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Is it better? Because the first is really fucking tedious.

The description for the firstsaid "a highway cop fuelled by revenge after bikers slay his family", and that doesn't even happen until the final act. Really crappy pacing or really crappy description, either way crappy.

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I saw Mad Max 2 first and when years later I saw the first one I was stunned that the nuclear war happened between films and the first one is just dick Aussies pissing about. Madness.

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The Expendables 2 (2012), I had to watch this again for JCVD, I loved the Norris cameo and some of the jokes but man is Van Damme an awesome baddie. He needs to be that more!

American Sniper (2014), enjoyed it but loved the book more and Bradley Cooper is climbing up more and more on my favorite actors list.

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It's been a day for me of watching great films by directing duos. This time, it's The Dardenne Brothers' The Silence of Lorna. I'm just mesmerised by the honesty of their style, like their use of camera, sound (or the absence of) and performance makes everything feel so real. It's another great film with an incredible lead female performance, and they just continue to be such a huge influence on me.

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More 1930s films! This time The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), aka the well-known Errol Flynn one.

Plenty of action which I feel I can only describe as 'rip-roaring' (it is the technical term), lots of super well-spoken British types (well you have got Flynn and Basil Rathbone opposite each other...), and of course lots of vibrant TECHNICOLOR visuals. 'Twas all the good things I expected and heartily so.

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Margin Call (2011) can be summarised as little more than a series of meetings with increasingly-important people having the (impending) financial crisis explained to them and reacting with some variant of "...fucking hell..." - and yet I find myself enjoying it. I think its cast (Kevin Spacey, Zachary Quinto, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons, etc.) has LOTS to do with this.

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I decided to watch The Unbelievers. In watching this, I'm seeing that the arguments presented are being presented practically in a vacuum. Then again, I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, given that it's the same impression I got with the books which the main focuses of the movie wrote.

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