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Million Dollar Baby - ****1/2 (9/10)

Million Dollar Baby is a film that looks astounding on paper, and after a viewing, it's even better. Clint Eastwood directs the film and stars as Frankie Dunn, the ex-boxer who reluctantly takes on Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) as his student. Morgan Freeman is astounding as Eddie "Scrap-Iron" Dupris, Dunn's ex-fighter friend, and these three together give probably the best ensemble performance of the year. The screenplay is written by Paul Haggis (Crash), and his work is so good here that he's already been hired by Eastwood to write his next film. The film's look (due in large to Tom Stern's cinematography) enhances the story's dark image. Even at 132 minutes, this film does not run long in the slightest. I've lost my list of films for 2004, but this would have almost certainly been #2 for the year. Thumbs way up.

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Million Dollar Baby - ****1/2 (9/10)

Million Dollar Baby is a film that looks astounding on paper, and after a viewing, it's even better. Clint Eastwood directs the film and stars as Frankie Dunn, the ex-boxer who reluctantly takes on Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) as his student. Morgan Freeman is astounding as Eddie "Scrap-Iron" Dupris, Dunn's ex-fighter friend, and these three together give probably the best ensemble performance of the year. The screenplay is written by Paul Haggis (Crash), and his work is so good here that he's already been hired by Eastwood to write his next film. The film's look (due in large to Tom Stern's cinematography) enhances the story's dark image.  Even at 132 minutes, this film does not run long in the slightest. I've lost my list of films for 2004, but this would have almost certainly been #2 for the year. Thumbs way up.

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I've been experimenting with new scales for the films I review. I'm planning a full adjustment to just straight star ratings (the 0-**** scale) with possible full point grades (0-10) in parentheses. I'm also not palnning on elaborating the reviews I do today, but I'll do that if wanted.


Monster - ***1/2

Three and a half stars for Charlize Theron finally breaking a mold that held her back. Christina Ricci is awesome, too.


Shelter Island - *1/2

One and a half stars for decent atmosphere and terribly cliched stuff (not to mention, probable body doubles for the nudity...). It feels like In The Cut, as well, and is just as bad.

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Identity- 8.5/10 This movie pleasently surprised me. The people I know that have seen it say it sucks. Well, they obviously don't know good movies because this movie was great. The twist at the end ruled. The only complaint I have is the big bald guy's eyes. What the hell was up with his eyes?

Or they're just not easily impressed by the same tired, predictable twist ending backed up by a mediocre plotline. When a movie is so boring you're just begging for the "twist" ending so you can get something entertaining and then the twist winds up being the most trite ending in recent memory, then it's just not good. Too long, too boring, too predictable. I don't usually call people out on their movie ratings because to each his own, but when you say if someone doesn't like it, they don't know good movies, expect a reply.

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Identity- 8.5/10 This movie pleasently surprised me. The people I know that have seen it say it sucks. Well, they obviously don't know good movies because this movie was great. The twist at the end ruled. The only complaint I have is the big bald guy's eyes. What the hell was up with his eyes?

Or they're just not easily impressed by the same tired, predictable twist ending backed up by a mediocre plotline. When a movie is so boring you're just begging for the "twist" ending so you can get something entertaining and then the twist winds up being the most trite ending in recent memory, then it's just not good. Too long, too boring, too predictable.

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Identity- 8.5/10 This movie pleasently surprised me. The people I know that have seen it say it sucks. Well, they obviously don't know good movies because this movie was great. The twist at the end ruled. The only complaint I have is the big bald guy's eyes. What the hell was up with his eyes?

Or they're just not easily impressed by the same tired, predictable twist ending backed up by a mediocre plotline. When a movie is so boring you're just begging for the "twist" ending so you can get something entertaining and then the twist winds up being the most trite ending in recent memory, then it's just not good. Too long, too boring, too predictable. I don't usually call people out on their movie ratings because to each his own, but when you say if someone doesn't like it, they don't know good movies, expect a reply.

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A few Good Men 9/10

* I reserve the right to change the rating to an 8.5 at anytime, it was borderline.

I was closer to definitley giving it a 9, until the end.

(not wanting to spoil the ending) if the ending you expect happens, then it would just be a cliche, and maybe even a bit corny and over-done etc, etc.

If the opposite of that happens, then it would have killed the tone of the movie, and would have made the film pointless.

So, the ending that does happen is in between, which is good in theory, expect its like ' well, ok fair enough I guess........'

My point is it wasn't dynamic enough, and maybe lacked a sense of drama, and doesnt make you think 'yeah, what an awesome ending to a great film'.

Anyway, Cruise and Nicholson are fantastic, and everyone else is very good in their roles, possiblt bar a horribly average Demi Moore.

Very good, highly watchable film, with may twists and turns. Great courtroom drama, with plently of bits of comedy.

Edited by timmayy
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