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Guest John Kerry's Evil Twin

Scary Movie: 7/10

Scary Movie 2: 6.5/10

South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut: 9.5/10. Shut your fucking face, Uncle Fucker...

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War of The Worlds: 7.5/10

It transitions seamlessly from giant action to little moments. Unfortunately, going into the movie, I knew how it ended, having seen the 1957 version years ago on tv. But as such, I was glad to see very very nice touches in the creature design.

If you plan to see this movie, be warned: it is much more about the family unit than it is about the invasion (we're not even given a reason for it, except that the invaders were jealous of us... somehow) or how the world reacted to it. But that's not to say that there's no action. The first half of the film plus is pretty much non-stop edge-of-your-seat awesomeness. What's that? You want death rays? You got 'em! Giant lumbering robots? Check! Earthquakes? Explosions? Massive body count? Check, check... er, well... not check on the last one, and you'll understand if you see the movie. Suffice to say that the invading force has a few different ways of... disposing of bodies.

If you've seen commercials or trailers, you've probably gathered that Ray (Tom Cruise) is trying to get himself and his two kids away from this. And that's where the film stays. It's very straightforward and linear, with nothing to steer the plot off-track. The characters are sidelined for a little bit while hiding out with a crazy man, played by Tim Robbins. Incidently, considering my general distaste for Mr. Robbins, there was one scene involving him that occured behind closed doors that I would have liked to see. But oh well.

I enjoyed the interaction between father and son (especially since the son was a Sox fan) because they both acted toward each other as I do toward everyone else: as a jerk. It was as if I stepped into some weird universe and there were two clones of mine barking back and forth at each other, and I admit, I felt a little outperformed.

But while the son was interesting, the daughter (Dakota Fanning) had little more to do during the first half than scream. And WOW does she have a set of lungs. Sometimes I wished that Cruise had turned around to the backseat and smacked her and said "SHUT UP! YOU ARE NOT HELPING!" But then she probably would've screamed more, so, oh well. At one point during the film, the son, Robbie, tells Ray that his only motivation in going to Boston is to dump them (the kids) off on their mom so he can worry about himself. I gotta tell ya, I wouldn't blame him.

Overall, it's a fun flick. Is it a great film? Almost. There's nothing new, nothing innovative, and nothing to make you think (except maybe how to plan against an alien invasion), and the ending might turn some people off. If you plan to see it, understand that it really is just a summer popcorn flick. With that in mind, you probably won't be disappointed.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I can't read your opinions on this movie without stopping and saying 'What the Fuck?' I and the 2 people I watched it with couldnt understand how it got good reviews.

Shit Start, Shit Middle, Shit End.

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I can't read your opinions on this movie without stopping and saying 'What the Fuck?' I and the 2 people I watched it with couldnt understand how it got good reviews.

Shit Start, Shit Middle, Shit End.

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Alien vs. Predator - 6.5/10

Honestly not as bad as I had heard. I heard it was god-awful, but I actually enjoyed it. I did hate the stupid wise-cracks the black girl had to make like "you're one ugly blah blah" or whatever, it was just stupid. The actors and the dialogue were the worse part. The plot, in my opinion was actually quite good, and made sense from the Alien films and from the tiny bit I've seen from the Predator films. Mind you, the only part of a Predator film I've seen is the end of Predator 2 when Danny Glover seens the room with markings on the wall or whatever. <_<

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Million Dollar Baby : 10/10 - great movie with a good cast , but the ending is depressing

Buffalo '66 - 6/10 - good movie

White Noise : 8/10 - great movie ! Finally Keaton is back

Be Cool - 10/10 : Love the movie. An all star cast with some hilarious moments

American Physco : 10/10 - what else can I say . patrick bateman is one sick puppy. "Don't just stare at it , Eat it!" lol

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Back to the Future II 6.5/10

Not as good as the first by a fair stretch. The story isn't as engaging, nor is it as funny. It also jumps about too much between time periods. It's not bad, but simply nowhere near as enjoyable as the first.

The war of the worlds (original 50's ?) version 6/10

One thing I do really like about this one is the greater role the narrator plays, he fully explains why earth? and better explains the way in which the aliens are actually defeated, as well as summing up whats happening elsewhere in the world. It really hepls gain a sense of a global invasion. It also possibly has the slightly better story (I know its the same idea, but it is slightly changed for the new remake). However, this story isn't told anywhere near as well as it is in the new version, the acting is 1000 times worse then it is in 2005, and it lacks any drama nor is it engaging. The remake lifts some scenes right from this, the difference been the 2005 version has tension and drama in these scenes that appear in both, and these simply don't. Overall, despite its good bits, and slightly better story, and despite the remake's occasional flaw and naff ending, the remake is a lot, lot better than this. It's not a bad way to spend a lazy summer afternoon, but nothing to go back for.

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The Next Karate Kid:

Not as bad as I thought it would be. It has Miyagi, so all is well. 5/10

Point Break:

This is one of my two favorite movies ever. I've seen it a million times. 10/10 as always.

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Willy Wonka and the Choclolate Factory - 7/10

It doesn't get good until the first appearance of Wonka, but after that, oh how sweet it is.

This may be a warmup to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, if I decided to watch that at the theatres today.

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The remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - 7/10

The major thing that will be the problem with this is that you'll be comparing it to the original all the way through and they seem to rush through things in the movie. Like remember that trippy, awesome ride through the tunnel? It's not even in this one. Remember the whole side-storyline with "the spy" (that guy in the top hat with glasses) in the original? It was scrapped too same with the whole "Gobstopper" part. The factory scenes seemed rushed through too. Of course there's some other changes too, but they aren't that important.

But what they took out, they added some interesting stuff too, the best one is that there's flashbacks of Willy Wonka's childhood. And Depp is brilliant in the role of Wonka. They made the Wonka character a bit stranger and darker than the orignal and it works out fine. They also took out most of the musical bits, except they remade the "Ompa Doompa Doompity Doo [insert Moral Here]" songs.

In all it's still a damn entertaining movie.

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 7/10

Nice book adaptation, which doesn't compare to the "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" while better isn't a good book adapt. Burton did a good job directing and the effects and colors were great.


The oompa loompa songs dated themselves, in my opinion... left more to be desired.

The cheap comedy jokes... which leads me to my biggest problem.

Johnny Depp's acting. Oh the horror... the horror!!!

As I went in to this movie, I urge the rest to as well... do not go in thinking this is a remake of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"... this is more of a book adaptation which is why it sticks with the title "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and it focuses more on Charlie than the previous.

Even though these are two different movies, it is hard not to say, "Why even attempt this, when Gene Wilder was so good?" And he was, but this is a totally different flavor. I was impressed how they tried to distance themselves from people trying to say this is a remake of that movie...

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