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Fun With Photoshop.


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Practice really. :P

The main things I would suggest are; learn how to use the Clone Tool and Healing Brush Tool's like a pro. I'm pretty good with them, but I'm not an expert.

My boss brought in a couple of photographs that her nephew had scribbled all over in biro the other day, I was able to remove all trace of it with those two tools and a few other tricks I've picked up along the way. It took hours, but you can't tell any more.

Umm, learn about shadows and lighting, and how shadows and lighting affect textures. (I'm rubbish at this, fucking horrible with shadows.. just awful)

Hmm, learn how to brighten pictures with Curves and Levels rather than brightness and contrast. Read up on altering the strength of individual colours in an image (Say, increase the red without altering the blue)

Stuff like that.

It's fun to dick around with pictures.

Oh.. and don't forget the good old fashioned airbrush and wacom tablet.

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Ok, I took a shot at this after reading a quick tutorial I tried something very small. It's almost not noticeable to be honest, but I tried to clear it up a bit.







You can't tell unless you look closely, but there is a bit of a difference. It doesn't look so drown out to me now.

I also got excited with red levels and got this, which I quite enjoy:


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I just opened up the original picture.

Try some of the following...

- Remove the crows feet

- Lessen the smile marks

- Shrink his Adams apple

- Whiten his teeth

- Remove the stray hairs on his forehead

- Fix the dimple on his chin

- Make his eyes bluer

He looks a lot younger.

If you need any help, just ask.

Edit: Knocked up a low-res gif of me making him younger...


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Crows feet are the crinkles next to the eyes

A good tip is to take the clone stamp tool, but lower the opacity, so it's not as harsh.

Also, I hate Keith for making me realise how imperfect Mark is. dry.gif

Bahahaha, it's not that really.. I mean in the original post, some of those people look like completely different women. It's fucking disgusting. It really is just a collection of overtly airbrushed plastic models that get slapped on the front of magazines. I hate it. I'm not endorsing the way this stuff is used to further the phoney image of women (and men) in magazines, but the use of such tools in moderation is vital to everything you do in photoshop.

How many times have you taken a photograph with red eye? Or a slight blur, or a girls hair blows across her face at the last second?

It's useful stuff to know.

*Gets off high horse*


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Ok, so I hit the wrinkles on the eyes and mouth the best I could. The smile/laugh lines are pretty much non-existent and his adams apple is cleared away as well. Also, the chin is cleared up a little and the tip of his nose.

K, what do you recommend for his teeth though?


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If you've been keeping separate documents, I'd go back a step. The latest one is a little too plastic around the cheeks. The previous one is excellent. It looks great, you tidied him up without making him look like a waxwork.

If you could take the cheeks of the previous one, with everything else of the latest one I think you'd be great.

(Edit: Actually I just opened both of your last two, and put the good cheeks on the good everything else one and it looks great. - definately do that)

To do the teeth, I converted the document to CMYK, selected the teeth with the marquee tool (Then feathered them a bit), flipped over to the yellow channel and reduced the amount of yellow on them by lowering the brightness slightly

(Remember, when you lower the brightness of a colour channel, you're not actually lowering the brightness of the image, rather just that colour, so you're darkening the instances of yellow)

Does that make sense?

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good job keith and toffee. I too hate the way they airbrush the models to death. nice little tip keith. The only time I switch to CMYK is either when I working for print or searching through the channels looking to see which ones make a better mask.

and yeah with the clone stamp too its all about low opacity I usually work with it at around 9-15 % opacity

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Keef, what do you suggest for these eyebrows?


And let me point out that I started with:


I'm trying not to go overboard and I think I've done a good job of cleaning up without going all Barbie & Ken.


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