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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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Because they got off to a nice start, and gave the fans false hope.

Plus it looked like the offense would really open up with Johnson, but Mike Martz is proving that he is really an abysmal offensive coordinator. I think we all knew the defense would be bad, but they have been surprisingly good at times, but also disgustingly bad at others. They need a lot of work.

And while they do have bigger holes than the QB position, I've become increasingly soured on Kitna as the weeks have rolled on. He has no mobility, his arm strength is average at best, his decision making can be extremely poor at times, he holds the ball too long, and he has a tendency to fumble when he's not throwing picks.

I wish they hadn't IRed Drew Stanton, I'd have liked to seen him get some snaps this year if the opportunity arose.

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Because they got off to a nice start, and gave the fans false hope.

Plus it looked like the offense would really open up with Johnson, but Mike Martz is proving that he is really an abysmal offensive coordinator. I think we all knew the defense would be bad, but they have been surprisingly good at times, but also disgustingly bad at others. They need a lot of work.

And while they do have bigger holes than the QB position, I've become increasingly soured on Kitna as the weeks have rolled on. He has no mobility, his arm strength is average at best, his decision making can be extremely poor at times, he holds the ball too long, and he has a tendency to fumble when he's not throwing picks.

I wish they hadn't IRed Drew Stanton, I'd have liked to seen him get some snaps this year if the opportunity arose.

You Lions fans are so fucking flaky. Martz is a genius, Martz is an idiot. Kitna is great, Kitna sucks. Detroit's been like the Giants, fraudulent. Never looked like a playoff calibre team.

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What are the odds, Detroit starts facing some hard teams, and the fans start bitching because they realize that their team was overrated to begin with. Classic Detroit fans. You only care about teams that are good. The Red Wings were the only good team, and everyone was part of Hockey Town, then the Pistons got good, so no one cared about the Red Wings, and then the Tigers suddenly get good and out of nowhere everyone is a Tigers fan.


Edited by SKA
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What are the odds, Detroit starts facing some hard teams, and the fans start bitching because they realize that their team was overrated to begin with. Classic Detroit fans. You only care about teams that are good. The Red Wings were the only good team, and everyone was part of Hockey Town, then the Pistons got good, so no one cared about the Red Wings, and then the Tigers suddenly get good and out of nowhere everyone is a Tigers fan.


Yeah, god forbid the Lions fans get angry over a losing culture that hasn't changed since the 1960s. We should all be shot for getting filled with false hope and getting annoyed with a team that either collapses or doesn't even show up to play.

I don't know about you, but the Detroit fans must be pretty loyal to consistently sell Ford Field out despite the shit team that we have been subjected to. And I don't know what you're talking about as far as "nobody cared about the Wings", seems that everybody that I knew that was into Hockey still loved the Wings regardless of the Pistons success. The Pistons have always had the full-support of Detroit as well. It's not really a shock though that people are more interested in a team when they are winning, it's a pretty simple equation. Interest can decline with a consistently shitty effort, it's amazing that people still keep Ford Field packed week in and week out.

As for Martz and Kitna? Things change over the course of the season. We knew Martz didn't like to run the ball, but three times today? That is inexcusable, and his drama queen attitude has worn thin with the fans out here. As for Kitna, he is a tough mother fucker but is probably not fit to be a starter in the NFL, his game just has too many flaws. It's easier to draw these conclusions after you've seen a few weeks of football, and change your mind when the beatings get more and more severe.

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Last year the Saints were the "New Orleans has hope" team.

This year the Saints are "Bringing New Orleans back to normal". That is, being an absolutely embarrassing football team.

Carolina pulls out the college playbook and *gasp* wins the game by 17. Might want to try some crazy stuff more often. Testaverde at wideout?

EDIT: I love how a delay of game is called because Palmer had the snap a half-second after the play clock hit zero, so they blow a whistle three seconds into the play, spend another 10 calling the penalty, and another 10 seconds moving the ball back and resetting.

Edited by Gorilla Monsoon
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I don't know what to say bout Detroit. They are a team that you can see have tons of potential, but they are missing a few pieces. I don't think the O line needs to be overhauled. We need to switch at least one tackle. I would like to get Jake Long because he is the best linemen int he draft, but I doubt they get a shot at him. On defense the secondary is what Detroit really needs. Linebackers are decent to good, dline are decent to at times great, but the secondary is awful. ether by draft or free agency, we need a cb and another safely.

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I didn't figure that it was, it seems that anytime I watch a Patriots game, they seem to get an insane amount of calls go their way and from the last bit of the replay I did catch it looked bogus, but thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt and ask.

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