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Serenity - 9/10

As much as I'm sure you were expecting this number or perhaps even something slightly higher, let me stress enough that I'm really trying to be impartial here. Ah screw it: this is probably the smartest action/sci-fi movie I've seen since The Matrix. Walking the line between "TV-movie" and "movie adapted from TV", Joss Whedon has successfully created a self-contained story that should appeal to old and new fans alike. After existing in a somewhat tertiary role on the series, Summer Glau's River Tam comes the the forefront as her increasingly erratic behavior begins to make the crew rethink their decision to keep her aboard the ship, but are forced to stand by her and her brother Simon when it becomes clear that the goverment's quest to recapture these two fugitives lies in something River knows, something they are willing to kill to protect. Nathan Fillion is at his darkest as Mal Reynolds, the ship's captain, who throughout the film struggles with his own moral objectivity and the need to provide for and protect his crew. The biggest philosophical question in the film is laid out by a young River Tam in the opening scene: people don't like being told how to live. Mal, a volunteer in the film's equivalent of the Confederate Army (sans all the slavery), is the embodiment of this spirit, and is often guided by it. On a production side of things, this film looks much bigger than it's 40 million dollar budget; the space sequence towards the end is on par with anything seen in the Star Wars films, and the choreographed fight scenes are equally compelling. This is a film that looks good, is interesting and also ambitious. It's everything that has been missing from movies in recent years. How appropriate that it takes a TV-guy to give us that. Thumbs way up; a must see for fans of the action/adventure or science fiction genres.

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Bully - 6/10

From director Larry Clark, who delivered the sexual antics and sheerly disturbing film known as Kids, comes another embrace of teens, lots of nudity/sex, violence, and language. With Bully, Clark aims to make a film with dark shades and does gain attention for what he shows. But he takes it one step further. This isn't playful antics a la The Dreamers or Dangerous Liasons. This is much more sinister. However, there's perhaps too much focus on Clark using the sex and violence with teens mantra. And the characters create an aura of awful pretentiousness themselves (though, I will agree that is probabaly the point).

But it's not a bad film, it actually embraces what I loved about Lion's Gate movies before they became known as the company with the horror films. In the era pre-Saw and The Punisher, LGF was willing to play edgy with movies that if a bigger studio put out, would've hardly had the same impact (and would've been horribly edited). And while this isn't as brilliant as other LGF films (TROA, Frailty, and Secretary were much more daring and brilliant in my mind), it does work its dark elements well.

Just stop hiring Michael Pitt, bitch.

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I watched Army Of Darkness early this morning, around 3 AM.

Fucking good movie. The green screen stuff is terrible, yet funny, and the claymation skeletons (?) are downright hilarious. Good movie. Bruce Campbell has won me over.

"Hail to the king, baby!" :lmao:

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Serenity - 9 out of 10

One of the best movies I've seen, and I've seen a hell of a lot. Wonderfully scripted, well acted, and with a familiar yet innovative storyline. It certainly isn't an exagerration when reviewers compare it favourably to the original Star Wars films.

That said, don't expect it to be Star Wars rehashed. It's a franchise in the making all of its own.

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Serenity (for the third time) - 9/10

Note to all who see this movie: keep an ear out for the person doing the voice over that says "The Operative" has "full access".

Edited by A Gun Called Vera
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