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Napoleon Dynamite 2/10

I went into this with hot anticipation, the one huge cult film I haven't seen in the last couple of years (that I cared about), everyone loves it. After having watched it I realised something, it didn't even begin. A lame attempt at being unfunny to be funny. The only highlight is Pedro whose bumbling only serves to make you realise that a film can be just watchable even for one character, but then two marks out of ten probably isn't a good thing.

:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

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Lucky Number Slevin 5/10

Bad film. ALL style over substance. So far up its own ass it's un-believable, its nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is, you know the twist about 0.3 seconds into the film. Some say Lucy Liu is really good in it, but I dont know how you can tell when everyone is so as obviously average as each other. Add dialogue thats so bad I wish I'd had my ears cut off with a particularly rusty scythe upon buying a ticket, and this is a BAD film. With the style and dialogue it is trying SO hard to be a 'cool' film like Pulp Fiction, whereas Pulp Fiction was so effortless. It may get a higher rating if just for one split second you actually gave a damn about, or even liked a character, but you don't.

Visually it's certainly very striking and eye-catching (once you get over the 'yeah, like that looks even slightly real' aspect, the sets and style of the film are actually quite good). Whoever was in charge of creating the sets and colour in the film can actually come away from this with anything. I admit, it could easily be worse, so maybe it's not all bad, but it certainly isn't good.

Edited by timmayy smothers
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Syriana 8/10

Firstly, I wasn't in great shape to see this, on account of having no sleep the night before and was very close to nodding off all the way through.

This is in no part due to the film, as it is very good, well acted and the different stories all come together well and I like the style of filming. Overall, very well done. It is however a 'mood' film, as in you HAVE to be in the mood to concentrate and follow things through, it can be very easy to miss stuff in this. I obviously wasn't in said mood. As such, I'd like to see it sometime when I can actually watch it properly. Its like I'm giving it 8 for the style, the performances, the structure and the bits I can really remember (which were all good).

Oh, it is a VERY slow starter.

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Code 46 - 7/10

Part sci-fi odyssey and part-love story, Code 46 emcompasses the best parts of the team of director Michael Winterbottom and writer Frank Cottrell Boyce. Winterbottom has a natural knack for directing movies and especially directing love scenes and getting into his characters whereas Boyce also is able to write relatable characters even when the situation is so much different than the ones we see today. Sure, Boyce isn't the strongest screenwriter in the world, but he and Winterbottom know what they want and turn this tale into their own creation.

It also helps that the team gets talents like Tim Robbins and Samantha Morton on board, who both play convincing lovers. Now, I can't say it's the best take on totalitarianism and some the dialogue by Boyce does need its fair share of polishing but it's a layered love story and thriller with futuristic overtones that works.

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Rashomon - 9/10

How many movies are made these days with this much to say? Better yet, how many modern movies have anything to say beyond topical political statements? What a fucking gem, and further indication (in a larger sense) that we really aren't in a golden era of cinema that the Academy seems to think we are (read: they don't make 'em like this anymore).

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I must've got completely the wrong impression of this film from the trailer. It looked decent. Turned out to be long, drawn out, boring, and nothing really happened. Call me an old fart but there was far too much unecessary swearing as well. Disappointed.

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That was Kiefer Sunderland, I need to see that.

I watched Date Movie the other day, heh. It was alright, nothing spectacular but it did have a fair few funny moment to it.

6/10 for humour alone.

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The Hills Eyes Have Eyes

8/10 - Starts off slow but once it gets going it's an extremly intense experience. The girl next to me started crying and her boyfriend/husband took her out of he theater and they didn't come back.

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V for Vendetta - 8.5/10

Definitely the best work of the Wachowskis since The Matrix (which admittedly isn't too big an achievement). I haven't read the comic, but if this is even a half-decent adaptation I need to read it immediately (plus I love Alan Moore's work in general). Hugo Weaving is great as V and Stephen Fry pretty much steals every scene he's in, especially the talk show segment. Definitely go see it.

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A History Of Violence

Surprised the hell out of me. Cronenberg's best work that I have seen. A History Of Violence had a really intriguing plot, it didn't openly say much but it did tell you everything. The action sequences were excellently shot. I thought the acting was good, and overall it was great. The ending was good too, leaving you to wonder if the main character could continue life as normal. Cronenberg's love of gore is maintained, which was pretty funny to me.


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