocksta
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I just said that I understand why you did that after, to include the source. I wasn't thinking about the source as I normally only post legit news, not rumors. The lack of source was on me. I had said "three post above" because you had only Copied and Pasted what seemed like a random news story with nothing else (such was "More details", "further information", etc.) so I read it as you just throwing up a C+P story at random during the discussion already taking place. Much like happens often in The Ring News Threads. Nothing 'smart ass' was meant about "three post above", nor am I sure how it came off smart ass, either way, nothing was meant by it.

Yeah, I see your point. And sorry about that 'smart ass' quip, it was uncalled for. We cool? :)

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I just said that I understand why you did that after, to include the source. I wasn't thinking about the source as I normally only post legit news, not rumors. The lack of source was on me. I had said "three post above" because you had only Copied and Pasted what seemed like a random news story with nothing else (such was "More details", "further information", etc.) so I read it as you just throwing up a C+P story at random during the discussion already taking place. Much like happens often in The Ring News Threads. Nothing 'smart ass' was meant about "three post above", nor am I sure how it came off smart ass, either way, nothing was meant by it.

Yeah, I see your point. And sorry about that 'smart ass' quip, it was uncalled for. We cool? :)

Yeah, man. Of course. (Y)

I was discussing where Mir goes next a work with someone the other day this never came up as an option. It's an interesting to say the least, but I feel that Kongo's legs are being cut from under him. He really needs to step his game up here or else he'll end up never getting that shot he deserved.

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You say Mir is overrated, yet pick Kongo? Mir was vastly overrated by his win over Nogueira... but dear lord there isn't another person on the UFC roster that is a product of the UFC hype machine moreso than Chieck Kongo. He clearly has enough power to KO Mir, don't doubt that, but I honestly have a hard time visioning Kongo not being twisted in 45 different ways. Like I said, I can see Kongo winning in the likes of what Vera did to him - but Vera is also a lot faster and explosive with his striking.

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A few things pillaged from other sites:

The fallout from Barnett's positive test continues...

Earlier today, Kevin Iole of Yahoo! Sports stated that Affliction would be merging their fight promotion with Strikeforce. Now, he has removed all mention of that possibility and posted this:

Later on Friday, Affliction opted to get out of the promoting business and, in a joint statement with the Ultimate Fighting Championship, announced it would become a sponsor of the UFC. The fate of the fighters under contract with Affliction is not known yet.

This news has not been confirmed by officials from either company, however UFC President Dana White is scheduled to be a guest on ESPN Radio 1100 Las Vegas tonight at 9 pm ET where it's believed that he will announce the end of Affliction's ban in the UFC.

Credit: Yahoo! Sports

Mousasi is not happy, mentions UFC…

- Gegard Mousasi was on Fight Network Radio today, and spoke on the cancellation of Affliction Trilogy. He is not happy with Mr. Josh Barnett…

"Well, what can I say. It's ridiculous because one idiot we all have to pay for that. F*ck it. Maybe I ... I don't know. Every time ... Maybe I'll go to the UFC. It's ridiculous that this has to happen. I've been preparing for weeks now."

- Mousasi is scheduled for the DREAM.11 event in October, where he will face Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou in the SUPER HULK semifinals.

Mousasi fighting in the UFC's LHW division would be interesting, but perhaps they'd try to persuade him to return to MW. Apparently most Affliction guys are going to end up fighting for M-1 or Strikeforce, but perhaps Affliction could agree to selling some contracts to the UFC, who knows?

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I figured when they finished they'd go back to sponsoring. Now we'll see who they take from Affliction, in all honesty I'd love to see a Fight Night on August 1st on Spike with the majority of this undercard --- that absolutely will not happen though.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Guys off the card I'd like to see Zuffa pick up:



Jorge Santiago


Gilbert Yvel :shifty:

Jay Hieron

Paul Daley

Ben Rothwell

Chris Horodecki

LC Davis

Mark Hominick

Realistic? I doubt it. They want Fedor, but I bet we don't see that until 2010 (one more NYE freak show). Belfort's probably coming in, but the others are various degrees of unlikely in my opinion. Davis and Hominick, though, I'd love to see in WEC.

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Hieron's been talking a lot about Strikeforce and DREAM, so I don't expect him to go to the UFC.

I hope Mousasi does, but I can see DREAM offering him a more attractive deal.

Rothwell I think is over-rated but I can see UFC picking him up with their recent Heavyweight resurgance.

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One has to wonder if this was known to be going down in this matter before now. I mean, first with Dana's claims that he was confident Fedor would be acquired and now the possibility that his contract may be on the auction block. Also, Fedor only has one remaining fight on the contract part of the drama with him has always had that one fight deal in the mix. Not to mention with Affliction going back to a sponsorship deal the UFC is set to make a lot of money on fees. I wouldn't be shocked to see Fedors contract end up as part of a wager/business deal between the companies.

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I mean, first with Dana's claims that he was confident Fedor would be acquired and now the possibility that his contract may be on the auction block.

None of the Affliction roster are on exclusive contracts. Especially Fedor. All contracts will need to be new deals.

Furthermore, it only makes sense for Affliction to accept defeat and go back to the UFC as a sponsor to get their brand back in public eye with millions of future PPV buys.

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Even though it is non-exclusive if Zuffa were to acquire it from Affliction would it not lock Fedor into that final fight at the risk of breach of contract if he didn't compete? Not sure how a non-exclusive works.

If by some chance, Zuffa purchases or has purchased contracts of Affliction fighters, on the most basic contract, the fighters would be allowed to seek bookings elsewhere, and would fight the remainder of their contracted fights for the UFC, but that does not mean UFC takes precedence necessarily.

Now, with Fedor's contract specifically... jesus christ is that probably a mindfuck. First off, he can compete wherever else he wants, whenever he wants to. Second, whatever show he was on would have to be UFC and M-1 Global Presents: Insert Show Name Here. Third, he can probably pick and choose what he wants, even if he's never done it before. But the worst thing is, that it would be a one fight deal. If he comes in and loses, great for the UFC. If he comes in and wins, and then doesn't come back? No good for anyone except Fedor.

Anybody who goes to the UFC from Affliction will very likely be given brand new deals by Zuffa in an effort to avoid any stipulations that Affliction may have added to contracts, as well as guarantee the fighters for more than one show.

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Even though it is non-exclusive if Zuffa were to acquire it from Affliction would it not lock Fedor into that final fight at the risk of breach of contract if he didn't compete? Not sure how a non-exclusive works.

When Affliction went under their contracts ended.

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