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Official NFL 2007 Thread


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Yes, you filthy Redskin booster you.

Cowboys have proven more than the Giants as they've beaten more than one team that currently sits with a winning record, including the Giants twice. Plus the defending NFC champions.

It really must suck to have Eli Manning as your QB, can you ever have any faith in him? If he ever looks consistent and confident one game, he'll look horrible the next. He's the Frank Stallone of NFL QBs.

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Yes, you filthy Redskin booster you.

Cowboys have proven more than the Giants as they've beaten more than one team that currently sits with a winning record, including the Giants twice. Plus the defending NFC champions.

It really must suck to have Eli Manning as your QB, can you ever have any faith in him? If he ever looks consistent and confident one game, he'll look horrible the next. He's the Frank Stallone of NFL QBs.

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I think it'd be an interesting matchup. Both teams are about the same both offensively and defensively, but I think still think the Cowboys are the class of the NFC until proven otherwise (which we will see in a few weeks).

What do you mean 'until proven otherwise'? The Cowboys haven't proven shit. The one team they played with a pulse, the Patriots, beat them. I'm not saying that the Packers have done anything either, but fuck, the Cowboys haven't proven shit. They lose a first round playoff game, then open the season beating the teams they're supposed to beat, and they're the 'proven' class of the NFC?

I'll take Green Bay all day and TWICE on Sundays against that Cowboys team. Better defense, better QB, and if the running game gives them anything, they'll win the NFC. The Cowboys are horribly overrated, and its simply because they have a star on their helmets.

Shit, I'll go a step further. There's ONE division in the AFC the Cowboys could win, the AFC West, and I'm not sold on that, considering the way San Diego played against Indy. Indy, San Diego, New England, Pittsburgh, Tennessee, and Jacksonville are all better than Dallas. The NFC is horrible.

Gah, I HATE Cowboys fans. Worse than freakin' Notre Dame fans. It's sad, because I actually LIKE the Cowboys, or, at least, did, when they had the Triplets, but I HATE their fans.

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Yes, you filthy Redskin booster you.

Cowboys have proven more than the Giants as they've beaten more than one team that currently sits with a winning record, including the Giants twice. Plus the defending NFC champions.

It really must suck to have Eli Manning as your QB, can you ever have any faith in him? If he ever looks consistent and confident one game, he'll look horrible the next. He's the Frank Stallone of NFL QBs.

But we're talking about the Cowboys and the Packers, not the Giants.

But yeah, Favre > Romo which is why I think the Packers will win. It will come down to one of them making a play; Favre will make it, Romo won't.

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This past game against the Vikings should prove to some people that Ryan Grant can run the ball. He did, after all, rush for over 100 yards against a team that hadn't given up a 100 yard game to any RB with the closest being Marion Barber with 96. So that doesn't necessarily prove anything concrete but one could argue that the Packers aren't as bad as one would think.

Besides, I didn't expect the Packers to make it to their current record without a running game but they have and now they're showing signs of having one (with Grant now going over 100 yards twice in three starts).

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Yes, you filthy Redskin booster you.

Cowboys have proven more than the Giants as they've beaten more than one team that currently sits with a winning record, including the Giants twice. Plus the defending NFC champions.

It really must suck to have Eli Manning as your QB, can you ever have any faith in him? If he ever looks consistent and confident one game, he'll look horrible the next. He's the Frank Stallone of NFL QBs.

But we're talking about the Cowboys and the Packers, not the Giants.

But yeah, Favre > Romo which is why I think the Packers will win. It will come down to one of them making a play; Favre will make it, Romo won't.

So we're not allowed to talk about the Cowboys when they play well? The Giants were hyped as perhaps the best team in the NFC going into yesterday's game and that we beat them, swept them even, is big.

Favre and Romo have been playing at a similar level this year. Sure Favre probably is the better QB with all his experience but Romo has weapons around him, Favre doesn't have nearly as many. I don't know how you can say Romo wouldn't make a play when one is needed, he's done it all season. If it comes down to one thing it will likely be one of the defenses making a key stop and the Cowboys have the better D.

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I don't really care to talk about the Cowboys\Packers game, except to say I think it'll be a good game, and I agree with dwsnuk.

However, I hope the Cowboys RAPE the Redskins, because I am sick to death of my father's usual bs. He's a Redskins fan who hates Dallas (I'm a Cowboys fan, but I don't hate Washington) and to hear him tell it, you'd think the Cowboys were the Ric Flair of football teams; I can't even watch a Cowboys game with him without him making excuses every time Dallas' D does good or their offense scores a TD. You'd think they were holding or committing pass interference (offensive OR defensive) every single play, to hear him tell it.

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Yes, you filthy Redskin booster you.

Cowboys have proven more than the Giants as they've beaten more than one team that currently sits with a winning record, including the Giants twice. Plus the defending NFC champions.

It really must suck to have Eli Manning as your QB, can you ever have any faith in him? If he ever looks consistent and confident one game, he'll look horrible the next. He's the Frank Stallone of NFL QBs.

But we're talking about the Cowboys and the Packers, not the Giants.

But yeah, Favre > Romo which is why I think the Packers will win. It will come down to one of them making a play; Favre will make it, Romo won't.

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You think Greg Jennings, James Jones, Donald Driver & Ryan Grant trump Terrell Owens, Patrick Crayton, Jason Witten, Marion Barber and Julius Jones?

You forgot to mention Dallas' third best INT total in the NFL and with a QB that likes to throw them, the Packers could well struggle against our D whereas I don't think Green Bay's D could contain our offense. The Giants have a better defense than the Pack yet we torched them for 76 points in two games.

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The Packers D is MUCH better than the Cowboy's D. Unless Favre turns back into the Favre of the last couple years, and face it, it would have happened already if it was going to, I don't see the Cowboys winning.

And yeah, the Packers secondary can contain the Cowboy's passing attack. They have the best corners in the NFC.

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