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Lots of of good stuff in the cinema at the moment / coming out soon. 

Cold War is extraordinary, a heart-breaking story spanning over a decade squeezed into ninety minutes, it left me in an emotional daze. The cinematography is out of this world - so worth catching. 

Didn't think much of Yardie. It messy, rushed, under-developed. The acting was predictably great, as is usually the case when an actor directs, and the design and costumes are excellent, but the story missed its emotional beats for me.

Crazy Rich Asians was super charming, felt fresh and felt like it had something to say. It suffers from conforming rigidly to a blockbuster format but it gets a pass because it's so likeable and the last few scenes deliver the goods.

The Miseducation of Cameron Post rocks and is well worth seeing. Chloe Mortez definitely gives a career-best performance in a film that finds the perfect tonal balance, allowing it to be fun, satirical and heart-breaking. It's a compassionate and empathetic character study and someone needs to give Desiree Akhavan more money to make more good shit. 

Hoping to catch a bunch of stuff over the next few weeks - The Rider, Faces, Places, Climax and the new MIA doc all look great.

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Game of Thrones, S3E2 (Dark Wings, Dark Words)

  • Or alternative title: Good Afternoon Westeros w/Olenna Tyrell
  • Yep, head canon has all but confirmed "The Artist Formerly Known As" Jon Snow will, at some point next season, learn about Catelyn trying to love him as a son.
  • Arya's third-best team begins this episode. (In descending order: Arya/Tywin, Arya/Gendry :wub:, Arya/Hound)
  • Jaime's arrival at Winterfell in Season 8's gonna be good, maybe a friendlier rematch with Brienne is in order.
  • Karstark's got the right of it: Robb done goofed and lost the war after he thought with his dick instead of his head.
  • Another comment about wholesome characters dying, this time about Meera Reed. :(
  • Best non-Olenna line goes to Cersei regarding Margaery's silly dresses that totally aren't distracting :shifty:
  • That lad who offered to rescue Theon seems like a nice chap, it'd be a shame if this is some elaborate ruse :shifty:
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Won't You Be My Neighbor is such a great film about such a great man who I think we desperately need today. I am not ashamed to be in tears right now.

I still miss Mr. Rogers.

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Game of Thrones, S3E4 (And Now His Watch Has Ended)

  • "Might I sit?" "No."
  • Alternate episode title: Olenna and Friends
  • Why'd nobody warn me that that nice young lad who rescued Theon turned out to be faking the rescue? :(
  • Jeor had the best exit from the show to date. Fight me.
  • I can never remember how to spell Margaery's name, but more gushing for her as The Sisterhood of the Funny Dresses continues.
  • BRB trying to find somewhere online where I can learn to cuss out people in Valyrian.
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  • 2 weeks later...

General thoughts on Season 3 of Game of Thrones:

  • More sold on Fabio-lookalike Daario than I was before I started.
  • S3E5, Arya asking if Thoros could bring her father back :crying:
  • S3E3, the most logical song to play over such a dramatic episode ending is DRUNK BAR SINGALONG of The Bear and the Maiden Fair. Still love it for how out of left field it is.
  • Speaking of ending songs, the lack of one after the Red Wedding really sold the impact of it.
  • Mhysa is a great song. Nothing to date has topped Light of the Seven, but that's a really fucking high bar.
  • Still like Roose Bolton, regardless of his backstabbery.
  • Too early to assume Sansa and Tyrion will be end-game stuff?
  • D'awww Brienne and the Hound's little murder child :wub:
  • Already said it, but am saying it again: Shireen Baratheon is 9000% too wholesome for this show.
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I stay out of the actual Marvel threads because I'm never caught up so I don't want things spoiled. Just watched the first two episodes of The Punisher on Netflix and I'm in love. I always thought that Thomas Jane was the ultimate Punisher but John Berenthal is just amazing in this role.

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Game of Thrones, S4E2 (The Lion and the Rose)

  • As objectively horrible as he is, Roose Bolton is one of my favorites in the show to date.
  • And so the journey to Matrix Bran begins.
  • I'm gonna miss Meera. :(
  • Little thing to note: pay attention to a certain camera cut during the wedding ceremony. Timestamp on my iTunes-obtained copy reads 29:24 if you want to seek it out. For the three people who haven't seen spoilers for the show or books, it more or less spoils the main event of the episode.
  • Speaking of main events: the reception. 
  • Well, little person War of the Five Kings farce certainly did it's job of making things uncomfortable.
  • Loras and Jaime is a pairing that could've been expanded on a bit more. Is this the only time they're in the same scene together?
  • "LOOK, THE PIE!" is soon gonna enter my lexicon of phrases to use when trying to distract someone.
  • Speaking of character deaths I'm looking forward to, next up is 

    Ser Meryn fuckin' Trant.


  • ASoS readers, how'd the show's Purple Wedding compare to the book version?
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