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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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Yeah I wonder how many more Ted Johnsons Belicheck's "Revenge" is going to ultimately create, and for what? To make you feel better because you got caught cheating? Hey Zero, its just a game, but don't you think thats taking it way to far?

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I feel I have to say that my objection against the Pats is two-fold - Tom Brady got too many gifts from the Good Fairy at birth and if they went 16-0, Boston would explode in a fucking avalanche of smuggery. Everyone else on them (except Belichick), I wish nothing but good things for. Especially Matt Light, because his name just sounds like the name of a badass.

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True, but that's a distant second. Light implies that this nigga's not going to be taking no shit from the Forces of Darkness. Fuck, if it were him against the Balrog, he'd block that fucker until the Balrog just gave up. He'd be all "GRR GTFO BALROG", none of that pansy talk for him. He'd stand like that:


You know that motherfucker was a Viking in a past life. And a cowboy. And a pirate.


That is a fucking measty beard. That beard could block Jevon Kearse by itself, the rest of its body was just weighing it down.

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And if the game is absolutely over after 3, why keep your starters in?

Because they fucking can. There isn't a rule saying... you must stop and not score to make lead X big.

Let's face it. This is professional football. Every team is to make an effort to field the best possible team out there. With a salary cap, and a strong pool of available players, every team has a chance to win. It is not the Patriots fault that they have many great talents, and their opponents are shit. If anything, it's like ... hey, come at us, we're this fucking good. You come stop us now.

Edited by Lowerdeck
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And someone will, when Matt Light isn't looking/asleep, crush Brady with a car.

And while we're on this Chuck Norris moment, Matt Cassell will throw three touchdowns to Kyle Brady against the Dolphins in the battle of backups. And some backup running back, I think we're down to Kevin Faulk now, will rush for 125 yards and three scores too.

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I'm done here. Yeah, they should keep all their starters in till the final whistle when they're up 56-7, because thats how its supposed to be done in the NFL. You people are arguing like what the Pats are doing is a common fucking occurance in the NFL. Pull your heads out of your asses, the game of football is a great, historic game and should be treated with respect. Every other team in the league plays it under certain unwritten rules and the Pats are telling everyone to go fuck themselves, since they got caught cheating. Yeah, lets all root for that, I'm sure you're huge Barry Bonds fans too.

I wish I could see the same league you guys do where apparently every team winning in a blowout keeps all their starters in during the 4th quarter and goes for it on 4th and 1 situations, because apparently that happens all the fucking time and I just completely miss it.

Belicheck's a disrespectful piece of shit, always has been and its fucking sickening to see him be painted as some great guy.

The only time I'll be back to this thread is if someone cheap shots Brady so I can say I told you so. Its been great debating with all of you, especially all of you great Pats fans who've been supporting the team so much the past few years as evidenced by all your posts in the past NFL threads. :rolleyes: (Naiwf and Lowerdeck, excluded from that comment.)

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I'm not a Pats fan at all... hell, the only teams I even care about are the Bengals and the Packers (and that's just because of Favre). I just can't stand all these people that take a sport this seriously. If you can run up the score, do it. If you want to celebrate in the end zone, do it. At the end of the day, football is no different than professional wrestling, it's there for entertainment. To me, people complaining about the Patriots just sound like a bunch of teenage girls whining about the girl that made the cheerleading squad over her.

This is pretty much how I've wanted to word it. Thanks.

Also. Matt Light is a badass.

Edited by damshow
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I'm not a Pats fan at all... hell, the only teams I even care about are the Bengals and the Packers (and that's just because of Favre). I just can't stand all these people that take a sport this seriously. If you can run up the score, do it. If you want to celebrate in the end zone, do it. At the end of the day, football is no different than professional wrestling, it's there for entertainment. To me, people complaining about the Patriots just sound like a bunch of teenage girls whining about the girl that made the cheerleading squad over her.

This is the most inteligent post in the history of the Sports section. I wish I could've worded it so well. Thank you.

Edited by De
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I'm not a Pats fan at all... hell, the only teams I even care about are the Bengals and the Packers (and that's just because of Favre). I just can't stand all these people that take a sport this seriously. If you can run up the score, do it. If you want to celebrate in the end zone, do it. At the end of the day, football is no different than professional wrestling, it's there for entertainment. To me, people complaining about the Patriots just sound like a bunch of teenage girls whining about the girl that made the cheerleading squad over her.

This is the most inteligent post in the history of the Sports section. I wish I could've worded it so well. Thank you.

What's that slurping sound? Anyway, to get the conversation off this subject, I offer a question for you:

By some miracle of chance, you become the only person eligible to vote on the Pro Bowl starters. My question isn't who do you pick, but what one player do you pick that is a surprise?

Aw, you changed it.

I edited that post because it sounded too much like slurping lol.

Anyway. The one player I pick that is a surprise? I don't know if it'd qualify as a "surprise" but since the offense is so bad I guess it could. McGahee is 3rd in the NFL in rushing yards and if he was used as much as the Ravens could use him, would probably lead the NFL despite Peterson's injury (or at least would come close).

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And seriously, who didn't see damshow posting that? I can only agree myself, though, because the AFC superbacks have all disappointed and if Billick recognised that we have a fucking excellent running back that can be used to take some of the pressure off Boller/McNair/TROY SMITH PUT TROY SMITH IN GODDAMMIT, he'd be putting up unfair numbers.

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Very few teams in NFL history have been as good as the Patriots. Shit, none really. Few have gotten close, but this is just simply incredible.

I think some teams had they been good enough, they would have done exactly what the Patriots are doing now. 85 Bears for example, or the Steelers teams in the 70s. They were great teams to begin with, but just imagine if they were a little better. Capable of truly running up scores like the Pats 2007 are. You think they wouldn't? Hell, the 85 Bears were cocky sons of bitches... Super Bowl Shuffle anyone? The 70s Steelers roided up and wanted to be the biggest meanest baddest bunch of motherfuckers in the world.

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Run up the score if you must, put in your backups if you can. End of debate right there. Running up the score isn't exactly classy, but doing it with your starters just for shits and giggles is crossing the line and asking for trouble.

Now that that's over with, I'm applying for the job of Carolina offensive coordinator.

My game plan is this:

1) Throw to Smith

2) Reverse/end around to Smith

3) Kick return? Steve Smith.

4) Punt return? Steve Smith.

5) #2 receiver: Chris Gamble

6) 3rd and long? Hail Mary!

I think I could get hired.

EDIT: Scary thought of the week: Patriots offense, "Sexy" Rex(y) Grossman at QB. Could they be held to under 100?

Edited by Gorilla Monsoon
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