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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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I'm not so sure about the "Brady's not as good under pressure remark." He was actually under a lot of pressure on Monday night but his throws were nearly all accurate but dropped by the receivers. I've seen some early season games where he was under a lot of pressure and still made extremely accurate throws.

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My current wish list for the Bears come this off-season:

Resign Rex Grossman - 1 year contract, not given the starter title, and some bonuses to motivate him into having a consistent productive season

Resign Bernard Berrian - has been a great playmaker and a consistent threat as a reciever.

Resign Tommie Harris - has the best ability out of all our dt's.

More PT for Garrett Wolfe and Mark Bradley - If a deal with Berrian can't be made Bradley is a guy I'm comfortable enough to step in as a 2 or 3 reciever. Wolfe will not be an every down back but will be valuable if the Bears want to implement more no huddle plays.

Lance Briggs - The Bears must NOT trade Briggs just for any 1st round pick as we need , and we need to keep all of our picks for reasons I'll mention

With these guys being kept/moved, or given more time, we'll move on to the Draft. This Draft we will need to address these positions:




QB (late rounder who has good upside)

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This might be past news already but to throw the hat into the NFL Network controversy...turns out some motherfuckers are about to be disappointed again.

NFL Network game gets 10M viewers

Posted: Tuesday December 4, 2007 7:29PM; Updated: Tuesday December 4, 2007 7:29PM

NEW YORK (AP) -- An average of 10.1 million viewers watched Thursday's crucial NFC matchup between the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys on the NFL Network.

That was more than any of the baseball playoff games that aired on TBS, which is available in more than twice as many homes.

The Packers-Cowboys game was watched by 14.6 percent of the 43 million households that get the network, the league said Tuesday. That was significantly below the percentage of all homes that watched two highly anticipated meetings of undefeated teams on CBS earlier this season: Patriots-Cowboys (18.0) and Patriots-Colts (20.1).

The 14.6 rating among households that receive the network was the highest on ad-supported cable since November 1993, when 18.1 percent of homes with CNN watched the NAFTA debate between Al Gore and Ross Perot on "Larry King Live."

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The officials were awful in the first half of the Lions/Cowboys game. Just ask Troy Aikman, he seemed to point out the missed calls and one asinine call that were made before I had a chance to yell about them myself.

Edit - Doesn't matter because the Lions self destruct again anyway. Fucking god damn this franchise. They lost because we have the worst starting MLB in the league. Romo fumbles on 3 and 6, and all Lenon has to do is fall on the ball and get possession, then we kneel, game over. Instead he tries to pick it up and run with it, loses it, and Dallas recovers it.

My biggest pet peeve in football is when the defense doesn't fall on a fucking fumble, and instead tries to pick it up and doesn't end up with the recovery. Makes my fucking blood boil.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Why is everyone mad the Patriots are gonna go undefeated. The fact that we are watching one of the greatest football teams if not the greatest in history right now and watching them go on their undefeated streak is truly a treasure. We should all be hoping they go undefeated, just so we can all say that we watched the greatest team in NFL history.

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It's unfair to label the Yanks and Pats together. The Pats are the first dynasty in the NFL salary cap era. The Yankees maintained their dominance by outspending most of the other teams in their sport. If there was a salary cap in baseball, the Yankees' last dynasty wouldn't have taken place.

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The only reason I'd like to see the Patriots go undefeated in the regular season is because it would make it that much sweeter if they get knocked off in the playoffs.

It's unfair to label the Yanks and Pats together. The Pats are the first dynasty in the NFL salary cap era. The Yankees maintained their dominance by outspending most of the other teams in their sport. If there was a salary cap in baseball, the Yankees' last dynasty wouldn't have taken place.
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I wasn't labelling them together per se, but there's no doubt that the general public prefers underdogs rather than large dynasties. I was comparing them only because that's probably a big reason as to why a lot of people would like to see the Patriots lose.

To be honest, I don't really care if they go undefeated or not. If they do, great, the Dolphins have more company, but if they don't then another team will eventually join them.

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Aaron, a Ravens fan from London (Isn't there a team called the London Ravens? Or maybe it's the Raving Londoners?), feels that with Baltimore's season about to collapse, maybe it might be a good time to plug in rookie Troy Smith and see what happens. Not so quickly, mom ami. Their 4-5 record, plus their defense, still has them within sniffing distance of the playoffs. And Kyle Boller did lead them to a division championship once. So it's not time to cash in the season just yet. Don't worry. I'll let you know when.
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Probably because if they did go undefeated, there would be an atomic explosion of bandwagoning and douchebagginess erupting from New England. They're already the smuggest fans in the world, why give them this as well?
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